Leihe waited for tianjizi to turn around and leave. He couldn't help sighing to Tengxiao, "how can you be so sincere? Why do you want to give it back to them? In fact, it's up to them to calculate us first."

If not for them, they are still living and working in Yinjia village at this time. Think about how peaceful and happy they were when they first arrived in Yinjia village, where there are so many things like now, and he has to worry about Yinzhu.

Tengxiao couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and said: "no matter what, it's true that they saved me. What's more, we have to face what we don't know. Then I don't know. If I really have a future, it means that we all live well. At that time, if we are still in this world, we can only live in the future I'm afraid we still have to get along with them. So what about giving them some advantages? We can't make ourselves the same as their enemies unless we don't get along with them in the future. "

When Leihe heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He patted Tengxiao's shoulder with a smile and said, "yes, I can use my brain."

Tengxiao turns his eyes when he hears this. He doesn't want to talk to Leihe. He seems to be a fool. He just doesn't like turning and thinking, but he doesn't understand it at all.

"You said that we are now locked up here and we don't know anything. If we want to know the information from the outside world, we have to rely on them. If we ask for information, we will ask for information. We are also asking for other people's information." Tengxiao sighed.

"It doesn't matter what you want to do when you say that the way of heaven separates us. But I'm worried about Yin Zhu. The guardian contract between Yin Zhu and me is still there. I don't know if the contract can be used after we go to different spaces. If it can be used, I can rest assured." Tengxiao said with emotion.

Think of oneself at the beginning in order to stay in Yin Zhu side, desperate to use the contract, unfortunately this thing he never really used.

"I don't want you to have the chance to use it. If you use it, it means Yin Zhu is in danger." Reich sighed.

"What are they doing now, Jono?" Reich couldn't help asking.

"It's supposed to be hiding somewhere and practicing well." Now the pressure on them is strength in addition to strength.

Tengxiao said that he should also work hard, otherwise he would really become the one with the lowest strength among them.

"Do you know what Mengji's animal body is?" Bored, Leihe can't help gossiping, saying that at the beginning, none of them wanted to ask what Mengji's animal body was. One thought it was good to be powerful, which had nothing to do with the animal body, and the other didn't mean to ask.

Tengxiao shakes his head, which doesn't mean he doesn't know.

"Do you know the blood of the king of beasts in the last life?" Mengji is the descendant of the king of beasts. She must have inherited the blood of the king of beasts. If the blood of the king of beasts is not strong, there will be no one else.

Teng Xiao shook his head. "I don't know. You have to know that the king of beasts is far away from us. I really don't know."

Leihe was also disappointed when he heard that. He didn't think Tengxiao could give him an answer. If Bai Kun was here, he might be able to give him an answer.

Qingyunzi looked at tianjizi standing on one side and asked, "you didn't ask anything just now?"

Tianjizi shook his head and said, "no, these two guys are obviously not so good. Forget it, whatever."

Qingyunzi can't help but stare at him. "It's casual, isn't it? It can be casual. Baikun has taken away a lot of our resources." Qingyunzi was obviously not reconciled.

Tianjizi couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "is it for them to give them those resources? No, it's for the hope of our whole cultivation world, so there's nothing to say. Besides, these things are given back to us by the world. Now we should also give back to the world. Besides, those things are just a drop in the bucket for you Qingyun sect. Don't be so stingy. "

Hearing this, qingyunzi couldn't help laughing, "nine oxen and a hair is also a hair. Don't take a hair as money. Your family has a big business. Why don't you contribute a little?" Although Qingyun sect said that the sect was powerful, there were also many disciples. This resource is far from enough. How could it be as light as tianjizi said.

Tianjizi rolled a white eye, "I'm alone, and there's the wasteland around tianjizong. Then there's the shabby house of tianjizong. You can take it if you like."

When qingyunzi heard this, he gasped. Tianjizong would be like this. It's not tianjizong's own laziness. Tianjizi doesn't worry about his family's food. He doesn't care about the family's affairs. Besides, the house is broken, but it's tianjizong's family. Tianjizi's mouth is like this. If anyone really occupies his family, he will fight with others It's on the shelf.

