Since everyone else has been robbed, tianjizi won't find anyone. Anyway, next time, Jono will definitely return the robbery. Now that they know that the place of the robbery is deep in the sea, it's easier to find it next time. Besides, Jono and they are not even golden elites. That is to say, they have to spend two days of robbery and two opportunities. If they can't find anyone in that way Then they really don't want to live.

Tianjizi soon returned to Sifang prison. Of course, they would not be idle. They still had a lot of things to do, such as arranging their subordinates to prepare for the disaster. They must be prepared. Moreover, Chengan didn't go to the same place, so they were more anxious and worried Things will not be so good in the future.

Of course, tianjizi didn't forget to continue to chat with Jono. After all, it's very difficult for them to know Jono's news. Those guys are too good at hiding. Thinking of their purpose, they can't talk from them. They are really upset.

Tianjizi went back to the island and went to talk with Leihe directly. "Baiji and Mengji have already passed the yuan baby thunder robbery."

When Leihe heard this, he was pleasantly surprised. If these two people had passed the thunder robbery, would they have gone to another space like Cheng an? If they were in the same space with Cheng An, they would not have to worry about the comfort of Cheng an. Obviously, Leihe also recognized the strength of Baiji and Mengji.

"White sacrifice to Mengji? Who are they, your friends? It's also powerful. I've passed the thunder robbery of Yuanying. Congratulations. How many more experts have you got? " Reich said, pretending to be a fool.

Tianjizi can't help but roll his eyes when he hears this. The boy is still pretending to be in front of him. He doesn't look at him and says that the boy's face doesn't change much, but his eyes move. He is very good at acting.

"What I want to tell you is that the space they enter is different from Cheng'an, and Baiji and Mengji enter two different spaces respectively." Tianjizi said simply.

"What?" Reich could not help crying.

Tianjizi at this time, people can't help but look at Leihe, the meaning is very clear, how no longer installed?

"Well, you see Baiji and Mengji have been robbed. What kind of world have they entered? Tell us quickly." Leihe can't help but get anxious at this time. If everyone enters a different space, he will worry about Yin Zhu. What should Yin Zhu do?

It has to be said that these men always keep Yin Zhu in mind. They all have the same mind. When they find that they are not in the same space, they all worry about Yin Zhu's safety. As for their own, they don't worry. Or they are all used to it. Will they be OK?

"Why don't you know Baiji and Mengji? So what do you do with their information? " Tianjizi said unhappily at this time.

Leihe was flexible. He blinked his eyes and said, "Why are you angry with me, don't you know what to say to me? You are not kind. You know we are together. If you have anything to say, why do you beat around the Bush? "

Tianjizi can't help but get angry when he hears this, "say it directly, how can I say it? You can be treacherous one by one." Tianjizi thought that he had talked with Qiao Nuo about cooperation. As a result, Bai Kun took a lot of cultivation resources and left. How about cooperation? Except for their resources, they didn't get anything. You said that Jono was afraid to show up because he was worried about their own safety. That's OK. At least let them know his origin or something else. As a result, they didn't get anything. It's really a white wolf.

Tengxiao can't help defending himself after hearing tianjizi's words, "I'm very honest, I'm not treacherous."

Tianjizi can't help rolling his eyes when he hears this. Tengxiao is really honest. Then this guy has self-knowledge and doesn't chat with them at all. He probably knows how wrong he is and is worried that he will leak the secret if he is not careful. Then this guy basically answers that they are all right. Well, if he doesn't know, he will be angry.

"Well, well, the past is over. If we meet later, you can find Bai Kun to settle the accounts." Reich changed the subject directly.

"Come on, let's talk about Baiji and Mengji." Tengxiao also came up at this time.

"Thunder robbery, thunder robbery is just like that. Anyway, we can't rush into thunder robbery to intercept people, and then they will go to another space after thunder robbery. What can we say?" Tianjizi couldn't help muttering.

"You didn't say that they went to the same different space, that is to say, everyone went to a separate world. You said that Chengan was an ancient battlefield. Where did Baiji and Mengji go?" Reich asked excitedly.

