Yin Zhu looks at Tengxiao, who is dying. She is very sad. At this time, the world goes to find Baiji and Mengji. They must have a better way than themselves.

"Baiji Mengji, something happened in Tengxiao. Can you two come back and help me?" Yin Zhu begged to send a message to Bai Ji.

Bai Ji didn't say much when he saw the frown, but he was very disgusted and replied to Yin Zhu, "ouch, if you have something to ask me, don't you dislike me before?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he quickly apologized, "it's my fault. Mom and Dad, please come back quickly and help me. How can we all be a family? It's normal for us to quarrel and quarrel." In order to ask Bai Ji to help, Yin Zhu also gave up his face. Of course, Yin Zhu also knows that Bai Ji and Meng Ji will not care. Bai Ji's words are a little ugly, but if they are busy helping, they are very proud.

After hearing Yin Zhu's reply, Bai Ji couldn't help laughing, and then said to Meng Ji, "little boy, this girl is always ready to admit defeat. Now she doesn't ask us for help."

Dream Ji hears this words can't help shaking her head, "you ah, clearly care about them a few, just want to make this appearance."

Bai Ji shrugged his shoulders when he heard this, "who cares about her? She is a troublemaker. There are a lot of things. When you see the orc world, you will cause a lot of things. When you go back to this world, you will never stop. We can have a safe life with her. I don't know how much I hate this kind of person." White sacrifice finish saying haughty Jiao of Yang head, elated say.

Mengji is helpless when she hears this, but more of it is a smile. Baiji will say so, but she has put it down. If Baiji didn't have so many things in her heart before, and can help Yin Zhucai, Mengji will feel very satisfied when she sees Baiji's vivid antics.

Bai Ji saw that I knew you very well. He couldn't help but pull Meng Ji and said, "let's go now. You are so slow. Yin Zhu can't die in a hurry. At that time, he will think that we don't pay attention to you."

Dream Ji heard this white sacrifice one eye, "I see Yin Zhu didn't urge you, is you urge you."

On the way, Bai Ji can't help but ask what happened to Yin Zhu. After all, according to his conjecture, Yin Zhu is still asleep at this time. How did he wake up? How did Tengxiao have an accident? Isn't this guy taking care of Yin Zhu?

Yin Zhu then said what he had done and what Tengxiao had done. Bai Ji could not help but groan when he heard this, "Oh, all of them are powerful. Since they are so powerful, what do you want me to do? You can't help yourself."

"Yin Zhu, you are very good. You are very proud that all your friends want their lives for you." Bai Ji couldn't help getting angry at this time.

In a dream, Ji will be angry. What are these two things? Since Yin Zhu can hear the outside sound in her sleep, she should know that the force in her body can't be stimulated. We can make it calm down and develop steadily. As a result, Yin Zhu wants to stimulate it and wake it up. Tengxiao doesn't want to stimulate it when Yin Zhu has an accident Guan regardless of all his strength to Yin Zhu, it's very powerful and touching. It's clear that everything is OK. These two guys made it by themselves.

Yin Zhu was scolded by Bai Ji so much that she didn't dare to say a word. She really provoked this thing. She shouldn't be too anxious. She couldn't wake up all the time, but she didn't think about why she couldn't wake up. She felt that there was a strong force in her body that could support her waking up. She didn't feel strange, but she was still absorbing that force desperately It's hard to hear. The culprit is her. What can she say.

As for Bai Ji's sarcasm, it should be Tengxiao that reminds him of what Bai Kun once did. As a father, he must be very angry to know that his child abandoned his life for a partner.

Mengji saw that Baiji was so angry that her head was about to smoke. She couldn't help persuading her, "well, don't be angry. It's no use to be angry. Yinzhu's friends are all heartfelt to her. You can't manage so much even if you want to."

Bai Ji was very angry when he heard this, "I'm angry that these two people don't care about anything, and Tengxiao didn't inform us at the first time. If I had informed us earlier, maybe I could find a way to calm down Yin Zhu's power. They complicated the simple things, and Tengxiao didn't even have the last power in his body. To put it mildly, he died of old age, How can such a man be so easy to save? He can't lose his strength to him. It's a real trouble. Yin Zhu is a trouble. " At last, he was really angry. Of course, he was even more angry. Tengxiao didn't care about his life.

