Qingyunzi can't help shaking when he hears this, and then he looks at Cheng'an in the smoke very seriously. At this time, Cheng'an's whole body has no flesh and blood, and there is only a black skeleton around the black resentment. There is no flesh eye in his eyes, only two red flames.

Green cloud son at this time can't help swallowing saliva, the cent surprised looking at, "tianjizi, you say is what thing, this can't be a magic thing."

There are many practitioners in this world, but it's also a complete person. This is the first time Cheng An has seen him. In fact, it's not a devil to cultivate demons. He's just imitating and practicing, but Cheng An is like a devil.

Tianjizi shakes his head at this time. He can't see what's going on in Cheng'an. He hasn't seen anyone who's still alive after being injured by thunder. Cheng'an's soul is still there. It doesn't change. It's just that Cheng'an's whole life form seems to have changed. Do you think this person is still alive?

"I don't know what's going on. Let's wait and see, but let the disciples under the strength of the surrounding Sankai, so as to avoid any unexpected situation that is hard to control." Tianjizi orders directly, but there are a lot of disciples under the strength here, mainly because Leihe has many things to do. These are people who are used to fight, so that Leihe doesn't have any hands to do what he wants.

Qingyunzi nods and calls the disciples around him away. Wang canming goes back to Leihe and says, "Chengan in your family is going to survive the thunder disaster, but now he has become a skeleton, like a devil. I don't know if he is alive."

Leihe can't help but gasp when he hears this. How can he feel that Yin Zhu has a lot to do with things like skeletons? At the beginning, Bai Kun also became a skeleton. Fortunately, Bai Kun was in front of him. No matter what Cheng'an became, Yin Zhu would not give up.

If Yin Zhu knew what Lei he thought, she would say that she actually disliked it, but she didn't want to say it. After all, the handsome partner suddenly became a skeleton. Who likes this, of course, is a handsome beauty. Of course, when Bai Kun became a skeleton, it was also a skeleton when he was a human. People don't work all day. What would Cheng'an look like now No one knows.

Soon the thunder robbery dissipates. Cheng an turns his head and looks at qingyunzi fiercely. Cheng An has forgotten everything, but he remembers that there is a belief in his heart, which is to destroy everything in front of him. What's the reason? He has forgotten.

Cheng an rushes towards qingyunzi and his party impolitely. Qingyunzi attacks at this time. However, at this time, qingyunzi finds that Cheng An has become stronger and more abnormal. Previously, Cheng an will be injured when attacked. However, this time, Cheng An is attacked without any injury at all. His strong resentment is like a black hole, Direct those attacks to absorb, even the basic are not reflected in the body of Chengan.

The problem is that the attack of Yuanying period has passed, and it has been absorbed. It's terrible. Isn't Chengan invincible?

Of course, this is also the reason why qingyunzi didn't make a killing move. It's just Chengan's hope. He doesn't dare to make a killing move casually, but he can absorb the general attacks of Yuanying period. It's terrible, isn't it.

"Tianjizi, do you see any problem?" Qingyunzi couldn't help crying.

Qingyunzi's attack on Cheng'an has no effect at all, but Cheng'an's attack on them is different. Cheng'an's attack not only has its own attack power, but also has the effect of resentment corrosion. It's not bad that there is no wound. If there is a wound corroded by resentment, the damage will be doubled. Moreover, qingyunzi finds that the wound corroded by resentment is very difficult to do well, Normally, the monks use good medicine in their hands, and they can control it with their own spiritual power. There is no big problem with a little wound. But Chengan's wound will feel a little better after applying medicine, but it can't be as good as before. It's good to see that the wound hasn't removed the corrosion. It's very limited Many people.

"Chengan, you want to save Leihe, don't you?" Green cloud son can't help but ask at this time.

However, at this time, Cheng an will not answer him at all, and he has forgotten his original intention to come here. Now Cheng an just wants to destroy all the people and things in front of him.

Cheng an didn't come back. In response to qingyunzi, he only yelled and attacked.

At this time, qingyunzi quickly turns around, and then appears at tianjizi's side. Tianjizi, do you find that Cheng'an is like a mad dog who has no sense. Before Cheng'an was a beautiful boy, he would talk to them, but now he can't even talk?

Tianjizi glanced at qingyunzi at this time. Do you know now?

