Chengan's words just finished, everyone is very surprised, Leihe can't help shouting at this time, "Chengan, you wait, you make it clear, where are you going, you just walk away, how can I explain to Yin Zhu?"

Tianjizi saw Chengan through the thunder robbery, and originally wanted to deal with Chengan. As a result, they thought a lot, but they didn't think that there would be such a scene, and the door suddenly appeared in the sky that day, which was obviously wrong.

"Cheng An, what's the matter?" Tianjizi couldn't help shouting at this time. He thought it was very important.

At this time, Cheng An's half foot had already stepped into the door. He shook his head slightly. "There are too many things, too many things. I have no time to say them. I have to go right away. It's too late. Leihe, remember, I'm waiting for you."

Qingyunzi wants to keep up. However, when the door is open, it's just a moment. As Chengan steps into the door, qingyunzi bumps into it, but the whole person is blown away. If you look carefully, the door is gone.

Qingyunzi and qiongwu could not help crying at this time, "tianjizi, forget it. What's the matter?"

Tianjizi shook his head. "I can't count it. I can't count the things related to Chengan. I can't count it at all. I can't even count the so-called hope. It's strange." Normally speaking, he has divined Cheng'an before. Even if he can't figure out what will happen in the future, he will not even lose the result of the previous divination. This is very wrong.

Another thing is that Cheng'an is obviously going to a different space. This place happens to be on Cheng'an's head. It's obviously made by the way of heaven. Otherwise, it's not so good. There's just a door in this place. Tianjizi sighs. There's no one in the world who knows the way of heaven better than tianjimen. After all, tianjimen can divine all kinds of news, but it's also divination itself Only by understanding the way of heaven can we know the news in advance, but now it is obvious that the way of heaven does not want him to know.

There is also the space that Cheng an enters. Normally, it's just the strength of qingyunzi and qiongwu. The short distance is only one second. Cheng An is still talking. Normally, qingyunzi wants to go in, but should be able to go in. As a result, the back door disappears, which shows that the door is targeted. It's only suitable for them to enter, and other people can't .

Half demon ah, thinking of this, qingyunzi could not help sighing. At the beginning, the whole world of practitioners didn't like half demon, and didn't welcome half demon. Especially in the last century, they almost wiped out half demon. Otherwise, if there were other half demons, they could do experiments with other half demons instead of just Leihe and his family.

For this matter, many people go to find half demons. Unfortunately, none of them can be found. It should be that there are still half demons, but all of them are afraid and hide. Especially when they are still looking for half demons in such a vigorous way, it's strange that those half demons dare to run out when they think about their attitude towards half demons.

Why do so many people choose Banyao? Is it because the way of heaven doesn't agree with them dealing with Banyao before, so they choose Banyao to save the world? Yes, the practitioners of this world have come to the end. The so-called hope is to save the world. In the future, I'm afraid the whole cultivation world will owe Banyao love.

"Is Cheng an OK?" Leihe can't help asking. Leihe is trapped by qiongwu, but he can still talk.

"It's going to be OK. Didn't Cheng an say that he would wait for you? As for where that place is and what Chengan looks like, he should know something. Unfortunately, the time is too short for him to make it clear. " Qiongwu frowned and said.

Leihe looked at qiongwu and said, "you are useless. You can't even catch up with Cheng an. If you didn't trap me, maybe I would have caught up with Cheng an and gone to that mysterious world."

During this period of time, Leihe saw the basic knowledge of the world of cultivation, and of course, he also saw many stories about the world of cultivation. With a basic understanding of the world, he felt that the world was more mysterious.

It's too simple for the orc world to compare with this world, but it can be seen from here that this world is more powerful than the orc world.

"OK, you'd better not talk nonsense. Although Cheng an says that he is waiting for you, it may not be dangerous. He just doesn't want you to worry about it. You'd better practice quickly and get to Yuanying earlier, so that you can have a chance to find Cheng an." Qiongwu sighed.

As for what they negotiated before, it can be regarded as a fart. Cheng'an is gone, and the other half demons are gone. Leihe should stay here.

Baiji and Mengji in Chengan left, two people slowly out of the square prison this place.

