After qingyunzi took the man away, he gave him to old man sun directly. Old man Sun took out his treasure and gave it to Tengxiao. After taking it, Tengxiao looked much better, and he immediately became energetic. He directly changed back to human form. Seeing this, qingyunzi looked at Tengxiao with great regret. To know the beast like appearance of Tengxiao, he had been looking at Tengxiao for a long time After all, I haven't seen such a half demon before.

Qiong Wu was also very surprised at this time. Tengxiao was so powerful that he could be completely demonized. If you know that half demons usually demonize themselves according to the size of their own demonic power. Generally, only some part of them can be demonized, so they are called half demons. Tengxiao and Leihe, which can be completely demonized, can be called half demons.

Now they can understand how their half demons defeated the green devil and Xueyu. They are so envious and jealous. Of course, qiongwu is more convinced that their family should be half demons with special blood. Otherwise, they can't do that. And who is Tengxiao's demon clan? It seems that the alien surname is a beast, but it relies on its wings. It's really strange. Is it a hybrid?

But this half demon is mixed with the Terran originally, and can also be mixed with the demon. Isn't the demon clan always more powerful, just like who? Qiongwu said that she could not understand the basis of evolution.

Tengxiao went directly to Leihe when he was sober. He was embarrassed to make noise after eating other people's food. He'd better smash here to learn knowledge. In addition, some of his vitality has been replenished, but his strength has declined a lot. Now it's the period of refining gas, so we should work hard to cultivate, otherwise he will become the one who delays It's too late.

Leihe couldn't help laughing when he saw Tengxiao, and then he said helplessly: "how did you come?"

"Something happened. I need them to help me. I have to give myself to them." Tengxiao shrugs and points to a group of people.

Tianjizi at this time with qingyunzi a group of people came up, intend to persuade Leihe and Tengxiao two.

Tianjizi said as a representative, "Tengxiao Leihe, you know that we don't mean anything to you when you come here. We just want to find hope and lift the shackles imposed on us by the world. This matter is also of great benefit to you. I hope we can have a good talk with Jono. Let's cooperate early You don't have to hide from us to find out what the hope is

Tengxiao felt his chin awkwardly when he heard this, and then said, "I'm sorry, I understand what you mean, but as you said, even you don't know what hope is and what consequences it will cause. Without knowing what hope is, we won't easily hand over our own life and future to you. After all, no one knows We can't guarantee what will happen in the future. What if the so-called hope asks us to sacrifice to heaven? Even you can't do it. No one is so great. "

Tianjizi couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "we won't hurt you. You can rest assured about this. If you don't rest assured, we can swear."

Leihe shook his head directly. "It's really impossible. Maybe you can tell us where Cheng an went before. I believe that for such a long time, you should find out where Cheng an went. Just tell me about that place. Maybe I can solve the secret of hope faster."

Tianjizi couldn't help sighing when he heard this, "it's OK to tell you that place. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be an ancient battlefield."

"What is" should " Leihe was obviously very dissatisfied with tianjizi's perfunctory tone.

When tianjizi heard this, he laughed bitterly, and then said definitely: "it's the ancient battlefield. In fact, I don't know that place. The ancient battlefield is a long time away from us. No one of our generation has ever been in it. I determined it based on the breath of Cheng'an and divination. It's very dangerous. It's said that there are dangerous beasts and some angry spirits, but there are all kinds of them There is no such thing as natural resources and land treasures in the world. What you can get there depends on everyone's luck. "

Looking at Cheng'an's appearance, I know that several people of Leihe will go to the ancient battlefield after they arrive. The reason why they don't go now is obviously because they don't have enough strength. Didn't they see that Cheng'an was picked up by the way of heaven in the Yuan Dynasty? In order to make it safer for Leihe to enter in the future, tianjizi and you are willing to tell Leihe what you know.

