Wang canming was a little speechless when he was attacked by Lei he. At this time, he said helplessly, "in fact, we don't want to study you. Although the cultivation world doesn't like Banyao, it's not like this. The main reason is that your family is special. It's related to the hope of the cultivation of truth in your world. You know, the road of hope has been cut off, and now it's reappearing No matter who you are, you will be crazy. "

"You see, it's precisely for this reason that we treat you very courteously. If we really want to arrest you for research, you think that the prisoners will be treated as you are now, reih, you can laugh." Wang canming said helplessly.

Leihe nodded, just because of this, he didn't try his best. Leihe felt that his strength was very strong after he was promoted. Although he couldn't compare with a group of people in qingyunzi, he should be able to take one or two of them if he fought to death. If he could live, no one would want to die, but he didn't know what the world meant to them.

Leihe now thinks that when they came back to this world with Yin Zhu, they must have been calculated by the way of heaven in this world. Otherwise, how could they have accepted this group of people so easily? After all, the species in any world are limited. Yin Zhu's arrival can be said to add one more species to the world, and a species can often break the balance. Although the number of Yin Zhu is very small, they can not achieve that kind of damage, but they can reproduce. Who knows what degree they will be in the end.

It is because they have other intentions that they can be easily let over and gain powerful power. As expected, there is no good thing in the sky.

"What's the matter with Cheng'an?" Leihe is still a little worried, and even if Cheng An has physical problems and can improve quickly, the reason why he chooses this place should be related to him. Cheng an doesn't want to save him by the way.

"Cheng An, I don't know, but I know from the thunder robbery that people are still living well. It's just weird. I can't bear the black gas coming out of him, so I have to run. Otherwise, I really want to have a good look." Wang canming also wants to get some information about Cheng'an from Leihe, so he tells Leihe about the various anomalies of Cheng'an.

Leihe said he didn't know that Cheng'an was hiding too much. If they were all OK this time, Cheng'an would always be good at cooking, doing housework and being a good baby at home. Would they be good to Yin Zhuhong?

"Go and see. Let me know what's going on." Leihe kicked Wang canming.

Wang can Ming looks at Lei he's cold face. He can only shrug his shoulders and run to qingyunzi. "Shizu, what's the situation of Cheng'an now?" Wang canming carefully looks at Cheng'an, who has been surrounded by black fog. Now he can't see how Cheng'an is.

Qingyunzi can see Chengan's situation clearly through the black fog, but qingyunzi doesn't know what to say, because Chengan's situation is very wrong, very wrong. Chengan is still weak at the beginning, white and tender, but now Chengan is very angry and dark, as if he had opened Pandora's box There is also his resentment, which can't be accumulated in a short time. However, as far as he knows, there is no large-scale and inexplicable death in modern times. How did Cheng An's resentment come from?

"Not so good. Didn't you get anything from Reich?" Qingyunzi looks at Wang canming with disgust. This guy is useless. He has been with the Jono family for several months. As a result, he doesn't even know the bottom of the family. Except for a few names, who knows if the name is fake. After all, they are just like the monks. They have Taoist names, the names of the secular world, the names given by others, and so on So names are the most useless.

Wang Chan Ming shook his head, "that Lei he doesn't seem to know the details of Cheng an."

When qingyunzi heard this, he turned black. "It's enough to use these words to deceive you. They are a family. They used to be hermits. Don't they know? It's just your stupid letter. I don't know how you made such a big reputation in the secular world. It's your good luck that you didn't get trapped. " Green cloud son doesn't have good spirit of say.

Wang can Ming's face turns black when he hears this. He doesn't have much ability. But the Jono family will let everyone know that it's his credit. He first discovered the Jono family. As for his failure to discover their abnormality, it's not Jono they are too good at hiding.

Besides, didn't he ask his master to see it? His master said there was no problem at that time. How can you blame him? Wang canming said that he is weak and innocent. He has been working hard.

On the other side, Bai Ji also discussed with Meng Ji, "this Chengan is very wrong, very wrong."

