"I found that the direction of our evolution is ancient alien animals, and it's still very powerful, including the power of our awakening. What are we waiting for?" Yin Zhu said that it's too easy for them to gain power. When we think about it in the orc world, we want those powers to be cultivated slowly, but here they are directly advanced and mutated. She is really worried.

Bai Kun immediately hugged Yin Zhu on the shoulder, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm worried too much. Since they have given us such strength, they can also deal with the coming events. They won't give us too much difference. So you should rest assured that you don't care too much about the power, and you should be firm more often Our own heart, so that we won't lose ourselves, whether it's strength or other good, whether it's conspiracy or calculation, we can face it calmly. Since we're given it, there's no need to feel guilty. Anyway, we can still afford it in the future. "

Hearing Bai Kun's aggressive words, Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing, and then nodded his head, which really calmed Bai Kun's heart.

Bai Kun and Meng Ji have reached the last critical moment of the thunder robbery. Although they have some scars, they are not deep. Some of the thunder robbers are attracted by the lightning rods, and some of them are absorbed by the two men. They are really powerful and can be said to be the first to resist the thunder robbery.

"Next, pay attention. Maybe that strange world will open up. I don't know if it will be the same as Cheng An's?" It's a pity that no one went to see Cheng'an during the robbery. After all, when Cheng'an said that he wanted to go out for a walk, who would have thought that Cheng'an would break out.

But what Bai Ji and Meng Ji have seen, if they are in the same place, they will definitely say.

If it's a world, it's easy to do. When it comes time, everyone will be in the same place. As long as they find each other, it's easy to do. What they fear most is that they are not in the same place, so they will have a headache.

"Pay attention to them all. Don't distract." Jono said.

Baiji and Mengji are also looking at the sky seriously. At this time, two swirling doors appear, and baikun's face becomes very bad. Won't this really become the worst situation?

Normally, if two people are in the same place, there should be only one portal, but there are two different portals. Does that mean that they are going to different places? If so, how can they contact each other and go to the world to find them?

At this time, Bai Ji also frowns and looks at the vortex on his head. This situation is also his worst plan. The world he and Meng Ji want is two different worlds. The world Meng Ji wants to go to is a sea, which looks like an ocean. The last time Cheng an entered a world full of flames, and the world above him is a forest, which doesn't look like a sea Know what these stand for.

Bai Ji still has a lot to say, but at this time he obviously has no time to explain. The vortex on his head has forced him to pull inside.

Didn't those practitioners say they were ancient battlefields? What's their one?

Bai Ji only had time to send a message to Bai Kun, "you should be careful and try to contact them later." As for whether it's a world or not, he doesn't know.

Mengji can only turn around and wave to Jono at this time, and then disappear.

Baiji and Mengji have disappeared, and only the mess left on the ground after the thunder robbery. Baikun sighs deeply at this time, "Yinzhu, you can see it too. In the next period of time, you can practice well with us."

No matter where they went before, they didn't leave Yin Zhu. But this time, they have to separate everyone. Yin Zhu is weak in fighting ability, even if she has strength, but her fighting ability is weak. With her soft heart, now they can only cram for a while and train Yin Zhu well in this period of time to fight with them. They will have a sense of propriety It's too much, but it's hard to say when you meet others, so even if you don't have the heart, it's better than Yin Zhu's life and death later.

Yin Zhu nodded. She knew where her weakness was. She knew what Bai Kun was worried about.

On the other side, tianjizi and his party were still looking for the place where they were going to rob. When Baiji and Mengji disappeared, tianjizi frowned and looked at the distant sky, and then said, "don't look. Those two people have successfully left. It seems that they are not in this country, but abroad. When they stretch out from the sea, they don't know Joe I wonder if they've already made it. "

Qingyunzi nodded. However, just now there was only a breath leaking. He was not sure where they were, but he knew they were overseas.

