Bai Kun told Bai Ji and Meng Ji about his trading with those people. However, the two didn't reply to the message, and they didn't know what they were busy with. Bai Kun didn't care. Anyway, these two are millennial old foxes, which are not so easy to calculate. He'd better worry about himself first.

He took so many things from the hands of those practitioners. How could those people let them go so easily? They didn't see that Leihe and Leihe were still in those hands. Those people didn't plan to let Leihe and Tengxiao go. The reason why they didn't care about him for the time being was that they wanted to lure him with these things.

But they are not so easy to be seduced. Don't try to be nice to others in this world. They are willing to pay now because they want to get more benefits. Obviously, these practitioners think so.

Bai Kun soon got rid of his tail behind him, then deliberately turned a long way, and then returned to the original place to join Yin Zhuqiao.

After Bai Kun goes back, he shares what he gets with Jono and Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu originally wanted to find out something from it. However, she used to be an ordinary person who didn't know anything about the world of cultivation. The only thing she knew was some myths and legends that she knew from stories and TV, but those things didn't help her much Department.

"Don't worry, Yin Zhu. Let's make a plan first. I think a father and a mother should go out to find a place to rob. Now as long as we work hard, a father and a mother will find a safe place to rob. When they get advanced, they should go to Cheng'an. Cheng'an will be fine." Now they are all well, the only one who is not sure is Cheng an.

The main reason is that there are too many unstable factors in Cheng'an. Who knows that such a weak little thing will become so powerful. When Cheng'an chose to come to this completely strange world with them, he also wanted to say that Cheng'an is brave. After all, Cheng'an has to be strong, not strong, and not to be loved by Yin Zhu. It all depends on his courage. Now think about it This guy has a back hand. If someone is sorry for him, they can make a big move to kill all of them.

What's more, the guy pretends to be simple. He is clearly the old monster in front of him. Thinking of this, Bai Kun can't help covering his chest. He even has a long way to go. Thinking of this, he is very upset. Isn't Cheng an capable of it? Then we'll have a good time in that world and help them find out by the way.

Baiji and Mengji did find a place to go through the robbery at this time. The place they were looking for was an isolated island on the sea. There was no human arrival. Of course, the island was an ordinary island. He didn't want to find one with secrets. At that time, there were many things to cause. Then the couple began to set up on the island. First of all, they had to have array, Array is very useful. Baiji doesn't mix up in the demon world. He often goes to see the practitioners' knowledge, including all kinds of Gongfa and array. Unfortunately, the demon family also has some of these arrays, but they are not many, and they are all simple and easy to understand. There are more array things in the Terran friars' side.

However, this is enough for Baiji. Baiji is a master of array in the orc world. The different application of array here has opened the door to a new world. He has combined the knowledge of the two worlds to make a new array. As for whether the new array is easy to use, he has to test it.

Mengji knows a lot about the array. She follows Baiji, but she doesn't learn it completely. At this time, she works as an assistant for Baiji and arranges the whole island.

In addition to the array, Baiji also made a lot of lightning rods, which were arranged in some parts of the island to form an array. After all, the thunder seemed to be powerful and frightening. The lightning rod was completely applied by the current knowledge. Baiji thought that the world of science and technology was also very interesting. If a lot of things were well applied, it could form a very good effect Fruit.

Of course, we can't see how much effect the array can really play until the time of thunder robbery.

Baiji and Mengji are not worried about whether they can survive the thunder robbery. The reason why they set up this array is not to let people outside know that they have survived the robbery, but also to let baikun use it. Both Baiji and Mengji are millennium old monsters. In the orc world, they can't be improved because of the rules. In fact, their strength can be improved long ago It can be said that the advanced ones have accumulated too much, and all of them have gone bad. After all, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, which makes sense. For example, their current strength is the peak of the golden elixir, but their strength is stronger than others. They use the same techniques, and they spend less spiritual power.

