Since he can't escape, and it's not murder, reih doesn't want to hide at all. He might as well try to repair himself with those forces, and then he will see if there is a chance to escape.

Round by round, the magic methods and the magic weapons all fell on reih. Reih felt his body sank, and then his body was imprisoned. Except for his head, he could barely move a little, and the rest couldn't move.

Reich looked up at the group of people standing in front of him and asked coldly, "what do you want to do? I don't think I've offended you

At this time, tianjizi came forward as a representative, and first introduced himself and said, "Leihe, Hello, my name is tianjizi. I don't know if you have heard of my name, but these people around me are all masters of Terran and demon clan. There is no hatred between us. The reason why we are here is that you are related to the trap of the world's cultivation world after you are promoted The hope of the world's cultivation world has been cut off, and then when I divined, I figured out that a new hope has appeared. This matter has nothing to do with you. "

At this time, the news of Leihe has been rummaged by those people. Unfortunately, they have been in this world for a short time, and they can't find their original seclusion place. It can be said that Wang canming is the one who knows Leihe best. Unfortunately, Wang canming doesn't know anything about them.

"I've heard about that hope, but I don't feel any hope, and whether you're not polite to me, and whether you should accept it. You are a group of people here. It can be said that I can't fly. It's really a great honor for so many of you to treat me as a boy." Leihe said with a smile, but his smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes.

After hearing Leihe's words, tianjizi couldn't help apologizing, "I'm sorry, we're not too nervous. In fact, we really don't mean any harm to you. After all, you represent the hope. I think you originally lived in seclusion well and suddenly came out. It's also related to hope. You don't want to be locked up in this world, do you?"

Tianjizi discusses with the people around him at this time, and then leaves the magic weapon of qingyunzi and qiongwu. Others are accepted. They don't want to annoy Leihe. It's better for them to get along with each other harmoniously.

The confinement on the body is much less, but those people are still very cautious, and they even left two. However, at this time, Leihe can change back to the human body. He directly changes back to the human body. In fact, he prefers the animal body, and it's very comfortable to stretch out. But these people look at his animal body one by one, and they want to scratch his appearance, and let Leihe quickly become a human. That's right Each one's eyes were too terrible, just like the hungry wolf who had been hungry for more than ten days. Rehe really worried that someone would rush forward and chew himself.

"It's a beautiful man." Green cloud son at this time smile ha ha of praise.

Qiong Wu frowned at this time, because most of the demons were not very good-looking. Except for the fox, he didn't expect that Lei he was also a beautiful man.

"In fact, I don't know what you said. The reason why we are born is that we have run out of resources and have no way." Leihe said lightly.

He really didn't know what hope was. What if these people wanted him to change a hope? He is still ignorant about the world, especially the world of cultivation. How can he know the hope? The reason why he doubts is that the way of heaven in the world is too good for them.

So the pie won't fall out of the sky.

"I think your family should all have ancient blood. Can you tell me what the blood of other people in your family is?" Tianjizi couldn't help asking at this time.

When tianjizi knows that Leihe has something to do with hope, he can't help but calculate the information of Jono. However, he finds that they can't calculate anything. Jono is just the strength of the foundation period. How can they not calculate it? So tianjizi is more curious about the family's origin and secrets.

Reich heard this and said, "I don't know." Leihe said that he really didn't know, for example, what dragon blood he had. Leihe said that he knew he was a snake beast from his birth, and there was no dragon at all, OK?

Tianjizi also knows that this should be Leihe's family's secret. It's impossible for others to tell him so easily. Moreover, Leihe now knows where his hope lies. He can say that he is confident and does not worry about his own safety at all. In that case, their ability to deal with Leihe is really limited.

"Lehr, we really have no malice to your family. You can hardly survive the robbery before. We all help you. The reason why we want to know your secret is to know the hope as soon as possible. Lehr, this is the hope of the world, you can't hide it." Tianjizi said patiently.

