Yin Zhu is struggling in her heart at this time. When she wakes up, she needs to wake up quickly. She doesn't want to be like this. She doesn't know anything and can't be the master of anything. She wants to wake up quickly, and she wants to face them with Jono.

She should face everything in this world. After all, she is the soul born and bred in this world, and she decides to return to this world. They should not bear all this.

Yin Zhu's violent fluctuation of mind made the power of awakening quickly develop. He felt the movement. At this time, he opened his eyes and asked carefully, "Yin Zhu, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, he saw that Yin Zhu's paw, which had been lying there, moved a little, but Tengxiao could see it clearly.

"Yinzhu, Yinzhu, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me?" Tengxiao was worried at this time. The fluctuation was too abnormal. Now he was the only one here. He was worried that something would happen to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu naturally heard Tengxiao's voice. She wanted to tell Tengxiao that she was OK. She just wanted to wake up. She wanted to wake up and have a look at him. But she couldn't say a word. She didn't want Tengxiao to worry about it, but she couldn't help it. It would be better if she woke up. She didn't like lying like a dead man.

Tengxiao saw that Yin Zhu's breath was getting heavier and heavier, and that force was awakening, but Yin Zhu's animal body was shrinking at this time. Obviously, the energy in Yin Zhu's body could not keep up with the awakening of that force. Tengxiao saw that he was very anxious, "Yin Zhu, what's the matter with you? Are you out of control?"

What to do? Didn't Baiji say it was OK before Mingming? Why is it suddenly out of control? It didn't take long for Yin Zhu's body to shrink. Tengxiao couldn't imagine that if it continued, Yin Zhu would be killed by the power of awakening. Thinking of this, Tengxiao quickly told Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun about the situation here.

Then Tengxiao turns his strength to Yin Zhu's body without hesitation. It's obvious that Yin Zhu can't wait for Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun. They ask him to protect Yin Zhu. He must make sure that Yin Zhu is well, at least before they come back.

Yin Zhu can't see the scene outside. She just wants to wake up quickly. She feels that she is fast and will wake up soon, but it's not enough. Faster and faster, she will wake up soon.

Tengxiao had given Yin Zhu some strength before, but at that time, there were four people, one person and one part, and they didn't have any impact on them. At this time, Tengxiao was the only one. In addition, Yin Zhu tried to absorb it, while Tengxiao tried to deliver it regardless. The result was that Yin Zhu's strength was growing, while Tengxiao's strength was growing The power of the power is rapidly fading.

Soon Tengxiao's strength has retreated to the stage of refining gas. Tengxiao's face is as pale as snow, and the corner of his mouth has a trace of blood at this time. But Yinzhu hasn't been able to stop at this time. Tengxiao doesn't intend to stop seeing Yinzhu's absorption of his strength. Yinzhu is obviously out of control. If he doesn't help, Yinzhu will have an accident. In the future, he will be in trouble Between Yin Zhu and himself, Tengxiao did not hesitate to choose himself. When he had an accident, he would have an accident. Anyway, when he chose to be Yin Zhu's partner, he swore that he would protect his partner from any harm.

It's a pity that he didn't do it before. On the contrary, he hurt her personally. Now he has a little effect.

Yin Zhu feels that her power is more powerful, as if she is about to wake up. Yin Zhu has a feeling that when this power bursts out, she should be sober, faster and faster.

What Yin Zhu doesn't know is that Tengxiao's strength is constantly shrinking when she tries to absorb these forces. At this time, his strength has degenerated to the beginning, and even his body can't be maintained at this time. Tengxiao turns back to the body of beast, but he looks dying, and the whole person is powerless to lean on Yin Zhu.

Tengxiao was already shouting in his heart at this time. Yin Zhu absorbed it too fast. Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun didn't know where they had gone. There was little left in him. I didn't know if they could survive Qiao Nuo's return.

"Yinzhu, Yinzhu, you have to hold on. Qiao Nuo and baikun will be back soon." Tengxiao looks like an old and feeble lion at this time. He is paralyzed on Yin Zhu. Even his voice is much weaker at this time.

At this time, Yin Zhu wondered what happened to Tengxiao? How can you speak so powerlessly? Can't something happen to Tengxiao?