The strength of Baiji and Mengji can naturally see the scene of Chengan in the field. Chengan doesn't know if he is pursuing the ultimate strength. He is red eyed now, and seems to lose his mind. Besides, in the process of thunder robbery, the flesh and blood in his body is slowly reducing and disappearing. It's different from what Leihe was injured at the beginning. Leihe was injured at the beginning, but it's a new force In the constant repair of Leihe's body, and Cheng Anze is to take another opposite road, Lei rob seems to want to remove Cheng An's flesh and blood, is really disappeared, now Cheng An's body in addition to sporadic flesh and blood, only that a blood sparkling skeleton, but it is such Cheng An, unexpectedly also very strong vitality, all this is very strange.This is different from the situation when Bai Kun was punished by God. When Bai Kun was punished by God and became a skeleton, it was the power of curse. Flesh and blood actually existed at that time, but they would disappear during the day, show the appearance of skeleton, and return to human form at night. But Cheng An is different. He is not a curse, but real news, which kind of completely disappeared.

Normally, no one can live without flesh and blood, but Cheng An is not the same. On the contrary, he lives better, and then with Cheng An's black resentment, it all seems extremely wrong.

"In the end, is Cheng an still alive? Is it Cheng'an we know? " Dream Ji can't help worrying asked.

Cheng An is very clever and obedient on weekdays. Meng Ji likes the clever and soft children very much.

"I don't know. Things are developing in the direction that we don't know. Mengji, in the future, we must not pursue strength too much and lose ourselves. If we want strength, we should be down-to-earth and step by step." Bai Ji is a little worried about the consequences of being too strong. Bai Ji says that he has seen too much, and he doesn't want his relatives to go this way.

"I know, I won't. Cheng'an society should be a legacy of the dream clan." Mengji frowns and says that Mengzu is really harmful, but at the beginning, he and Baiji almost went on this road. Mengji can't help shivering. If her plan with baiji is successful without Yinzhu's destruction, what will happen to her and Baiji? Mengji doesn't dare to think about it. At the beginning, they are crazy.

"Well, we must warn ourselves in the future that we can't be too greedy, we can't be too eager for success, there is no good result." Baiji warned himself again and again.

Chengan's current situation is really bad, but he can't feel the change in himself now. His reason is almost gone now. His only belief is to become stronger, stronger and stronger. Apart from this, there is nothing he can do, and what he can do is to constantly strengthen himself.

The thunder robber in the sky still doesn't listen, but there is no way for Cheng an. The last bit of flesh and blood on Cheng an leaves him. Cheng an can't see how terrible he looks now. At this time, he lost his mind. His only requirement is to pursue strength, powerful power.

Thunder falls on Cheng'an's bones. Cheng'an feels very comfortable. More and more forces are awakening. However, those forces are absolutely dark. Cheng'an doesn't find that the black fog seems to dye his bones black.

"Shall we stop this thunder robbery?" Dream Ji very worried said.

Bai Ji shakes his head and says, "stop not talking, can stop Leihe at the beginning will not rush to rob, and I think there will be trouble after Chengan's thunder robbery, let's go first."

Bai Ji doesn't prepare. It seems that Cheng'an should be able to survive the thunder robbery, but it's hard to say whether Cheng'an can survive the thunder robbery. He can't help Cheng'an now, so he has to go, so that she and Mengji won't be implicated when Cheng'an comes to chaos later. There are too many experts here, and they can still dress up in crowded places. If they fight, maybe Will ask people to tear down the identity, this demon king's vest is very easy to use, he does not want to be torn down for the time being.

Baiji turns around and leaves with Mengji, but when he leaves, he still tells Jono about the things here. Although he doesn't see the end, he can almost guess the final result.

Mengji looks at Chengan helplessly and goes out. As for the result of Chengan, Mengji doesn't think about it. No matter how strong Chengan is, there is always a limit. There are so many experts here, Chengan can't escape. I don't know whether Chengan will wake up in the future.

"This, this is a demon, a pure dark species, different from people on our side." Green cloud son very surprised of say.

"Thunder is going to pass." Tianjizi said at this time, this thunder robbery is not called Du robbery for Cheng'an, but it seems to be a great tonic to supplement Cheng'an's body.


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