This kind of confusion is the most maddening thing. However, things in the past, especially those in ancient times, must have been related, but now the key points have not yet appeared and can not be linked up for the time being. There is nothing wrong with learning more knowledge.

On the other side, Baiji and Mengji first turn around in the forest and make sure they don't have eyes behind them. Then they go to find baikun. Baikun and Mengji have already moved to the cave. Yinzhu hasn't recovered yet. Anyway, they have been sleeping all the time. In recent days, the strength of baikun and Mengji's hard work has been given to Yinzhu Now we can maintain the balance, but there are other problems.

Bai Kun also went out to send Yin Ping a safe message. He didn't say anything else. After all, they are ordinary people, so there's no need to involve them. Moreover, saying too much will only make the old people more worried, but it can't help them, so they don't know what's best.

Yin Ping is really worried at this time, especially about the things that the old village head told him, but he can't say more, or even show too close, so as not to be caught by those people and threaten Yin Zhu. The only thing he can do is to wait. Fortunately, Bai Kun told him that it was safe. Safety is good. The rest of Yin Ping didn't ask any more, and he couldn't do anything.

Just thinking about the famous watch in his heart, it's hard to avoid some worries. Yin Ping takes Huang Xiaoling and asks, "do you think we are useless? We can't help our daughter at all, and I don't know if their identity has been exposed."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoling could not help sitting on the ground decadent, "yes, we really can't help at all, but fortunately, the girl is safe, and the man around her will protect her. We still have to work hard to make money. Money can make the ghost push the mill and make money. I believe even those who practice Taoism also want money. When we get rich, we can do more things 。”

Huang Xiaoling doesn't allow herself to be decadent. She has to work hard to make money so that she can help Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu doesn't know that because of her own affairs, she has aroused her parents' enthusiasm for making money. She really can't make a lot of money. Of course, this is very much behind.

When Bai Ji and Meng Ji arrived at the cave, they couldn't help looking around. "The cave is still hidden. I'll help you set up some arrays outside, which will be more secret." Bai Kun had arranged arrays before, but his array knowledge was not as good as Bai Ji and Meng Ji.

"Father, please." Bai Kun said with a smile that he would not be polite to his father.

"But father and mother, can you come and see what happened to Yin Zhu?" Yin Zhu didn't wake up. Bai Kun was worried.

Although Yin Zhu is very stable now, as long as people don't wake up one day, they worry about what will happen. Only when people wake up, they can rest assured.

Bai Ji and Meng Ji can see the changes in Yin Zhu's body at once, especially Meng Ji. At the beginning, she brought her own soul to Yin Zhu, which is the original Yin Zhu. It can be said that Meng Ji is very familiar with this body, which makes the situation of Yin Zhu obviously abnormal.

"How did she become like this? It's evolved like Reich?" Mengji couldn't help asking.

"Well, it should be very dangerous for Lei he to go through the robbery. Yin Zhu somehow affected the partner contract between the two people, and then helped to absorb part of the power. As a result, because of the power of Lei he, the power in Yin Zhu's body was awakened. Then Yin Zhu kept sleeping, worried about the outbreak of that power, and we had a good time I don't dare to force Yin Zhu to wake up. I can only keep it as it is now. Father and mother, do you have a good way Bai Kun asked anxiously.

Baiji and Mengji heard that Yinzhu had taken the thunder robbery for Leihe because of his partner's contract. No wonder at the beginning, they saw that Leihe seemed to be unable to hold on, and many people were ready to help. After a look, they found that Leihe was very difficult, but they could still hold on. Unexpectedly, Yinzhu helped to take part of the thunder robbery.

"Partner contract is actually the most sacred and magical contract in our world. I've heard before that this partner can live and die together, but I've never seen it. After all, only true love can trigger partner contract. Yin Zhu is sincere to Lei he." Bai Ji said sour.

Bai Kun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Yin Zhu is sincere to me, too." As for what happened to him in the orc world at that time, it was the way of heaven that wanted to swallow back the power that originally belonged to him. This can't be transferred, OK? Besides, he almost died at the beginning. Didn't Yin Zhu rush to the altar to accept the punishment with him?

Baiji can't help but turn a white eye. It's useless son. Now baiji is more and more disgusted with his own son.

