"I always think that if we continue to develop, there will be something bad. Shall we stop it?" Mengji can't help frowning and saying.

Bai Ji then shook his head and said, "no, since Cheng An has this ability, what kind of result will come here? It should be what Cheng An has thought. We don't know what Cheng an wants, so we can't stop it. What if it's bad for Cheng an?" Of course, Bai Ji didn't say that he was very curious about what Cheng An would become, so he wanted to have a look.

As for the result, Cheng An's own choice, even if it's bad, can't blame him, right? Bai Ji's bad thinking.

Another problem is that Cheng An's animal body is not right. Cheng An's origin is not right. The dream clan is not so weak. But at that time, everyone didn't think that Cheng An's animal body was wrong. In addition, Cheng an had never been a beast in front of the public. Maybe even Yin Zhu didn't know that.

However, Cheng an obviously knows that there is something wrong with his adult defects. This guy is so tolerant that he never says anything.

Bai Ji secretly took a picture of Cheng An, and then sent a message to Bai Ji about the things here. As for what those people think, no one knows.

Chengan was knocked down again and again. He was scarred and didn't have a good piece of meat, but he stood up again and again. Qingyunzi was scared when he saw it. After all, according to normal people, this kind of injury can't move long ago. As a result, people are still alive, and they are getting better and better. Their strength is getting higher and higher. "Don't hurt him, trap people Stop, stop Qingyunzi can't help but shout.

Wang can Ming can't help wiping the cold sweat on his head at this time. At the beginning, they still want to say that Cheng An is stupid. As a result, who is stupid? Isn't that obvious? And they all think that Cheng'an is weak. As a result, the fighting capacity of Cheng'an now should exceed the foundation period. It's terrible. None of them is normal.

Qiong Wu can't help but stand up at this time. "This half demon is really strange. I can't see what kind of blood he is. What's more, he's so powerful. I like him very much. A Leihe and Cheng an. I think this group of half demons are really extraordinary. It seems that it's necessary to find the others."

Qiongwu used to dislike Banyao most, because Banyao is weak, but now the Banyao has changed his mind. Qiongwu has already thought about it. If he finds those Banyao, he will secretly bring them back to the demon world, which are all the treasures of the demon world.

"There is something wrong with this man." Green cloud son frowns, this sleepy and can't trap Cheng An, after all, Cheng an that kind of don't want to kill, how can have what can trap him, and the more people hurt more and more serious, this blood drip drip drip drip of keep, also not afraid of that body of blood to flow light.

Qingyunzi wants to wait a moment to see if he wants to end up. But Yuanying, if he starts with such a young man, he won't get it. What he fears most is that if he doesn't get it, he'll make a joke. But Chengan has some evil ways. He's afraid he'll miss it when he does. That's a big joke.

At this time, tianjizi looked up at the sky, then frowned and said, "it's about to start."

Qingyunzi turned his head and looked at tianjizi and asked, "what's the beginning?"

"Thunder is coming." Tianjizi looked at the sky and said.

Qingyunzi turns his head to look at the sky at this time. At this time, he finds that a lot of dark clouds have gathered on Cheng'an's head. This guy is forced to break through by fighting all over his body. It's promoting a reception. It's two stages, from Qi training to Jindan. Is that crazy?

Bai Ji and Meng Ji are also silly at this time. They want to see what Cheng'an will look like, but they don't think that Cheng'an will go through the robbery directly. They always think that Cheng'an will be the last one to go through the robbery, but they don't think that Cheng'an will be the second one after Leihe.

At this speed, Bai Ji exclaimed. Bai Ji also sent a message to Jono for the first time.

Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun are naturally worried. However, they are too far away from Cheng'an to help. Just like Lei he before, they don't know what's in Cheng'an's mind. Of course, they are more worried about what Cheng'an will evolve into. They don't have any plans at all.

Thunder robbery is coming. All of them feel it and disperse one by one. Besides, Cheng An's crazy appearance is also scared. After all, everyone is afraid of those who don't want to die. The most important thing is that the other party can't fight.

Mengji hit Baiji with her arm at this time, "have you noticed that Cheng An's eyes have changed color?"

