At this time, qingyunzi looked at tianjizi very puzzled. "You said that your school is divination from beginning to end. You said that you can calculate the son of Qi Yun every time, so you didn't want to replace each other? After all, calculate each other's chances, and then snatch

When tianjizi heard this, he gave a white look at qingyunzi, "qingyunzi, do you think I'm stupid? Is that the son of Qi Yun, the son of Qi Yun called casually? In other words, all this has been arranged by God, I deliberately destroy it, and then it will be me who will die. Are you stupid or am I stupid? "

In this world, if you believe in life, many people who practice Taoism don't believe in life. After all, if they really believe in life, how long does the average person live? This practice itself is against the heaven. People who really believe in life can't go far. They say they don't believe in life, but they also believe in it. After all, many strange things can't be explained by science. The only thing is life, which is destined to be good.

In many cases, the son of Qi Yun may not be a good thing. Sometimes, he has to bear more hardships and pain than ordinary people. Moreover, in order to make the son of Qi Yun more firm, he often makes the other party suffer a series of blows, and then let the other party's heart be unbreakable. Only such a person can go on firmly. Tianqizi says that he is still a good man It's good to be an ordinary person. It doesn't need a series of hardships.

Qingyunzi is just saying what tianjizi said. They all know what tianjizi said. He just wants to see if tianjizi can have a corresponding way to avoid Qiyun's son.

Generally speaking, they have their own perception of their strength. For example, now qingyunzi can feel that he can't kill Leihe. If he does, there will be a catastrophe waiting for him.

"Leihe doesn't cooperate at all. What are we doing here, reading with others?" Green cloud son very boring say.

Tianjizi rolled a white eye, and then said: "if you feel bored, I believe many people are willing to trade with you." I think that the chance to guard Leihe was snatched by qingyunzi. If other people didn't want this chance, it was clear that they got a good price.

"I'm not idle. Am I really bored? If you don't get oil and salt, you just want benefits. " Qingyunzi said unhappily.

Although the skill of building foundation period is not too precious, it's hard to take it out. At least it can't be seen from the outside. Leihe didn't open his mouth politely. However, they didn't say a word when they wanted to ask something. If it wasn't for the fear that Leihe would fight to death and hurt Leihe, he wanted to search his soul.

"if this person is so easy to talk about, we still need to work hard. If you are too busy, go out and look for those half demons, if you can find one of those, this rehch will be willing to speak, especially the half female monster named Yin Zhu." Tianjizi couldn't help proposing at this time. After all, Wang canming said that they had a lot to do with Yin Zhu.

"Why don't I find a beautiful female snake demon to come here and play a trick?" Qiong Wu said with a smile.

Qiongwu is very good to Leihe. Of course, qiongwu's biggest wish is to turn Leihe back to the demon world. After all, this is a powerful dragon family. As long as Leihe's strength is mentioned in Yuanying period, Leihe alone can take in the demon family, and then he can take in the whole Xiuzhen world. Of course, qiongwu has a plan in his heart. If he doesn't dare to say it, say it Yunzi group of people must be crazy.

"Or you try, but remember to be online. I found that those half demons have high facial values. There's something wrong with your demons' aesthetic values." At this time, qingyunzi nagged and said that the appearance of the demons is really hard to say. Maybe, as they said, the aesthetics is different. For example, the demons always like colorful, so few of their hair is of normal color, and the beauty is even more difficult to say. It's this group of half demons, all of them are beautiful men.

Qiongwu suddenly feels that it's not easy to do this. After all, Leihe is a beautiful man himself. It's really hard for the demon clan to find a spirit to match him.

"It's hard to find such a beautiful snake, but you can find the fox. There are many beauties over there." Qiongwu thought for a moment and said.

"It's more coquettish." Green cloud son followed a, fox clan really beautiful many, but green cloud son said is also true, after all demon clan always don't care there.

"What do you mean, choosy? If you have the ability, you can send your fairies from the cultivation world." Qiong Wu saw that tianjizi was picky again and again. She couldn't help saying it unhappily.

Tianjizi can't help shaking his head when he sees that both of them are going to quarrel. These two are too boring. If they have nothing to do, they will quarrel with each other. It's better for him to go to Leihe.