Mengji smiles when she hears this. The father and son are so childish. Mengji has never doubted the sincerity of Yin Zhu to several partners. Otherwise, these excellent guys would not be easily trapped by Yin Zhu. Among the partners of Yin Zhu, except Tengxiao, who has no heart and pure mind, which one has no heart Even Cheng an may not be pure, and such a person can be trapped, in addition to what is sincere.

Baiji and Mengji carefully check Yinzhu's body. They find that there is nothing wrong with Yinzhu. As long as the awakening force is not stimulated by thunder, it is still awakening at this time, but the speed of awakening is very slow, which will not affect Yinzhu's safety. As for sleeping, sleeping is more conducive to the awakening of that force.Bai Ji and Meng Ji check it and say that Yin Zhu will be OK in a short time. Of course, he will not wake up in a short time. Bai Ji's short term is not one day or two days, but at least half a year.

Xiaojin can't help but feel sad when he heard this, "it's not that we have no way to be with Yinzhu for a year and a half."

Bai Kun couldn't help three black lines on his brow when he heard this, "Xiao Jin, is there something wrong with your point?" I don't know how Jono put up with Xiaojin. You should know that the two guys can communicate with each other in one body. Xiaojin may be bothering Jono.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he said he was aggrieved, very aggrieved. The end of his concern is always whether Yin Zhu is good or not?

When Jono knew that Yin Zhu had no time, he was a little relieved. Since Yin Zhu had nothing to say, could they discuss how to save Lei he.

Baiji heard about Leihe. At this time, Baiji told Leihe what happened in Sifang prison. He said that now Leihe has no freedom and can speak very well. Besides, there are also the great abilities of the Terran demons who are teaching him all kinds of knowledge. If he doesn't want to expose his identity, Baiji wants to learn a lot Knowledge is what he really wants.

Jono can't help laughing when he knows about Leihe's situation. "In this case, we can let go of saving him. At least we need him to absorb the knowledge so that we can save people."

"I think the most important thing for us now is to find a secret place. We can't let outsiders find gambling houses to rob. After all, we can't rob like Leihe. What's more, we have to prepare the magic weapon for robbing. Leihe has Yinzhu to help lead Leijie this time. You can make a decision safely and slowly this time, but if you lead more Yin Zhu may not be able to bear it. " Bai Ji said very directly, the most important thing for them right now.

"I understand. Since Yin Zhu is safe for the time being, Cheng'an will take care of him. The rest of the people will go out to see if they can find the place for the robbery. However, our previous identities can't be used. It's a bit of a headache and we have to make identities." They're all out here now.

Bai Ji nodded and said, "there's no need to worry about this. Our cultivation is very similar to the demon clan, but if we become human, we won't show evil spirit. That's not good. I'll get you something. Then you can dress up and go out. Just stand out and people can see that you're not human. Then pretend to be a little demon." Since half demon is easy to be found, it's better to make a monster and let people be demons.

Now the Terran and the demon clan hope for a short-term cooperation. As long as they don't commit any crimes, the general Terran friars won't fight against the demon clan. Of course, if they encounter that kind of demon cultivation or hate the demon clan very much and want the demon clan to die, there's no way. We'll fight again at that time.

Jono nodded. It's true. Besides, they want to find secret and safe places to survive. These places are basically desolate and uninhabited places, and it's nothing to appear as a demon.

After hearing the arrangement of Jono, Cheng'an thought about it seriously for a while, and then said to Jono, "Jono, you'd better let Tengxiao or baikun guard Yinzhu. One is that they are both strong enough to hold on for a while. I'm weak enough. I can't help Yinzhu. Although no one knows the place, just in case, I'll keep one strong enough I want to go out and walk around. "

Cheng an knows that his strength is low, so Jono arranges the safest thing for himself, but he doesn't want to be like this. He doesn't want to be in the rear forever. No matter what's clear, Jono won't consider him, because he is incompetent. He's useless. He can't go out to help, but he doesn't want to be like this. He wants to go out for a break.

When Jono heard this, he nodded and said simply, "OK, then Tengxiao will stay to see Yinzhu, OK?" Jono will care about the situation of several brothers, but he won't force them to do anything, especially Cheng an. He wants to go out and do something. Jono won't stop him, and he also understands Cheng An's heart, because he's useless and uneasy, and he can't always put Cheng in a safe place. In the future, they will all evolve, if it's the so-called hope arranged by heaven Hope is for them orcs, so that each of them can not escape, have their own things to face, then Chengan must be strong.

Tengxiao nodded directly, "I don't have any problem, you can."

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