Leihe said with a wry smile, "we really don't know anything. You should have inquired with Wang canming. We don't even know the most basic common sense of self-cultivation. You think we will know the secrets that you don't know. I wonder how I evolved. Although I became a dragon strong, it's really beyond my control. I don't know what I am If you have this blood in your body, you can only say that you are lucky. Besides, as long as the snake demon has the blood of the dragon, it is possible to transform the dragon. Maybe there will be many snake demons who can transform the dragon in the future. "Tianjizi looks at Leihe's expression seriously. Leihe is very calm when he says this. As a strong person like them, he has a strong spiritual perception. It's hard to lie so calmly under their eyes. That is to say, Leihe's telling the truth.

In fact, I don't know and understand. Otherwise, the demon clan knows that there are so strong blood lines left outside. How can they ignore it? Even the half demon clan is not willing to give up.

"Since you don't know anything, we won't force you, but you have something to do with your hope. Please come to our side first." Qingyunzi said lightly.

Leihe also knows that it's certain to be a guest, and he can't refuse it. Besides, they have long wanted to go to those sects to absorb some information, but they didn't dare to go before. Now Leihe says that he can have a good look at their books if he's OK.

"Well, actually I know what I'm willing to tell you. Of course, if you treat me well and treat me like a prisoner, don't blame me for being rude." Leihe is very single to put forward his request, since he can't resist, why don't he enjoy it?

"Let's go." Tianjizi was surrounded by a group of people and walked out of the forest. The people around him knew that the excitement was over and they all went out.

This Leihe is arrested, but Leihe's a group of half demon family. At this time, all the people in Xiuzhen world have received the information of looking for this family. Moreover, it is said that the family disappeared near here. Even many yuan babies were looking for them, but they were not found.

Wang canming and Changshan are really silly when they see the development. They think that Jono disclosed the news of the half demon. Then Jono escaped, and Leihe advanced. Then they say that the clue of hope is Leihe. Let's see if these things are arranged by Jono. They think that they have been used all the time, and there is nothing at all There is no friendship at all. Wang can Ming is really tired at this time.

"Lost? There's nothing to lose. It's not a friend. Let's go. " When sun pangzi saw Wang canming's appearance, he put his hand around his shoulder and took him out.

Baiji and Mengji naturally pretend to look for people at this time. These two people have found the mark left by baikun. Only orcs can understand the mark. They don't have to worry about information leakage. They just know the direction of these people. These two people didn't look for it. After all, there are many eyes around them. They are sucking You can't lose your horse because of your hard work.

After confirming that this group of people can't find Jono, Baiji takes Mengji back to the demon world and watches Rehe's robbery. Baiji says that he has some ideas about how to spend Rehe's robbery. He has decided to wait for Mengji to do the robbery together. Of course, before the robbery, he needs to find a good place and arrange the array. He will never let these things happen People find out.

On the other hand, Yin Zhu's side, after Leihe passed the thunder robbery, Jono felt that the destructive power of Yin Zhu was gone. On the contrary, the power of restoration and rebirth was growing bit by bit. Another thing is that Yin Zhu did not wake up at this time, instead, he went into deep sleep.

"What's the matter with Yin Zhu?" Cheng an asks very worried.

Bai Kun sighed at this time, "there's nothing wrong with Yin Zhu's body. It should be Yin Zhu's evolutionary power that was inspired in advance by thunder robbery. However, Yin Zhu's own power is not enough, so it's Yin Zhu who fell into deep sleep. Only deep sleep can reduce the growth of that power. This should be one of the ways to balance the power of animal instinct."

"What about Yin Zhu?" Jono asked anxiously.

"There's nothing wrong with Yin Zhu now, but the best way is to give Yin Zhu strength. Otherwise, once a new force is too strong and Yin Zhu's body is not enough, it will drain Yin Zhu's body growth. So not all forces are good things. It's very important to act according to one's ability. " Bai Kun explained it very carefully.

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