Bai Ji nodded, "notice, his eyes turn red." Red eyes are a sign of losing one's mind and personality in the dream clan. Before losing one's personality, the former dream clan would control themselves and merge with the palace leader.

"Is that the price?" Meng Ji murmured.

"I don't know. Cheng'an is different from the general dream people. After all, the dream people don't have such abnormal ability as Cheng'an." Baiji means to keep looking.Thunder disaster in the sky at this time has begun to flicker, but Cheng An is not afraid, on the contrary, the world is also facing up.

Cheng an was robbed by thunder, and then he quickly got up again, even though his whole body was scarred and smoking black, he still stood up.

Cheng An's thunder robbery is different from that of Lei he. Lei he's normal at least. But Cheng An's thunder robbery is more and more abnormal. You can see who won't be scarred and dying in the end. But Cheng An is more frustrated and brave. Of course, his injuries are more and more, but he can't stand up to the fact that Cheng An's strength is more and more powerful.

Of course, at the same time, Cheng An's breath began to change.

"How do I feel that Cheng An's breath has changed? How can it become more and more evil?" At this time, qingyunzi frowned and said that the black smoke from Cheng'an was wrong. At the beginning, qingyunzi just thought it was cut by thunder, but now he saw that the smoke was more and more thick, and the black smell was disgusting, and it seemed to be full of resentment.

Qiong Wu frowned at this time. If it is said that Lei he's a dragon and let people see hope, then Cheng an Du's robbery is just like a demon, especially his breath, so much resentment. What did this guy do before? The most important thing is that he didn't drag people to death with so much resentment.

"Tianjizi, have you calculated the information of this guy? Will the existence of this guy affect our search for hope?" Qiong Wu couldn't help asking at this time. No matter they were people or demons, they didn't like repairing demons.

Tianjizi nodded difficultly at this time, "I've got it. I really hope it has something to do with him."

Qiong Wu could not help biting her teeth. "What can such a person do for us? At the beginning, Leihe was calculated by you when he was crossing the thunder robbery. You can't calculate anything when this man just came. When the thunder robbery comes, you can count it out. Do you want to have something to do with that group of half demons, and you can't lose one? "

Tianjizi nodded, "probably."

"I don't know where those half demons have gone, but they can't be found. Besides, Wang canming said that there are seven of them, but there are two other people that Wang canming has never seen, and we don't know where to hide them. We don't have any information." Qingyunzi sighed.

Some people in the village have seen Baiji and Mengji, but they have high strength. It's easy to influence a few ordinary people. It can be said that they can't remember the appearance of Baiji and Mengji at all, not to mention that they don't have much contact with the people in the village, so it's hard to find them out.

Those people don't think about Baiji and Mengji at all. After all, Yin Zhu's strength is almost the same. How can they expect that Baiji and Mengji are so powerful, close to Yuanying.

The onlookers around have been hiding farther and farther. The evil spirit from Cheng An is more and more, which can influence the people around.

"What a pervert." Wang can Ming can't help saying.

Who would have thought that he was a little darling, but turned into a beast or a cannibal. Wang canming felt that his heart beat very fast. He was very glad that he was a darling at the beginning. Otherwise, he would have annoyed Jono. Now it's estimated that the grass on the grave is very high.

It seems the most honest and obedient, but it turns out to be the worst. I don't know if Rehe knows this.

Wang canming thought for a moment, turned around to talk with Leihe, and always told Leihe what happened here.

Leihe is also watching at this time. Apart from being locked in the array, he is relatively free. He can also see the scene outside the array, but now Leihe can only see about it. After all, there are people around him. What he can see now is the rampant thunder robbery and the black air. Chengan's change makes Leihe look silly.

Leihe said that he used to be a Orc and was called the Lord of the dark city. Now he finds out that he doesn't deserve the name at all. Chengan is the king in the dark.

Wang canming carefully slipped to Leihe's side, and then said: "Leihe, your family is very deep."

Leihe turns a white eye when he hears this. He says he doesn't know whether Cheng An is good or not. It's clear that Cheng An is hiding deeply, but it's hard to say. It's not that he has no face. It's all his family's, but he doesn't know anything.

Leihe then turned his head and hummed coldly, "don't you tell me everything, so that you can catch us for research?"

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