Qingyunzi attaches great importance to tianjizi's words. After all, every time that happens, many people will sacrifice, but it is also an opportunity for many people.

No one wants to be a victim, so they should be prepared as much as possible, even more pills and weapons to enhance their strength. Fuguifang's business is much better. Sun pangzi says that his family will not participate in it, but they will do something in the rear, such as resource management. Anyway, every time these things happen, the same thing will happen, For fuguifang, it is also a big opportunity to make money. Risk is accompanied by opportunity, which has been the truth since ancient times.

Of course, it's not necessary for qingyunzi and other experts to collect these things. Their main task is to find the place where Baiji and Mengji are going to rob. If they can't find it, then Jono will leave their sight. This kind of feeling is very bad.

There is also the ancient battlefield that place, just guess, rely on a Chengan do not count, they also want to see, if can determine the best, and if Baiji they go to is not the ancient battlefield?

These people all spread out to quickly find the place where Baiji Mengji was robbed. However, the island Baiji was arranged by array. It can be said that unless we found the island, it would not be so easy to find it, even if we only rely on induction. However, there are still many abandoned islands in the vast sea. Without strong induction, it would not be so easy to find them.

Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo are looking at Baiji and Mengji's robbery seriously at this time. When Leihe was robbing, they didn't see from the beginning to the end for the reason of escaping. Leihe almost couldn't get through, and Cheng'an had no impression at all. Moreover, Jindan's thunder robbery is different from that of Yuanying's, and they will be extradited to a different space at last, I don't know if Baiji and Mengji will be like this?

With the vigilance of Baiji and Mengji, the thunder disaster in the sky begins to fall. Yin Zhu feels the thunder disaster in the sky and finds that it is not her own disaster. It is different from the one she passed over from Leihe before. It is also Yuanying's thunder disaster, which is definitely stronger and more terrible than Leihe's.

However, Baiji and Mengji are equally powerful. At this time, Baiji and Mengji have become beasts. Baiji is a snow-white fox. Yin Zhu takes a look at baikun. It seems that baikun gets Baiji's blood. Many different races of orcs are combined. Yin Zhu doesn't know how to calculate this. Anyway, this combination won't give birth to strange things In other words, Bai Ji's strength is stronger than Meng Ji's, and Meng Ji has changed. Yin Zhu then knows that Meng Ji is a fish, a fish with a long red tail and glittering gold. She also sees an orc of the sea for the first time, and Yin Zhu pokes her finger curiously Poking baikun, he asked, "it's the first time I've ever seen a marine ORC."

"Your mother is a descendant of the king of beasts. Is it possible that the former king of beasts was a fish?" Yin Zhu can't help gossiping. Mengji is a mermaid.

Bai Kun shook his head and said, "I don't know." Bai Kun really doesn't know. Although he said that he was the son of Bai Ji and Meng Ji, because of Bai Ji's big plan, Bai Ji left their husband and wife at a very young age. Bai Ji didn't do anything else except to show up at some time to teach Bai Kun. Meng Ji couldn't go away at all. Bai Kun knew little about his mother, so he went back to know each other because of his kindness to brush Yin Zhu and his desire to find a meeting My memory, as well as all kinds of things behind, I didn't ask Meng Ji about her animal body.

Jono said with a smile: "there are marine orcs, but Yin Zhu is rare. In fact, the orc's royal city was in the ice city at the beginning. That vein was originally from the sea orcs, while daze tribe is in the mountains, which is the paradise of orcs, so you rarely see it."

After hearing Jono's explanation, Yin Zhu suddenly nodded. It's just that she didn't see it. It doesn't mean that she didn't, "this beast is so beautiful!" Yin Zhu said with emotion. Mengji's fish body is really beautiful. It's tens of thousands of times more beautiful than the many beautiful ornamental fish she has seen. The luster of her whole body and the elegant long tail are beautiful. How can you think about her majestic body after transformation? Yin Zhu says that people really can't compare with each other. Why should a girl give her a bear like body Nothing can give her a beautiful body.

Bai Kun couldn't help laughing when he saw Yin Zhu's envious look. Then he gently touched Yin Zhu's hair and said, "Yin Zhu, your animal body is also very lovely."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he patted Bai Kun's hand. "Bai Kun, did I tell you not to praise me for being cute? Normally speaking, praising girls for being cute means that the other party has no other advantages and can only praise them in this way. If the other party is very beautiful, people will directly say that you are very bright, or that you are very smart, and only those middle-class ordinary people are embarrassed Praise, will say oh, you are lovely Yin Zhu said and bowed his head wrongly.

