Leihe and Tengxiao are looking at tianjizi with silly eyes. They can't believe it. Tianjizi managed to catch them. Before, they tried every means to hold them. How could they be so kind as to let them reunite with Yinzhu? It's definitely a pit.

It can't be that they have no way to break the array, so they want to seize Jono by their hands. In this case, they can't enter the island below. Anyway, they just need to know that Yin zhujono is OK, and they don't care about the rest.

Tianjizi wanwan didn't expect that he wanted to do a good job, but no one believed him, and others doubted his intention?

Thinking of this, tianjizi can't help feeling a little sad. It seems that he didn't do anything bad. It should be said that the whole tianjimen didn't do anything bad. The people of tianjimen always have a good relationship with the people in the whole world, whether they are demons or Terrans.

"Well, Reich, we really don't have bad intentions, and we don't want to control you, really." Qingyunzi see tianjizi face embarrassed, can't help but stand up and say.

Lehrer shook his head, but he didn't believe it. It was a sudden kindness. He said he couldn't accept it.

Tianjizi knows that if he doesn't explain things clearly, Leihe and Tengxiao won't believe it. Tianjizi can't help puking to death at this time. You say that they are so busy these days, and then Jono runs around like a bird in shock. As a result, they don't get any benefits. On the contrary, they make Jono vigilant. I don't know whether they will If the relationship is getting worse and they are disgusted by it, what should they do if they are not willing to do something about hope?

"Leihe, don't worry. If you don't believe me, I'll make a good analysis with you, and then you will know that we are sincere." Tianjizi said helplessly.

Reich nodded and said seriously, "well, you say it."

Tianjizi shakes his head. He has some helplessness about the consequences. Then he goes to different places from Chengan and Baiji. According to his own judgment, many of them say it, and then he says that no matter in any way, tianjizi can't control them in the future, and they even have to please them in the future, and even they are half demons in the future It's not good for the practitioners who can even dominate the world to continue to fight against Jono. At present, even if Jono and all of them are controlled by them, they can't hurt Jono Reich. When Jono's strength is improved, they can't follow Jono. Jono's strength is stronger In the different space to be further promoted, at that time, what they can do, they can say that they are very helpless.

Leihe believed in the reasons of tianjizi, but they didn't do anything else with their hands?

"Of course we want to, but we haven't worked out anything for such a long time. Obviously, the way of heaven doesn't want us to know or let us intervene. In this case, there is no deep hatred between us. Why do we have to be like that? We still ask you, so we just want you to reunite with Jono, so you can't go on No matter what we do, there are people who can negotiate with each other to avoid confusion. I also hope you can remember that we didn't hurt you. On the contrary, we also saved Cheng'an and Tengxiao. Even though we had a purpose at the beginning, we really paid precious things to save them. I hope you can help us if you can open our hope, If you can't, please tell us how to start. Even if we have to sacrifice at that time, there will be people on our side. " Tianjizi thought for a moment and said.

If there is a price to pay for opening up hope, they are willing to do it, even for the sake of future generations. But if Jono is not willing, they can't force it. As for Jono, what's different from them, one is nothing more than blood ability, and the other is strength. If the strength is not enough, they can make up as many people as possible, and the quality is not enough Supplement.

"Well, if you're so calm, I'll do it for Jono." Leihe replied impolitely. Anyway, he just went back to whether he could do it or not, and didn't say whether he wanted to work hard.

"Can you lend me your cell phone and I'll get in touch with Jono?" Leihe thought for a while and said that if he wants to enter the array, he should talk to Bai Kun to avoid an accident.

Tianjizi and his party are surrounded outside the island. They don't know where Yin and Zhu are. But now they are also discussing on the island. It seems that thunder robbery has brought them here. Sure enough, this position is OK once, and it's easy to find it twice. It's just that this array is a sacrifice for nothing. They've arranged it for a long time, and there are lightning rods that can help lead thunder, so many good things The West gave up, Yin Zhu they some not willing, if make sure tianjizi and others can't come in, they can live in the island.

