It's OK for Cheng an and Bai Ji to be in that different space for the time being. Anyway, they still have time. Since they have to wait for them, it's better to study this array more thoroughly.

And Jono several Ze in serious to improve their strength, by the way, keep training Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu watched Jono several help himself to calculate all aspects, can't help looking at baikun and Jono said, "you don't have to worry too much, since this heaven also want to use our, won't let us die so quickly, so you rest assured, I really don't have So fragile. "

Qiao Nuo nodded, gently touched Yin Zhu's head and said, "I know, Yin Zhu, you are always strong. It's not that we don't want you to work too hard."

Bai Kun also nodded. They always wanted to bring Yin Zhu a good life and happiness. But in the orc world, they were always busy with all kinds of things. Even the only child was born by calculation. Fortunately, Teng was a very good child. He didn't let them copy his heart or make Yin Zhu sad. They thought it was OK to come to this world With the smooth and steady, the result is still not able to, these people are calculating themselves, Jono some unwilling, why calculate them, just because they are weak?

Bai Kun touches Yin Zhu's stomach. Before that, they always wanted Yin Zhu to have a baby. After all, their family is full of adults. If there are a few babies, they can adjust their life. Now there are so many things, it's better not to have a baby. Otherwise, they will be sad because of the arrival of the baby. They are even more afraid of the way of heaven and children here I don't want to let it go.

"Well, it's OK. Keep working hard. There's nothing wrong in our preparation." Bai Kun touched Yin Zhu's hair.

Yin Zhu nodded, and then looked at the sky above her head seriously. At last, the way of heaven in the world should not have too much malice to them. Otherwise, no matter what they do, she will give up her life at most, and will not let him do what she wants. She has no great promise, but she will not be too greedy for life and afraid of death.

Don't know Chengan and Baiji they each went to another space, don't know how, Yinzhu still don't know these people have met.

However, I didn't expect these two to converge so quickly. After all, at the beginning, everyone saw that everyone was in a different space. However, Bai Kun also said that according to the world Baiji and Mengji went to, it should be a world suitable for their strength. It should be experience. There should be a little danger, but the danger is not too high. It should be to improve their strength, The most worrying thing for them is what they will do after improving their strength. After all, it must be very difficult for them to do with such strong strength.

Yin Zhu thinks whether she has any bad constitution. Otherwise, how can she find out all those things one by one and not let her live a good life?

The three soon mentioned the golden elixir period, and then they were ready to go through the robbery. Jono was the first, Yin Zhu was the next, and Bai Kun was the last. The process of going through the robbery was very painful. It could be said that they broke the bones and reorganized them. Yin Zhu said that they really felt the powerful force in their bodies, so that she could live well under the thunder Yes, this cultivation is not practiced by human beings. It's not easy to be robbed.

Yin Zhu said that he is probably not promising, otherwise how can he think so.

Bai Kun can't help but smile. Then he grabs Yin Zhu's hand and says that he won't carry it for Yin Zhu next time. Yin Zhu shakes her head and says that she doesn't need it. She just shouts in her mouth and talks about how she can improve her strength if others help her. Another is that if more than one person goes through the robbery together, it will probably enhance the power of Lei Jie, Although there is no basis for saying this, many novels say so. This novel comes from reality, so it's better not to.

Moreover, in case the thunder robbery really strengthens and makes Bai Kun hurt or have an accident, what should be done? Having a Tengxiao is enough for Yin Zhu. She doesn't accept the second such partner. However, Yin Zhu also says that she can't say anything casually in the future. These partners really value her and want to bear everything for her.

It's very sweet to think of, but it's also a heavy burden.

However, because Jono three people went to Jindan one after another, qingyunzi also found Jono's Island. Unfortunately, there was an array on the island, which was made by Bai Kun according to the combination of the world's array and the orc world's array. It can be said that it was not a system. The world's array mages could not break the array.