When Bai Kun heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry. "You are really cute and simple. You look very funny. You want to pinch it. In this world, you are the only one who can attract my eyes. What's more, you are still the one who can't be snatched by others. I like you cute, you know?" Bai Kun finished and pinched Yin Zhu's cheek."Hate, can't I be beautiful?" When Yin Zhu heard Bai Kun's words, he was very happy.

"Yin Zhu, don't listen to Bai Kun's nonsense. I don't know if other people are beautiful. I only know that you are the most beautiful in my heart." Jono couldn't help coaxing Yinzhu.

Yin Zhu looked at his two partners and couldn't help feeling elated. "Well, you are unique and irreplaceable in my heart."

There is no pressure on Baiji and Mengji for the thunder robbery in front of them, not to mention that baikun made a lot of lightning rods and led away a lot of lightning. It can be said that for the time being, they are very relaxed. At this time, Baiji turns his head and looks at the way Yin Zhu and baikun tease. He can't help but scold, "as expected, he will regret having a son sooner or later. Where can he have a daughter-in-law I remember my parents. They are still taking risks here. They are flirting with each other. It's sad to think about it. "

Meng Ji on one side naturally sees through Bai Ji's mind. She doesn't know what to say. Bai Ji scolds his son every day. It's useless and so on. But this guy is also the one who cares about his son most. This time, he's still distracted and concerned about his son. I'm really convinced.

The father and son are just like that. They are the people who care the most, but they are so disgusted that they are dying. Fortunately, she mediates, otherwise they can't be misunderstood. Mengji says that she is tired.

"Well, don't make trouble. It's better to take a serious look at the thunder robbery. It's related to our future. Uncle has a unique skill in array arrangement. Bai Ji, you should learn more." Qiao Nuo said with a smile that among them, Bai Kun's array attainments are the highest, but not up to the level of Bai Ji.

Bai Kun nodded. The old man still has a lot to learn. It's necessary to take them out. He can't show off every time he has something to do. He still has to work hard.

Bai Ji would be very angry if he knew that he had worked hard but got such an evaluation from Bai Kun.

The thunder disaster in the sky is more and more serious. However, Baiji and Mengji are very relaxed. Yin Zhu says, is this because of the accumulation of these two factors? At this time, Bai Ji began to change, and he began to have an extra tail behind him. With more and more thunder robberies, the tails came out one by one. Yin Zhu didn't understand where it was. The direction of Bai Ji's advancement should be Nine Tailed Fox, which is also super powerful.

But Mengji hasn't changed at this time. What's the evolutionary direction of fish? Is it hard for a fish to leap into the dragon's gate? Will Mengji evolve into a dragon?

When Yin Zhu is still thinking, he finds that behind Mengji, he doesn't know when to slowly pick up two meat buns, as if there is something to come out? There seems to be something wrong with the direction of evolution.

With the arrival of thunder robbery, Bai Ji has nothing to do. At this time, he has seven tails, and the meat bag on Meng Ji's body has been broken. You are a pair of fleshy little wings, winged fish. What is this?

Bai Kun said at this time, "this should be Ying Yu." After reih became a new species, he went to check some mythical animals in the world. The evolution of Baiji can be seen. Mengji became clear at this time.

Ying Yu, what is this? Is it great? Yin Zhu said that he was a native and didn't understand, but Bai Kun did. How shameful should he be?

Bai Kun explained at this time that this is a strange beast in ancient mythology, which is similar to the existence of divine beast. Yin Zhu nodded and said that he must go back to investigate this knowledge, otherwise he would be laughed at if he didn't know anything.

"Why have you all changed? I haven't changed. My power has awakened a lot, but I'm still a bear and stronger." When it comes to Zhuang, Yin Zhu can't help crying. She's a girl. She really doesn't need this feature.

"You haven't completely transformed, but if you succeed in transformation, you should be a kind of animal in ancient times, definitely not an ordinary bear." Bai Kun comfortingly touches Yin Zhu's hair.

Yin Zhu said that she also wanted to evolve, and finally evolved into another beautiful and powerful creature, but God didn't agree.

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