It's so annoying. It's almost. It's almost. She's about to wake up. It's about to wake up. Faster, faster.

Tengxiao watched the last bit of strength in his body sent into Yin Zhu's body, and then he felt that his whole body was powerless against Yin Zhu's body. He wanted to sleep. He had seen many orcs die of old age before, and now he's not dead of old age, but it's very good, painless, very good.

Yin Zhu felt a powerful force exploding in her body. Then she opened her eyes slightly and blinked. She saw what was in front of her. It should be a cave. The light was a little dark.No, she can see things, she woke up, Yin Zhu at this time happily called up, "Tengxiao, Tengxiao."

Tengxiao turned his head slightly at this time. Seeing Yin Zhu's smart eyes, he began to smile, "Yin Zhu, it's good that you wake up, so I can rest assured."

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at her big bear's paw. She directly changed her body, and then quickly held Tengxiao, who was very haggard. At this time, Yin Zhu anxiously hugged Tengxiao, "Tengxiao, what's the matter with you?"

Tengxiao doesn't have a wound. The other thing is that Tengxiao's breath is not right. How can he become so weak? Tengxiao knows that she likes human body and basically won't become animal body. So how can he still be like this? The only possibility is that Tengxiao is too weak to keep human body. Only in this way can Tengxiao keep animal body.

Yin Zhu takes a quick look at the surrounding scene. There is no sign of fighting here. That is to say, it is very safe here. He also thinks about what Tengxiao said in his ear before. If there is no fighting, how can Tengxiao be so good? Yin Zhu suddenly thought that before she was in a coma, she couldn't wake up all the time, and the power in her body couldn't wake up. She always felt that something was almost there. Later, a powerful power was sent into her body, and then she woke up.

Think of before, Tengxiao they in order to balance the strength of her physical strength, gave her lost a lot of strength, now where can't see.

"Tengxiao, why are you so stupid?" Yin Zhu can't help biting her teeth. She quickly inputs her strength to Tengxiao. However, Yin Zhu finds that her physical strength seems to have gone bad. At this time, she can't input it casually. At least Tengxiao can't absorb it.

When Yin Zhu saw Tengxiao dying, she couldn't help feeling very uncomfortable. She resented herself for the more uncomfortable things in her heart. Why did she force her to wake up at that time? She didn't want to wake up with all her heart. Tengxiao would not be like this. She should have thought that if she could wake up, Tengxiao would not have let her sleep, Jane The more urgent she is, the more wrong she is. She shouldn't be.

"Tengxiao, hold on, Jono. They're back. You can't have an accident. I won't forgive myself for your accident." Yin Zhu holds Tengxiao and can't help crying.

Tengxiao looks at Yinzhu crying. He wants to help Yinzhu wipe away his tears, but now he is a beast and can't lift his paw. He finds himself a waste. "Well, Yinzhu, don't be sad. I'll be fine. I'm saying that the way of heaven in this world is not calculating us? How can I die so easily? Don't worry. If I can't, just give me to the people in Xiuzhen world. There must be a lot of good babies in those hands. There must be a way to help me. Maybe I will be the same as Cheng'an, and my strength will soar like a rocket. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "You think it's too beautiful. Do you think those people are so calculating?"

They have failed to calculate Cheng'an. There is a lesson from Buddhism. How can the people over there easily take out their treasures to help them.

However, it's really not a good way for them to hide like this. Since those people ask for help from them, it seems that it's better to contact them, but how to contact them should be carefully considered.

But when Tengxiao interrupted him, Yin Zhu, who was sad, couldn't help thinking about it, but he didn't continue to shed tears.

Yes, now the most important thing is to find a way to save Tengxiao. No matter what the cost is, she will save Tengxiao. She has worked so hard to bring them from the orc world to this world. She can't let them die in this world without their happiness.

People in this world need them, so we should try to extort some good things from them. Otherwise, how can we live up to their escape and fear.

When Yin Zhu is thinking about this, Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun are trying their best to rush home. They didn't expect that Yin Zhu would suddenly get into trouble. There are too many things happening in this period. In reality, Lei he, Yin Zhu and Cheng'an are all unexpected. What's more, things are too urgent to catch them by surprise. It's this world Can't you wait? Jono frowned. Their strength is still too low. They don't know much. It's not good for them to be so urgent.

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