In fact, qingyunzi has seen that Cheng'an is wrong for a long time. Now it's just verification. It's just that this good person turns out to be what he is now. Such a person who has no reason but attacks madly is useful to hope. Is that a joke.

"Tianjizi, do you think such people are really useful to hope? Are you sure you're right? " Qingyunzi couldn't help crying.Tianjizi looks at qingyunzi and nods for sure. He really doesn't know how Cheng'an will be. But at least Cheng'an is still useful now. He can't kill him casually. But seeing Cheng'an's crazy appearance, they have to catch people. Otherwise, who will know what happened.

"Come on, don't let go of the water, just catch the people." Tianjizi frowned and said, qingyunzi and qiongwu are all here. It's a joke if they can't catch a Chengan. As for him, his non combat Department won't help, so as not to hurt his old arms and legs.

Tianjizi says that it's not easy for Leihe to talk and study. Chengan becomes such a monster that he can study it well. He wants Chengan to wake up. It's not his fault. Tianjizi quickly finds a way to study Chengan.

Qingyunzi several people hands, waste nine cattle two tiger power just to catch Chengan, qingyunzi body also some embarrassed, big wound no, small abrasions many, at this time Chengan is also qingyunzi several shut in a magic weapon iron cage, and then they put the iron cage in the array, on Leihe's side, also want to see Leihe this familiar person can Can't wake up Cheng an.

Leihe looks at Cheng'an, who is sent to his side in the cage. He can't believe it. Although Wang canming has described Cheng'an before, he can't hear the shock of seeing it with his own eyes. Seeing that Cheng'an is still crying in the cage and hitting the cage, the iron cage is deformed by Cheng'an, but it doesn't break.

Leihe looked at the cage worried at this time, "this cage can really trap Cheng'an, do you want to change a cage?"

When Wang canming heard this, he was stunned, then looked at Leihe foolishly, "shouldn't you worry about Cheng'an at this time?" Wang canming thinks that Lei he and Cheng an are really brothers in plastic. Otherwise, how can he care about an iron cage at this time.

"Don't worry, this cage is not only my master's magic weapon, but also our Qingyun sect's treasure. Although it was deformed by Cheng'an, didn't you see that it was restored to its original state in the next second? So you can rest assured that Cheng'an can't get out. " Wang canming explains.

"Reih, have you ever seen Cheng an like this? Do you want to talk to Cheng an more and see if you can wake him up? " Wang canming gives Leihe a push.

Leihe can't help shaking his head when he hears this. Chengan can't wake up by shouting like this. Chengan boy certainly didn't discuss this with Jono, otherwise Jono would never let Chengan do it. Yinzhu knows that he has to die.

It's good for him to be caught alone. Now there's another Cheng'an. Yin Zhu is the softest. I don't know whether these people will threaten Yin Zhu with Cheng'an or not. Lei he has a headache at this time.

Wang can Ming didn't expect that Lei he would give up without even trying. He was more sure of his idea in his heart, plastic brother.

"Chengan, Chengan, do you remember me?" If Lei he doesn't act, Wang can Ming can only stand out by himself.

Unfortunately, there is no change at all. "Cheng An, Cheng An, do you remember Yin Zhu? Yin Zhu miss you very much. Do you want to go back? " Wang canming thought for a moment and changed his strategy. Yin Zhu is the only female among them. I think Yin Zhu is different in the hearts of these men.

Yin Zhu is different in Qiao Nuo's heart, and so is Cheng'an's heart. However, Cheng'an is completely lost now. If Wang canming shouts like this during the robbery, maybe Cheng'an can still feel something and control himself at that time. Unfortunately, Cheng'an has completely banished himself. Now, if you want to make Cheng'an wake up, what's the point It's so easy.

Leihe thinks that maybe only Yin Zhu can come here by himself. Yin Zhu is the only one who can keep Cheng an in his heart. They'd better stand aside.

Chengan is locked up. If he wants to escape, he can only keep hitting the cage. Qingyunzi, who have gone to clean up the mess left by Chengan, those injured by Chengan, and the place where Chengan was robbed, have been polluted by resentment. All these must be cleaned up, otherwise this land will become a nutrition center for the dark creatures in the future. What's wrong It's unacceptable to qingyunzi.

It's not good to deal with these things two days less each. In addition, Cheng an can't stop now, and they can't even study them. Let Cheng an calm down first. He doesn't believe that Cheng an will never be tired and will always run out of strength.

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