Baiji's array is really powerful. At least tianjizi and his party haven't been able to figure it out for a long time. However, Yin Zhu is not at ease. After all, who can guarantee that they can't solve the array all the time? Now they are surrounded by the outside. Once they are caught, they will be destroyed. Baikun has planned what kind of route they want to take if they want to escape The road is good after all.However, they haven't been able to come up with a result yet. Leihe borrows other people's phone and calls in. At the beginning, Jono thought it was what those people wanted to talk about. Since it has been found, Jono calls directly. He didn't expect that Leihe would answer the phone.

Leihe said what tianjizi and his party had said, and then asked, "is there any cheat in your words? Should I go back to you?"

When Bai Kun heard this, he just thought for a second, and then directly replied, "of course, come back. If you have a chance to come back, why don't you come back? It doesn't matter whether it's cheating or not. You can enter this array directly, and then I will go to the array to take you out. Even if those people follow you into the array, I have a way to separate them. Don't worry."

Yin Zhu also nodded for sure. It's been a long time since Leihe was taken away. She doesn't know whether Leihe is good or not. She only knows that Leihe almost didn't make it when he was robbed. It's a pity that she didn't see it.

Leihe gave back his mobile phone to tianjizi after informing him, and then directly took Tengxiao to break into the array.

Tianjizi and his party didn't follow, but Chen Kui watched Leihe and Tengxiao enter. He wanted to see if he could see something. As a result, the array changed quickly, and then he disappeared. Obviously someone controlled the array and didn't let them see.

Bai Kun and Qiao Nuo soon lead Leihe and Tengxiao out. When Yin Zhu sees Leihe and Tengxiao, he rushes up with joy. "Leihe, Tengxiao, you've finally come back. I miss you so much. I'm afraid you'll be OK."

Leihe put out his hand and patted Yinzhu on the back. "Don't worry, how can we have something to do? My life is hard. It's you who are so easy to have an accident. Don't stir up any partner contract. I'm really afraid of you."

Leihe learned from Tengxiao that Yinzhu helped him attract part of the thunder robbery. No wonder at that time, he thought he couldn't resist it, but later found that the thunder robbery became smaller. It turned out that Yinzhu helped to take part of it.

"I know. I know. I didn't mean to. I just worried too much and started it by accident. To tell you the truth, I don't know how I made it myself. You're calling me to do it now. I don't know how to do it." Yin Zhu said that she was innocent. She didn't really understand those things, but she made them unconsciously.

When Leihe heard this, he could not help holding Yin Zhu. It was because of the unconscious that he made it more shocking.

"Tengxiao, I haven't said you yet. I don't need my partner to die for me. If that happens, I'll be broken even if I live. You can't do such a thing in the future. You can't bear it." Yin Zhu grabs Tengxiao's hand and says that Tengxiao didn't save her health at the beginning. She doesn't dare to say anything even if she blames her. Now Tengxiao is in good health, it can be said.

Tengxiao directly turns his head to look at Bai Kun at this time. He says that it's Bai Kun who started this practice. Obviously, Bai Kun also understands Tengxiao's meaning. He can't help but turn his head and pretend to be a fool.

Jono took Yin Zhu's hand and said happily, "Yin Zhu, let's not talk about the disappointment. Our family will be fine in the future. Now it's hard for us to get together. We should celebrate."

Yin Zhu nodded, which is really a good thing.

Outside the island, qingyunzi took a look at tianjizi and said, "tianjizi, are you sure your method will work? What if this group of people give up or turn around to conquer us with great strength?" This kind of thing is not without respect for the world power of the practitioners.

Tianjizi said calmly, "if that's true, it's our life."

"Let's go. There's no need to focus on this side. Since we've let go, let go thoroughly." In order to avoid Jono a few feel that they are under surveillance, the heart is uncomfortable.

Since they were willing to send Leihe and Tengxiao back according to tianjizi's idea before, they obviously won't have any opinions now, but everyone is still a little uneasy. For the first time, they put their hopes in other people's hands.

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