Dream Ji heard this can only give Bai Ji Shun Mao, partner is their own, how can she do, can only Shun Mao, let the other party not so angry.

As for Tengxiao, it's really troublesome, and the most important thing is that Tengxiao can't be saved without natural resources. If they are on the orc mainland, they can still find a way to cooperate with those sects in this world. Isn't that the same as sending people to the door?

But think about this Leihe has fallen into their hands. It's nothing to send another Tengxiao, but Tengxiao has become a beast now. It's not easy to deal with. After all, he's not in the world.Yin Zhu has no choice but to take care of Tengxiao as much as possible. Fortunately, Tengxiao insists on it. After all, when Jono and Baiji come back, the group of people come and reunite again. But this time, two people are missing.

After Bai Ji and Meng Ji arrived, they immediately went to check Tengxiao's body. Seeing Tengxiao's rapidly aging body, Bai Ji couldn't help but say angrily, "aren't you very capable? If you don't cherish your own life, why do you want to see us? Die early and live early. "

Tengxiao couldn't help laughing, "I'm sorry, I'm just too worried about Yinzhu. I can't let Yinzhu be in any danger. Jono gives Yinzhu to me. I want to ensure Yinzhu's safety."

"Stupid, you are gone, how can you guarantee her safety in the future, and do things with one muscle." Bai Ji is not very angry. Seeing this, he gets angry, just like Bai Kun's stupid son.

Bai Kun can't help shrinking his neck at this time. It's true that he forgot his past memory. But Tengxiao's work is just like what he heard about in the story. He doesn't know why Bai Ji is angry. Thinking of this, he can't help feeling guilty. When he wakes up, he has no heart and no lung. He hasn't said sorry to Meng Ji.

"Father, don't be angry. I'm wrong. I promise I won't do such stupid things again." The reason why Bai Ji is angry is mainly due to Bai Kun.

Bai Ji rolled his eyes when he heard this, "I believe in your lies, and you will fart."

Bai Kun is embarrassed and embarrassed to hear this. It's the first time he's been insulted like this. How about losing face.

Dream Ji see this can't help but reach out and directly pinch a white sacrifice, "white sacrifice, the son has apologized, you still want to how, difficult don't you still want to heaven?"? Besides you, you were right at the beginning. Your son wanted to apologize to you. You haven't apologized to your son yet. Give me a look. "

Baiji was pinched by Mengji and bared his teeth. He gave Mengji a white look. "I don't want face. Besides, I raised him up so hard. He would be angry with me. What's the matter with me asking him to do something? If you have a daughter-in-law and forget my mother, he is a typical person. If you still spoil him, you are a heartless person. "

Bai Ji said that speaking of barbecued pork son, he is full of bitter tears, it is too unwilling.

Mengji didn't explain to Baiji. At this time, they carefully checked Tengxiao, and then said to Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, Tengxiao has hurt the root. We need to have talent and treasure to supplement the root, otherwise we can't save it. We don't have that thing. In order to save baikun, we haven't found the world yet Such a good thing, do you want to borrow it from those people? "

It's too late for them to find Tiancai and Dibao at this time. Tengxiao can't wait that long. The best way is to borrow them from the sect. Those practitioners have been in this world for so long, and they can't have them.

It's just that they still don't know the attitude of the monks towards them, so it's hard to say how to borrow it.

"It must be borrowed, but we have to think about how to do it." Jono gritted his teeth. This thing can't be delayed. We need the fastest speed.

Several people discussed it very quickly. Jono said that even if they wanted to borrow it, they would certainly threaten them. They also need to make a bottom line, which should not be too much. Of course, if there is no way, Jono said that they can only borrow it by tough means. The so-called tough means are robbing.

Of course, Jono doesn't want to use this method. After all, their strength is weak and he doesn't want to destroy the whole army.

Baiji and Mengji see that they have no help here, so they go first. They decide to hide in the dark, and they won't be found out. If Jono has something, they can give a hand.

It's hard to be an elder.

Jono thought for a moment and said, "I'll go to contact them. I'll ask Wang canming about the basic information first." Jono thought for a moment and said, "I'll go to contact them. I'll ask Wang canming about the basic information first." Jono thought for a moment and said, "I'll go to contact them. I'll ask Wang canming about the basic information first."

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