After the whole array was set up, Baiji turned on his mobile phone, and there was no signal at all. Fortunately, Baiji had thought of it for a long time. He made a signal receiving device, which was actually installed. Just need to deploy it. This was also learned by someone outside. Baiji confused people directly, and then asked him to teach them, Baiji and so on Later, he sends a message back to Bai Kun. He says that he has found the place for the robbery and has arranged it. When Bai Kun comes with Qiao Nuo and Yin Zhu, as for Lei he and Tengxiao, let's get along with the group of practitioners. Anyway, it's safe and there are many cultivation resources.After receiving the information from his parents, Bai Kun couldn't help but settle down. Although he directly believed that the two guys would be OK, after he got the information, he was calm.

Bai Kun handed Yin Zhu the information and asked if he was going. Yin Zhu nodded. Since Bai Ji had found a good place, they could go there. The place where they lived was not very safe. There was no one to search. It should be said that there were many people looking for this mountain or even the mountain in China.

Jono set out with Yin and Zhu. They both set out at night and rest during the day. Even if ordinary friars can endure the night, they will not have the energy. In addition, their eyesight will drop a lot at night. They are different. Moreover, the smell of wild animals on them makes those wild animals dare not come near. It can be said that they are in the forest It's too safe for them to walk at night. There is no challenge at all. Besides, when they are tired, Qiao Nuo can fly with Yin zhubaikun for a while.

It took the three people a while to finally know where Baiji and Mengji were. Baiji and Mengji felt it when baikun was near. After all, their blood can sense each other.

"Come and see how my island is doing. It's not worse than your Yinjia village." Bai Ji said triumphantly. To tell the truth, at the beginning, he lived by Yin Zhu. Bai Ji was a bit embarrassed. He thought that he could finally repay the favor. Bai Ji was very happy.

"Very good." In addition to the array, Baiji and Mengji also have several wooden rooms on the island. In a short time, these two people have opened up a large living area here, and the sea is next to them. It's very convenient to eat seafood.

"Father and mother, when will you be promoted?" At this time, Bai Kun couldn't help asking what he was most concerned about.

At this time, Bai Ji looked at Bai Kun comfortingly and said, "it's OK. It's easy to do with our strength, and we have so complete preparations. You can rest assured that it's OK. I'm worried about you." Bai Ji Leng hum, he is sure to pass the thunder disaster completely. He is sure to give his son a good example. His father is omnipotent, and nothing can defeat him.

Bai Kun nodded. It's true, but I don't know if they will enter the strange space when they spend time?

After Baiji and Mengji have arranged the things here, they are ready for the thunder robbery. They have returned all the arrangements for a while. Baiji even tells them how to deal with qingyunzi tianjizi, and then they both cause the thunder robbery without hesitation.

Yin Zhu was a little worried at this time. The thunder robber fell from the sky. I don't know if it will be discovered. Besides, tianjizi, those people should have a way to sense the thunder robber.

Not to mention, tianjizi and qingyunzi, who have reached a certain level of cultivation, really have a way to sense the thunder robbery. As soon as Baiji and Mengji's thunder robbery started, they all felt it. However, they only felt that someone was crossing Yuanying's robbery, but because they were too far away, they didn't know where the legal seat was.

At this time, Bai Ji looked at Bai Kun comfortingly and said, "it's OK. It's easy to do with our strength, and we have so complete preparations. You can rest assured that it's OK. I'm worried about you." Bai Ji Leng hum, he is sure to pass the thunder disaster completely. He is sure to give his son a good example. His father is omnipotent, and nothing can defeat him.

Bai Kun nodded. It's true, but I don't know if they will enter the strange space when they spend time?

After Baiji and Mengji have arranged the things here, they are ready for the thunder robbery. They have returned all the arrangements for a while. Baiji even tells them how to deal with qingyunzi tianjizi, and then they both cause the thunder robbery without hesitation.

Yin Zhu is a little worried at this time. This thunder robbery is falling from the sky. I don't know if it will be discovered. Besides, tianjizi, those people should have a way to sense the thunder robbery........ I don't know if it will be discovered, but also tianjizi. Those people should have a way to sense thunder robbery........

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