"I don't know what's going on with Reich." Jono said anxiously.

At this time, Bai Kun takes a look at Yin Zhu's partner contract. The contract is still good, which shows that Lei he has nothing to do with it. As long as his life is not in danger, it's nothing. Besides, how to deal with it later, they should receive information later, but Yin Zhu's side is more difficult.

"Leihe, my father and mother will watch. There won't be a big problem. Let's think about how to deal with Yin Zhu." Bai Kun reluctantly reaches out and touches Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu is a silly girl. You say that Yin Zhu's partner is not one, or it won't be good without one or two. The female in the orc world is not like this. Even if she was sad at that time, she forgot it after time. Yin Zhu was so desperate that she tried to help Leihe bear the thunder, but she didn't think that she could bear it What should I do?

However, it was Yin Zhu's sincerity to them that moved him. Otherwise, how could he be moved to Yin Zhu.

"I think the place where we used to live is still hidden. Let's take Yin Zhu to live there first, and then let's guard Yin Zhu first. Once Yin Zhu's physical strength is out of control, he will lose his strength to Yin Zhu for the first time. Even if their strength drops to a level, it's OK. Anyway, as long as people are safe, their strength can be cultivated again." Jono thought.

Jono nodded and said, "you're right. Let's go out at night. It's estimated that there are still many people out there looking for us. Originally, they wanted to go out to make money and let Yin Zhu enjoy it. As a result, the plan can't keep up with the change. There's no time to do anything. That's it."

"Well, it's useless to sigh, so it's useless to plan a lot of times. I'm thinking that's how we're going to be promoted. What will my old man and old lady look like when they're going to be promoted?" Bai Kun is worried about whether his parents will be in danger. After all, those two guys are different from them.

In other words, they have merits and virtues. After all, they are the saviors of the orc world. But Baiji and Mengji are different. These two are disasters, and they can break through at any time. Bai Kun has no idea how strong these two are.

They don't know whether these two advanced Leihe will be the same as them. When Jono heard this, he couldn't help sighing. He reached out and patted baikun on the shoulder. Baikun worried more than them.

"I believe my uncles and aunts will pass on the news to us after a while. At that time, we will have a good chat and see what they want to do." Jono also hopes to have a good chat with the two elders at this time. After all, their experiences and wisdom are much better than them.

"Well." Bai Kun answered. It's true that parents should have their own coping style. He just needs to wait for the news.

It's just that Yin Zhu's side is OK. After Yin Zhu fell into a deep sleep, although the powerful force is still awakening, it has slowed down. Bai Kun wondered if Yin Zhu could evolve successfully without going to the advanced level according to this. However, it seems that Yin Zhu's shape has not changed much except for its larger size. Maybe Yin Zhu is not advanced? It's a pity that now they can only have a general perception, and the details can only be understood when Yin Zhu wakes up.

Unfortunately, now they dare not wake up Yin Zhu. They are worried that when Yin Zhu wakes up, that force will wake up too. If they can't keep up with that speed, Yin Zhu will have an accident.

Several people eat something to have a rest, and then wait for the night to fall. At this time, those people on Leihe's side have retreated. Qingyunzi and qiongwu have taken Leihe to the outside of Sifang prison. Baiji and Mengji find that Sifang prison is not on the mainland, but on the sea, on a small desert island, and outside the desert island If there is array concealment, you can't see it with naked eyes. That is to say, you can't find the island on the normal map.

The island is not far away from the mainland. These experts soon flew there. The island is also a square Island, also known as Sifang island. The island is full of various wild vegetation, but because of the presence of people, it is not too desolate.

When Leihe came here, he couldn't help looking at this place and looked at it carefully. Then he turned his head and looked at qingyunzi and qiongwu, "do you think this place can trap me?"

Tianjizi could not help shaking his head and said: "in fact, we didn't expect to trap you, because we also want to know where the hope is. If you are here all the time, you may not know where the hope is. We just want you to cooperate with us. As for coming here, we also want you to run in."