"Reih, can you talk to Jono? We really can't do anything to them. You know, when you are powerful, you will be sent to the ancient battlefield. At that time, you should be able to solve the mystery of hope. No one knows where you will appear when you come out of the ancient battlefield at that time, you say me Can we find you? Until then, there's absolutely no way we can hurt you. "

"Tengxiao, you also feel the strength of our sects. If you want to improve your strength, we have all kinds of natural materials, local treasures and other magic weapons. We can give you some of these things to further your strength. You can see how good the cooperation is. You can get more benefits. The most important thing is that we have a few friends The information of the clan will be open to you. This is the most precious thing. It is also something that other people can't expect in their whole life. Leihe, you should think about it carefully, and then persuade Jono to help themIn this short time, tianjizi has seen that Tengxiao and Leihe are the masters. Leihe, Tengxiao didn't say it again after he said a few words. It seems that Tengxiao belongs to a strong man who doesn't use his brain but relies on his body, and Leihe uses his brain?

Leihe heard tianjizi said all kinds of conditions, to tell the truth is some heart, if they can also like Chengan directly leave, then those people really take them have no way, "I think about it."

Qingyunzi can't help grinning when he hears this. Their words of persuasion certainly don't have much use, but Leihe's not the same when they speak. Jono, they must believe in their own people.

After Tengxiao and other people left, he couldn't help asking, "do you really want to talk to Jono?"

Leihe nodded and said, "we can think about it, but we have to discuss the details. Of course, the best way is to cheat these things. We should improve our strength quickly. Now someone has provided us with good resources without asking for return. I think if we refuse all these things, I will be punished by heaven. The benefits of sending them to our door are not good. Isn't that a fool?"

Tengxiao nodded when he heard this, "I know. I'm just worried about these people's conspiracy. At the beginning, the Buddhist sect was calculating Cheng'an. Fortunately, Cheng'an survived, otherwise Cheng'an would die." When it comes to Buddhism, Tengxiao is still angry.

Leihe nodded and said: "I've thought about this, and then I didn't think about it. Baikun is smarter than anyone else. Moreover, this guy and Baiji are well-informed. It's not so easy to calculate him. It's good that these people are not calculated by baikun."

Tengxiao nods. Bai Kun is also a good actor. At the beginning, everyone thought that Bai Kun was deeply in love with Yin Zhu. As a result, Bai Kun was a spy arranged by Bai Ji. Although Bai Kun had never betrayed him, most people didn't get along with Yin Zhu as calmly as Bai Kun, so this guy is very good at acting.

"That's true." Tengxiao nodded. He shouldn't sympathize with baikun and Jono. He should sympathize with qingyunzi and his party.

After receiving the news from Leihe, Jono thinks about it seriously and decides to promise qingyunzi something. No matter whether they will go to the so-called ancient battlefield when they arrive at Yuanying, he can grasp it. As long as the group of people can't understand the meaning of what they really want, they won't do anything to them. Moreover, he also has a certain degree of assurance to keep Yin Zhu This can be unscrupulous opportunity to get more things, when?

Yes, the most important thing for Jono to think about is to keep Yin Zhu. He didn't think about the others. If Yin Zhu knew that he had taught them a lesson in advance, it would be the plot that I love you with all my life.

"Bai Kun, how many things do you think we should ask them so as not to break other people's bottom line?" Jono couldn't help asking.

Jono certainly doesn't think that with a name of hope, those people can really let them do whatever they want. He just says that they can do whatever they want within a certain range. This is a problem of the bottom line, which needs to be well grasped.

After all, it's better to grasp things. Otherwise, they will suffer less and the other party will be upset.

Bai Kun thought for a while and said, "talk to them first. Anyway, I'll have a quarrel. Try the bottom line of these people first, and then I know what I want?" Bai Kun said that he was good at this, and he would give it to him next.

Bai Kun soon chatted with several people in qingyunzi. Bai Kun talked about a wide range of things. Sometimes he talked about cultivation experience, sometimes he talked about skills, sometimes he asked baby. Anyway, it was so complicated that qingyunzi couldn't understand what Bai Kun wanted to do. They wanted to persuade Bai Kun directly, but they didn't say much However, they were cheated by Bai Kun.

I've heard that Bai Kun is a cunning man. He is really a cunning man. Qing Yunzi said that he was afraid that he was the military strategist on their side. All the people he dealt with before were minions.

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