"Shizu, that Jono, they want to talk to you." Wang can Ming said carefully.

Jono's name is very familiar in qingyunzi's ears. In addition to their name, they even know their appearance very well. After all, they live in the door and look for their traces everywhere these days.

"They're looking for me?" Qingyunzi can't help but be stunned. How can Jono come to them? It's easy to find each other's position once the phone calls. Isn't Jono exposed?

However, he would not be polite when he was sent to the door. At this time, he directly nodded, took Wang canming's mobile phone and asked, "you are Jono. What can I do for you?"

At this time, qingyunzi is thinking about whether it's Chengan's business. Although Chengan's business has just passed, Jono's several people should not have seen it, but they can't stand the special message delivery mode. Maybe they already know the process of everything.

Qiao Nuo several really all know, but these are white sacrifice and dream Ji tell them, with green cloud son think of or some gap.

"I have a deal I want to make with you, but I don't know if you will?" Jono said simply.

"What kind of deal?" Qingyunzi couldn't help asking.

"I want to supplement the natural resources and treasures of life. Even if you don't have this, other families should have it." Jono said simply.

After all, life is the most expensive. When many people reach the age limit, what they want most is to supplement their own life, especially some old monsters. Such a treasure is what he wants, but he doesn't have it. How can Jono even ask for such a thing Yes.

"Jono, Zhonghe things are very valuable. Even if I have them, I can't give them to you." Qingyunzi said very simply.

Jono could not help frowning when he heard this, "I know this thing is very valuable. Let me tell you the truth, one of our partners is in a bit of trouble, and now we need to replenish our vitality. Otherwise, we are afraid of danger. You know, we are closely related to the hope of your whole cultivation world, and you are not afraid of my partner's accident. When it's time for you Hope is gone? "

Qiao Nuo doesn't want to talk to Qing Yunzi. Besides, they are now standing on favorable conditions, that is, the people in the cultivation world will not watch them die, at least they will never let them die without understanding the relationship between their so-called hope and them. In this way, he can extort a large amount of benefits from them .

Because of this inexplicable hope, they always have to benefit from it. Besides, the hope is theirs. Why do they work for them in vain? It's important to ask them to pay some wages.

Qiao Nuo didn't tell Qing Yunzi much. Instead, he hung up the phone directly. This is a clear plan and a threat. These people won't really let Tengxiao have an accident.

Looking at the hung up phone, qingyunzi can't help cursing. He really knows who has this natural material and treasure that can supplement the vitality. But he's afraid that it won't be so easy for him to take it out. At that time, there will be a good thing to do. It's all right. He's afraid that the bamboo basket will beat anyone up. Look at the things that Buddha has done, but what's the good They didn't get it. Together with Leihe and his party, they hated Buddhism very much.

Anyway, he doesn't have it. Qingyunzi says he doesn't have a headache. Let the people who have the baby have a headache.

Qingyunzi then took the matter to qiongwu and tianjizi to discuss it. By the way, he also told the big men in the group. Of course, he focused on the old man sun who owned the treasure. Yes, the person who owned the treasure was from the fuguifang family. At the beginning, someone got it and sent it to the sun family for auction. At last, the sun family went all out After eating it, many people went to buy it from the sun family, but the sun family didn't sell it.

Old man sun was very depressed when he heard the news. After all, who is willing to take out his valuable treasure and fight for the hope that he doesn't know. Moreover, the hope is not his own family's and that of people all over the world. Why does he give it alone? Besides, the treasure can't be bought even if he has money. It's not a matter of money.

Wang canming poked the little fat man beside him carefully, "fat man, do you think your grandfather will take this thing out?"

At this time, sun pangzi replied positively: "if it's free, don't even think about it. The sun family never does business at a loss, but if they pay, I don't know."

It is estimated that there will be so many families sharing the money equally, but the price will not be very high. At that time, his grandfather was far from willing to sell, so he didn't know.

Old man sun was obviously not happy. At the same time, he was very remorseful. Why did he show off at the beginning? If he didn't show off, who would have known that his family had a treasure? It was a great loss.