After leaving Sifang prison, Bai Ji held Mengji's hand tightly and said, "Mengji, you can feel it just now. I feel that there is a voice calling for me in that space."

If it wasn't for Mengzu's natural mental strength, baiji would have been bewitched by the sound at that time, and then walked towards the door.

Dream Ji nodded at this time, "I also heard, it seems that after we are advanced, we will go to that place, but that place does not feel safe to me."Bai Ji nodded, "yes, I also feel it. There is a strong breath in it. I don't know what will happen if Cheng an rushes in alone?" He said that he didn't want to take care of Yin Zhu's affairs, but as their only elders, Bai Ji would be worried.

The dream Ji hears this to shake head, "should not be able to have a thing, Cheng an that more harm is more powerful ability is too terrible, at most is injured, can't die, fortunately have Cheng an in front, otherwise we have no preparation at all, at that time once fall down, don't know is consequence."

The world is getting worse and worse. On the surface, it seems that it's very easy for them to improve their strength. However, Reich's promotion is a disaster, and then they will let the practitioners of the world notice. When they improve, and their strength reaches the top of the world, they will directly send them to more dangerous places. That really doesn't give them any rest time, or the world The way of heaven in the world constantly forces them to grow.

Baiji nodded, and Mengji thought of it. Why is the way of heaven so urgent? It seems that something will happen soon. Otherwise, the way of heaven is totally unnecessary.

"If it's just for us to help, it's OK. I'm afraid that the way of heaven in this world is using us from beginning to end." Mengji sighs. After all, they are all from outside, not from the original world. After using them, the way of heaven will not feel guilty. The way of heaven will take care of the creatures born in her own world.

"Not afraid, all plots are paper tigers in front of absolute strength, so we need to improve our strength as soon as possible." Baiji affirms that he finally left all of them and came to this world. He just wanted a good and neat family. Anyone who wanted to destroy his simple happiness would never let go.

Meng Ji nods, and the two go directly to the distance. They want to use the fastest strength to improve, and then go to which world to see, or to explore the way for Bai Kun first.

What happened to Cheng An, Bai Ji will naturally tell several people about it. When Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun see this, they can't help but be serious. They didn't expect that Cheng an was ahead of all of them. They need to refuel, and there is Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu has been sleeping, and they don't know what happened.

Tengxiao is taking care of Yin Zhu in the cave. He looks at Yin Zhu sleeping, and then looks at himself. He can't help sighing. He reaches out his hand and gently touches the soft hair on Yin Zhu's body. "Yin Zhu, you should wake up quickly. If you don't wake up again, you are worried that your partner's strength will burst out one by one, and then you will all leave the world."

Of course, Tengxiao will never break through. Those people can leave. If he wants to stay, he always has to leave someone to take care of Yin Zhu. Those people are all ahead of him now.

The name of his guardian is very nice, but he has never really guarded Yin Zhu.

"Yin Zhu, it's good that you don't know anything now. If you are sober, I have to worry about how you will panic now." Tengxiao sighs. Yin Zhu has deep feelings for everyone, which also leads to his confusion when he meets them.

Cheng An, Leihe, everyone has his own special ability, so I don't know how to stimulate his ability? I don't know where his chance is. Tengxiao leans on Yin Zhu and doesn't know how to inspire his own strength.

Yin Zhu is really asleep at this time. Her physical strength is constantly stimulated. Fortunately, the process is very stable, so there is no need to worry about problems. Yin Zhu shows that she is unconscious. In fact, she is conscious, but she can't answer them. Yin Zhu also wants to wake up, but this matter does not follow her control at all, she can only work hard to absorb strength and strive to wake up.

Yin Zhu sees what Jono and his wife do. They all go out one by one, which shows that things have changed. Unfortunately, she doesn't know the specific news, and Cheng an. She doesn't know what Cheng An is carrying. That gentle, quiet and pure man is carrying so much. Yin Zhu is a little guilty. She pays too little for Cheng an.

Cheng'an, Cheng'an is the fastest growing among them. Cheng'an, Cheng'an is the fastest growing among them. Cheng'an, Cheng'an is the fastest growing among them. Cheng'an, Cheng'an is the fastest growing among them. Cheng'an, Cheng'an is the fastest growing among them,...

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