When tianjizi heard this, he couldn't help but make a white eye. He didn't know where the two guys were robbing. He didn't see them at all. He just sensed them when they were robbing. Then he sensed two space points after the thunder robbery. He didn't know where they were going."Lehe, do you want to know the evolutionary direction of Baiji and Mengji?" At this time, tianjizi laughed, changed the topic, and threw out a question.

Leihe can't help thinking at this time. He also has some understanding of these evolutions. This evolution also means random evolution. For example, as for himself, the next stage of snake evolution is Jiaolong, so what will Baiji and Mengji evolve?

To tell you the truth, he doesn't know the essence of Baiji and Mengji. Baikun knows that it's a fox. Baikun should inherit Baiji. Mengji really doesn't know.

"What is it? You give us some advice. I also want to know my evolutionary direction." Tengxiao can't help interrupting. He has recovered a lot and is working hard every day. Tianjizi also provides some training resources, but that's it. It will take a while for him to get back to his original strength, and it's even more difficult to advance.

Tianjizi wanted to make a set of words to see if he could figure out what these two people are, and then guess their evolutionary direction. As a result, the two of them did not leak a single word, but they also made a set of their own words. It's really not easy to do. Each of them is very treacherous.

Leihe saw that tianjizi didn't answer. He couldn't help frowning. The reason why tianjizi came here to chat with them on this day was that he didn't want to make a stereotype. Normally, if he knew, he shouldn't say it. It's better to make them surprised. For example, at the beginning, Baiji and Mengji went to different spaces after they were promoted, but now they didn't say anything Does it mean that this guy is cheating himself? If these guys go to see Baiji and Mengji's robbery, they don't have to talk to him here at all?

Is that because this guy didn't see Baiji and Mengji at all? It's also because these two are old foxes. If they didn't make a good arrangement, how could they easily rob? Obviously, these guys didn't see Baiji and Mengji robbing at all. It should be said that they just sensed that they were robbing and knew that they were going to different spaces, and then they came back to talk to them.

Leihe couldn't help wiping the sweat on his head at this time. He almost had no one to talk about it. It was not a good day.

"You don't know that Baiji and Mengji didn't go through the robbery at all, or that the success of the robbery is false, and it's also false that they went to different worlds. The reason why you know the identities of Baiji and Mengji is that they went to the demon world for too much time after all. Do you mean to talk to me Unfortunately, I will not be deceived. " Leihe said with a smile.

Tengxiao also responded at this time, and then he stopped discussing any questions. He just shut up. This is the way Tengxiao summed up himself. He is not as quick minded as Qiao Nuo baikun, so the best way is to find something wrong and not answer anything.

Tianjizi can't help laughing when he hears this. He wants to set up a routine for others, but he was first set up by others. This Leihe has a flexible brain, doesn't he say that half demon's intelligence is not very high? Why are Jono baikun and Leihe all thieves?

"Leihe, you are not kind. How many benefits have you taken from us? Don't talk about Cheng'an, just Tengxiao. You said that in order to save you, we didn't do any harm to you. Why can't you tell us some news? Do you deserve our kindness?" Since we can't cheat, we can only play the emotional card.

Tengxiao could not help frowning when he heard this, and then said, "I know the benefits you have given me. As long as I can afford it in the future, I will definitely give it back to you. I will never lie." Tengxiao doesn't like to owe debts, especially the favor of tianjizi. It's true that he has eaten a lot of other people's natural resources and land treasures. Moreover, he does live well because of them, which we have to admit.

Leihe couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this. Tengxiao was too sincere. If it wasn't for their usefulness, how could these people have been so kind-hearted to save them.

Tianjizi patted Tengxiao on the shoulder, "OK, I'll wait." Tengxiao is a good person. He doesn't doubt that Tengxiao is lying. If they really have a future, they are afraid that their future strength will be higher than them. At that time, they are afraid that they can't get them. It's a good thing for Tengxiao to remember their kindness.

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