Reich couldn't help sneering when he heard this. He also heard for the first time that running in is to lock people up and run in slowly.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, he's not in a hurry. Jono is under his power, so he's not in a hurry. What's his hope? Take your time. Anyway, it's not their hope.

Seeing this, qingyunzi can't help sighing. To tell the truth, he always wants to say that he has no malice, no malice, but Leihe doesn't care about them at all. He has no choice but to invite Wang canming and Changshan sun pangzi. These people are familiar with Leihe, so they can accompany Leihe and persuade him.Wang canming felt a little embarrassed at this time. After all, their people arrested them, but now they have to persuade them. I'm sorry.

"Leihe, it's such a scene to meet again. I really don't know what to say. Some things can't be decided by our younger generation. I hope you don't blame us, but I still want to say it on behalf of our clan. In fact, we really don't have any malice towards you. We even think you are the reason for our hope. We will hold you in our hands." Wang canming thought for a moment, but he couldn't help saying something.

Here, he and Reich are the best acquaintances. What can he do if he doesn't talk.

When Leihe heard this, he nodded faintly. "In this case, I can do anything I want. Can you lend me some books about the skills of your mountain gates and the inheritance history of your ancestors? After all, you know that prison is boring. It's important to have something to pass the time."

"Well, I'll ask the people of zongmen." Wang canming thinks that it's OK to have a look at the history of this sect, but the skill depends on a few elders.

After hearing Leihe's request, Yunzi thought for a moment and said, "what do you want to do for him? Give him the skills within the foundation, and cut the ones behind." Anyway, Leihe is now in the golden elixir period, so he can't practice those skills. Let him have a look, and see if he can find out any loopholes. Of course, in order to avoid the leakage of the skills, these people also want Leihe to make a vow. This skill can only be seen by Leihe. In the future, it's not allowed to say to anyone, not even his friends and relatives. It can be said that Leihe has put an end to the skills The possibility of going out.

Leihe just wants to see the skills, but he can't say it. Leihe says that as long as he doesn't talk about the skills, as long as he absorbs some knowledge from them and becomes his own, he can always say it. He doesn't want to practice these skills, but just wants to learn from them, and he doesn't intend to say them.

Wang canming soon passed on the meaning of his sect to Leihe. Qingyun sect was willing to. Changshan had no problem. Qiongwu had nothing to do with Leihe. He wanted to teach Leihe how to practice the skills of the demon clan. Anyway, the Sifang prison was very busy.

Although those people said that they paid close attention to Leihe, they did not do anything to Leihe. They gave him enough food or drink, and the skills were sent to Leihe one by one for him to study.

There are many skills that Leihe doesn't understand, but one good thing is that there are people who can give advice at any time. As long as they don't understand, they can ask. It can be said that Leihe absorbs these things with the fastest speed.

Qingyunzi looks at Leihe who keeps absorbing knowledge. He thinks that Leihe has been so closed-minded these days that he can't help muttering, "this guy is not soft hearted, but he doesn't give us any benefits."

At this time, tianjizi said helplessly: "what can we do? Now we are begging him, not him, or he can live so carefree?"

Tianjizi's hair is in a mess at this time, and he has a lot of pressure. It can be said that all these things are divined by him. Now this thing is dominated by him. If he doesn't find anything at that time, it will make a group of people laugh. Unfortunately, he can't divine anything recently.

Tianqizi was wondering if the timing was not right. For example, he couldn't predict anything before. When Rehe was robbed, the hint came out. Sometimes timing is really important.

"I know what you mean, but the boy's talent is really very good. You say that the half demon's talent is so strong. The half demon in the past was not so powerful." Qingyunzi muttered.

Tianjizi shook his head at this time and said, "you've seen so many demons. The whole demon has not evolved. As a result, one and a half demons have evolved. Have you ever seen them? The Reichs are probably the sons of hope, different from ordinary people. "

These people believe that there are so-called lucky children, especially when there is a catastrophe, there will be lucky children, and only their appearance can change the pattern of the world, and now the leher family is obviously like this.

"How can they be so lucky and choose him?" Green cloud son very don't understand of ask, say oneself talent ability what all not bad, oneself why don't have so of luck.

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