"RACH, is there anything you don't understand? You can ask me, although I didn't practice their skills, I covered a wide range of things and basically understood a little. " Tianjizi sits beside Leihe with a smile. He doesn't expect to let Leihe let him be defensive. In other words, he won't say anything at this time. Tianjizi's plan is to get close to Leihe and let Leihe believe that he has no malice to his family. Leihe should be willing to tell himself something at that time.

Leihe really has some things he doesn't understand. Since people are willing to take the initiative to teach him, Leihe will not be polite. He directly asks him where he doesn't understand. He should remember and understand these things earlier. If he can't, he should remember them well. Later, let baikun think about it. Leihe just looks at these people's skills, but doesn't understand them If you are tired, you will return some historical essays. It can be said that you can read them alternately, so that your brain can have a rest, and useful information can be put forward. If you can understand it, you can think about it. If you don't understand it, you can remember it. Later, Bai Kun and his colleagues will think about it.Leihe firmly believes that as long as he doesn't say anything, these people will not be treated by time, and Jono will never give up, so he just needs to delay.

However, each of these guards is stronger than the other. It is estimated that it will be very difficult for them to escape at that time. I don't know if these people have fatal shortcomings. If they have, make more use of them, maybe they can escape.

Since these people want to talk about it, Leihe doesn't mind to talk about it the other way around. He used to be the Lord of the dark city. Besides his strength, he naturally has brains, but he can't compare with baikun.

Tianjizi really knows a lot, it can be said that he knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom. In particular, he is very clear about what happened in the history of Xiuzhen, and even the process, which is clearer than those history books.

Tianqizi will be so clear, that's because basically every time a big event happens, tianqimen people participate in it, and even their people play a major guiding role, so tianqimen can be said to be the most clear about these things.

When Leihe asked for the news, tianjizi also knew that Leihe should want to confirm something. To tell the truth, he also wanted to know what Leihe wanted to know, and maybe he wanted to get some hints from Leihe. So this one spoke with great interest, and the other one listened with great interest, which can be said to be quite cooperative.

Wang canming and others naturally listened together. It's good to listen to stories when they have nothing to do, not to mention that they haven't heard of them before. For the first time, they learned so much about the past of Xiuzhen world, and then they realized that there were so many powerful characters in the past.

As for Wang canming, Lei Hedao doesn't feel bad about them. They are in different positions and have nothing to say. He says that several people didn't do anything to them from the beginning to the end, so Lei Hedao says he doesn't care. Of course, Lei Hedao can ask these guys to do something. After all, those who are superior, Lei Hedao doesn't mean to ask them to do things. How much We should also save some face for those experts, right.

Tianjizi can say all the past news clearly, but he didn't find anything special in Leihe. Is Leihe too good at pretending, or Leihe didn't find the information he wanted, so what is Leihe want? You should know that the skills of all the major sects, including those of the demon clan, have been given to Leihe for research. Tianjizi has also said about the elder brother's event in the past of Xiuzhen world. But Leihe is still at a loss and finds nothing?

"Lehe, uncle has told you so much during this period of time. Have you found anything?" Tianjizi see Leihe don't say, simply put it out.

Reich shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Reich, you really don't know what hope is?" Tianjizi asked.

"I don't know. To tell you the truth, if I knew, I would like to tell you earlier, so that you wouldn't stare at me one by one. I don't want to be a prisoner who you stare at." Leihe said unhappily, he also wanted to know what the hope was, at least he knew how to deal with it, didn't he?

The only thing he knows now is that the aura of the world drops sharply after the last breakout and ascent, and then there are no more ascents in the world. That's all. But it's two or three thousand years since the last ascent. It's hard to find one.

At least there is no answer in the history books, and the practitioners in the world of cultivation have also looked for various reasons. It can be said that the first group of people did not find the answer at first, but it is even more difficult for the later people to find it, not to mention Reich, who are not familiar with the world at all.

Leihe thinks he can't find the answers, at least not now. Those answers are probably buried very deep. If he wants to know the answers, he has to wait for the world's way of heaven to make it appear.

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