Qingyunzi obviously didn't believe what Jono said. They said they wanted to take this precious medicine, but they asked them to come and said they didn't see Tengxiao. They didn't believe it. They were worried about their own losses.Jono discussed this request with Yin Zhu and Tengxiao. Tengxiao simply agreed. He knew very well that even if he was rescued later, he would not be able to escape from those people. At that time, he was afraid that he would become their prisoner like Lei he, but if he needed those things to save his life, he would be locked up, at least better than the one who died at any time now.

Tengxiao himself agreed, and Yin Zhu naturally had no other opinions. Besides, the most important thing now is to cure Tengxiao. The first thing is to do first. Later, we will talk about whether to save people and how to save them.

Qiao Nuo agreed to qingyunzi's request. Qingyunzi naturally went to discuss with old man sun. Of course, these sects are asking old man sun to take out something. Naturally, they won't really make the sun family suffer too much loss. Several sects have said that they will take out some financial resources to make up for the sun family. Even if old man sun is very unwilling, he can only take out the things and can't take them out any more. When the time comes, it will be broken and the whole family will be repaired It's the hope of the real world that everyone will trouble him then.

What can we do if we are not reconciled? Sometimes there is no choice at all. However, after this, old man sun decides to go back and practice hard, and it's better not to come out and slouch when it's OK. In this multi sect, if they say good things, it's natural that they are the most wealthy and noble. They are business people and collect precious things. At this time, old man sun just wants to leave quickly Others have to think about their own baby, that group of half demon is not a good one.

Tengxiao, of course, has no way to go to Sifang prison, and Jono and Yin Zhu can't send Tengxiao to avoid falling into the trap. In the end, Jono sends Tengxiao to a place and asks a group of qingyunzi to pick him up, which also prevents Jono from being caught.

Qingyunzi soon came to pick up Tengxiao. Yinzhu hid in the distance and watched. Yinzhu looked sad. "I want to go with them."

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help touching Yin Zhu's head. "Don't be sad, Yin Zhu. We'll be reunited with them soon. We won't be apart for long." The power in Yin Zhu's body has been stimulated and transformed. I'm afraid there will be a golden elixir and thunder robbery soon. Will those people let Yin Zhu go at that time?

Jono of course knows that the world's practitioners have no malice to themselves at present, but he dare not gamble. He will never let Yin Zhu get involved in this matter until he knows what the so-called hope is. Moreover, Jono has a feeling that Cheng'an has entered a strange door? Cheng an will certainly be able to collect a lot of information in it. At that time, they are deciding how to do it.

Yin Zhu nodded and said nothing more. At this time, she turned her head and looked at Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun seriously and said, "Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun, I'm not the one who can't accept any sin. In the future, I mean no matter what happens in the future, please cherish your life and don't think about it for me. I won't be moved." Yin Zhu then turned and strode away.

Yin Zhu is very clear. In fact, even if she said it, those men would not listen to her. They would do the same when they should do it. To tell the truth, being loved by others with their lives is very precious, but it is also heavy and a kind of burden. Yin Zhu really can't accept it. If they don't save their lives, Yin Zhu will not accept it Crazy.

Yin Zhu thinks that she is still not hard enough, otherwise how can she need her partner to help her in this way? She should work hard, and she should not be the one who delays.

Qiao Nuo looked at Yin Zhu's back and shrugged. Then he looked at Bai Kun and said, "if you hear what Yin Zhu said, don't do anything in the future. Yin Zhu will be angry." In other words, Bai Kun has done the most for life. This guy has done it twice in a row.

When Bai Kun heard this, he just looked at Jono with a smile. "I think you are jealous. You don't have that chance."

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "go on, see if Yinzhu will pick you up. Don't give Yinzhu too heavy a burden."

Bai Kun nodded and said, "don't worry, I won't give Yin Zhu a burden. I'm not willing to give it up. As for life-saving, sometimes I have no choice, you know." Bai Kun said that if Yin Zhu's life was in danger, there would be a way to save him, but he didn't think so much about it.

Jono nodded. That's right. If he were him, he would be desperate.

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