"Did you feel that just now? I feel that there are two connecting points in the world." Qiong Wu could not help gritting her teeth.

Qingyunzi also nodded, which means what they naturally know, that is to say, the two people who robbed together did not transmit to the same place. Is that the place Chengan went to last time different from them?"If you said that each of them went to a different space, where would they go and what would greet them?" Qingyunzi could not help but speak again.

Tianjizi said faintly at this time, "I have a guess that the reason why they go to different places should be related to their own power system, and the reason why they want to leave after their strength reaches Yuanying is that our world strength can only reach Yuanying, so they can only leave. And those different spaces should be the most suitable places for their cultivation and growth, where they can improve their strength and cross the realm again. "

Hearing this, qingyunzi couldn't help but have a headache. "If so, we will suffer. After all, the highest strength in the world is Yuanying, which won't go beyond this range. You say that if they want to face the power beyond this, we can't afford this disaster."

Qiongwu can't help but have a headache when she hears this. If it's really like what qingyunzi said, it's a great disaster for Xiuzhen world. Although tianjizi said that he hopes to see it, he hopes it will come. How many people are still alive at that time?

"Tianjizi, can you say some good news? Everyone is scared by you." Qiongwu couldn't help muttering.

Tianjizi said, "we should prepare for the worst, not everything."

"You said that if we can improve our strength, why doesn't the way of heaven let us go in? Even if those people have strong blood, they will be stronger than us. Why don't we also go in for cultivation? Isn't it good to have more strong people then?" At this time, some people can't help saying that after all, they all want strong strength.

Tianjizi said coldly at this time, "Chengan boasted that the world you feel, that strange space has been broken, think inside can enhance the strength of the power is not much, maybe only enough Chengan they a person to enhance the strength, so these are absolutely not allowed us to touch."

Qiong Wu was not happy at this time and said, "tianjizi, can you say a word of preparation? You have been guessing all the time. To tell you the truth, I'm upset by you. I just want to live a down-to-earth life. All these messy thoughts are painful." Qiong Wu is also impatient. There are so many things. Of course, every time there is a big disaster, it can be said that people's cultivation is miserable. This demon clan is very powerful and relatively better.

Tianjizi didn't get angry when he heard this, but said faintly, "if you feel bored, you can't listen. When the final result comes out, I can let you know."

Qiong Wu can't help turning a white eye when she hears this. If she doesn't know anything, she really doesn't know that the demon world has been repaired and sold by this man. Even if she is annoyed, she has to listen carefully. How can she not listen?

Seeing this, qingyunzi couldn't help but sneer at qiongwu, and then said, "qiongwu must be patient in doing great things. You can't do this."

Hearing this, qiongwu said unhappily, "since I can't, please be the first to rush ahead." In the past, when there was something uncertain, even if we discussed it together, he was usually the first one who could be the most defensive.

Hearing this, qingyunzi couldn't help laughing, and didn't try to provoke qiongwu. This stupid man also has intelligence. He can't bully others too much.

"Well, I'd better go back and watch Leihe and Tengxiao. By the way, it would be better if I could study the secrets in their blood." Qingyunzi couldn't help but speak. To tell the truth, they didn't understand why this heaven would choose a group of half demons as the saviors. After all, this is something that has never happened before. No matter what happened before, most of them were human, and there were also demons, but half demons were for the first time.

Hearing this, qingyunzi couldn't help laughing, and didn't try to provoke qiongwu. This stupid man also has intelligence. He can't bully others too much.

"Well, I'd better go back and watch Leihe and Tengxiao. By the way, it would be better if I could study the secrets in their blood." Qingyunzi couldn't help but speak. To tell the truth, they didn't understand why this heaven would choose a group of half demons as the saviors. After all, this is something that has never happened before. No matter what happened before, most of them were human, and there were also demons, but half demons were for the first time. There are also demons, but half demons are for the first time. There are also demons, but half demons are for the first time.

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