Qingyunzi said that it's no fun to quarrel with this machine. This guy is always like this.

Qiongwu slowly stood up at this time. In fact, he was most concerned about Leihe's blood. After all, the Terrans didn't pay attention to blood, and the demons only paid attention to blood. Let alone Leihe, it seemed that they were not simple. Unfortunately, they had tried before. Leihe's blood on the ground was useless. He wanted to try Leihe's blood. That's the same Leihe and they are not willing at all. It's not so easy to make ah people dizzy. The more powerful people are, the more difficult it is to make them dizzy."Leihe, actually speaking, we are the same family, and the Demon power absorbed by cultivation is in the same continuous line. You see, Baiji and Mengji have become the demon king of the demon world. Do you want to name them in the demon world?" Although Baiji and Mengji didn't find anyone, they also knew that they had gone through the thunder and robbed another time and space. Qiongwu said that since people had already been named in the demon world, they were naturally the people in the demon world.

I don't know if Leihe and his family will go or not. If they want to go, he can let them out even if they want to be the boss. However, if Leihe and his family reach Yuanying, qiongwu's boss will also be allowed.

"Why, tianjizi came back in vain, and now he sent you out?" Leihe couldn't help laughing.

Qiong Wu laughs at this and shakes her head directly. "You know, I don't know how to talk. I don't want to send a real talk, so I'm not here to talk. I just want to invite you to join the demon world."

Reich laughed at this. "What's the advantage of adding me to the demon world, or can you protect me? If you can't give me anything, you just want to take me in. How can you do such a good thing

Leihe said that he was not stupid. How could he be cheated like this.

"How about I choose you as my successor? It's good enough." Qiongwu said she was very generous.

When Leihe heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "You don't think that I'll happily promise. I'll have a good life. However, I'll be your successor. At that time, all the trivial things in the demon world will be related to me. You think I'll have a good life. However, I'm not happy and stupid to be a hard-working housekeeper. I won't take it It's a burden. "

Leihe said that as a tribal leader, it's very hard to consider the survival of those people, including the contradictions within the ethnic group, and then diplomacy, all kinds of things, and so on. In the past, when he was the leader of a dark city, he was tired to death, but there were still several powerful subordinates. Now, in the demon world, those people had relations with him and asked him to spend so much money He's not stupid enough to take responsibility for them. In the past, he had no choice but to bear the responsibilities of the orcs, because some people could not and could not bear the responsibilities of a city Lord.

Qiong Wu thought that he had given enough benefits, but others didn't like it at all. In fact, there are many benefits to be his successor. At least the resources in the demon world can be used freely. Of course, it's true that there are more responsibilities. There are not many people waiting to be his successor in the demon world, but they are rejected. Qiong Wu feels that he will be heartbroken.

These orcs are not so easy to turn around. Of course, qiongwu's idea is that they can't get their blood. Isn't there another way? For example, if you find some beautiful girls to be with Leihe, the children you give birth to will probably inherit Leihe's blood. They have not used the beauty trick. Unfortunately, they don't know whether Leihe's eyes are broken or because of other reasons. None of them can see it.

Those people didn't know that reih had a partner, or that he was the only orc, but they all thought that this was not the reason why there were few Orc women? When the fragrant little beauty comes, can she refuse? Unfortunately, these people misjudged the relationship between Yin Zhu and several partners. Yin Zhu's relationship with them has long been not a simple tie. It can be said that they have melted into each other's bones. They have love and kinship, which can be said that they are constantly giving up.

"Well, I don't want to forget it, but I'm really optimistic about you. At least we're all demons. In the cultivation system, you're on our side. As for why we treat you like this, you know, we just don't want to miss it. If you have anything you want, you can ask me. I'll say anything you can say, just for everyone's sake 。” Qiong Wu patted Leihe on the shoulder and turned to walk out.

Leihe nodded and didn't say it was bad. Since someone was willing to give him a favor, why didn't he? Maybe he would ask for someone later. But qiongwu said that he was not very good at pulling people and retreating, but he would never join the demon world. If he had a good relationship in the future, he could go there to play, but he could not join them. They were all right It's a good thing for my family.

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