Chen Kui, an elder of Tianmen, is the most powerful person in the world. As a result, such a person can't solve the array. Chen Kui looked at the array in front of him with his eyes shining, and cried out, "who arranged the array, tell him to come out, let's have a good exploration Ask for it. "

Qingyunzi can't help laughing when he hears this. Chen Kui will lose control and become insane when he encounters something related to the array. However, they really didn't expect that there is an array master in the half demon. The array they set up can't even solve Chen Kui. Does that mean that Chen Kui's array attainments are better than Chen Kui's, if so It's a little scary."Tianjizi, do you have a way to break this array?" In addition to Chen Kui, he is also a master of array.

Tianjizi shook his head at this time. "This array involves some principles I don't understand. To tell you the truth, I have no way. If I can understand it a little, I can solve it. Now, this group of semi demons is not simple. They not only have strong blood, but also have their own inheritance."

Qingyunzi nodded, "if it's simple, Tiandao won't hand over such an important task to them. It's disappointing to say that there are so many people in our group, and none of them is favored by Tiandao. Our hope is to ask a group of Banyao to help." If they can, they don't want to pay attention to Banyao. After all, they didn't look up to others before. Now they even ask others to do things for themselves. They are embarrassed to say so.

Of course, they didn't ask for it, but now it's obvious that they can't control Jono. First of all, Cheng'an's strength is now comparable to them. They have strong blood, which can be said to press them to fight in the future. Moreover, according to their inference, Cheng'an's going to the different space is likely to further absorb the power beyond the world Quantity, then who can do anything to these half demons? Even now Leihe and Tengxiao are in their hands, but because it's about hope, they don't dare to treat others harshly, and they keep sending good things, OK?

"Tianjizi, what shall we do? Why don't we talk to Jono and them?" Qiong Wu could not help saying at this time.

In fact, the reason why they want to control them is not to hurt Jono. They just don't want to put their hope on Jono. They want to control the whole court. Now this kind of thing is obviously impossible. What should we do next?

Tianjizi thought for a while and said, "don't talk about music. Jono and baikun are very smart. They know the weights in their hands very well. Even if we have Leihe and Tengxiao in our hands, it's useless, because we can't threaten them. On the contrary, if they have what we need to do, we have to compromise."

The green cloud son hears this words and can't help but lower head, they this group of old fellows also for the first time be forced helplessly lower head like this, this half demon is very fierce.

"Take Leihe and Tengxiao. They are all family. Why separate them and give them back." Tianjizi thought for a while and said that this is also a show of kindness in advance, and he also wanted to leave some way for himself.

Green cloud son several hear this words can't help but some anxieties, "isn't it, tianjizi, let's return Leihe and Tengxiao to Jono them, this, this isn't good?"

Tianjizi laughed at this time. "We've left people in our hands for such a long time. Can you work out something? Besides, we can't do anything if people stay in our hands. We'll give them a lot of good things. There are still many people to do. Don't worry about it. It's not necessary to offend Jono. If we don't show it, we'll do it later It's really hard to say how

Qingyunzi was silent when he heard this. They didn't want to find out the abnormality in Leihe and Tengxiao, but they didn't dare to hurt them. It can be said that in this case, it's very difficult to find out something.

"Forget it, I don't have any opinions. This matter was originally handed over to tianjizi. You can do it if you like." Qingyunzi thought for a moment and waved his hand. Tianjizi's idea also has some truth, so he didn't insist.

Of course, some of the others are against it, but there are still a lot of people who support it. This has something to do with the friendship tianjimen has made over the years. In addition, tianjimen always have a sense of propriety in their work, which is not without any reason, so in the end, everyone agreed.

When Leihe and Tengxiao were brought to the edge of the island, they were still muddled, "why, do you want to lock us here?" The Sifang prison was not very good before. Why did it suddenly change to another place? However, it doesn't matter to them to change to any place. It's all the same.

Tianjizi shook his head and said, "it's none of your business. The island below is Jono's residence. There are arrays in it. We can't get in, but I believe you can get in. We don't mean any harm to you, and we don't want to break up your family. So let's just let your family get together and go."

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