Tianjizi and his party retreated directly, which surprised Yin Zhu. These people let go so simply, which Yin Zhu didn't expect.

Jono can understand the way tianjizi and his party do. After all, they have nothing to do with them. Why do they have to work so hard? It's better to get rid of them as soon as possible. If you catch them, maybe they will offend them in the end. Why.

"You say they're leaving now, and we don't care. Does that mean we don't have to hide and can go out for a walk?" Yin Zhu can't help but ask happily, if you can, no one would like to hide on a deserted island like this, people still like to live in groups.

Jono nodded, "it should be like that, but we'd better be careful. Even if we want to go out, we'll go out in batches. Don't be too presumptuous."

Yin Zhu nodded. In fact, she knew that she would not be willful. She was just worried about her parents. After all, when they escaped from Yinjia village, Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling must have been worried. Although she had sent a message to them that it was safe and all right, she still wanted to tell them again to let them not worry.

Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling are really worried, but Yin Zhu also told them at the beginning that the people chasing them are not ordinary people, so they should never get involved. Even if someone asks them, they say that people they don't know are just for money to help, because they are worried that they will affect their daughter. Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling can say that they don't dare to ask more questions, they are worried that they will be found On their heads.

They are two incompetent parents, unable to help their children, the only thing they can do is not drag them down.

During this period of time, they have been looking forward to receiving the news from Yin Zhu, but there is nothing except the earliest news of peace. Even if they want to inquire about Yin Zhu and that group of people, they don't know where to go. They feel at a loss. Yin Ping even wants to ask if there is a way to let him and Huang Xiaoling know Become able to practice, so they won't be as confused as they are now and don't know what to do.

When Qiao Nuo saw Yin Zhu like this, he knew that Yin Zhu missed his parents. In addition to a few partners, the parents were the only ones that could worry Yin Zhu in this world.

"Does Yin Zhu want to see his parents? Or I'll go with you. " Jono couldn't help saying.

After hearing this, Yin Zhu thought about it and shook his head and said, "no, I'm worried that after I meet my parents, I can't help crying. At that time, they will be even more worried, and we don't know what we will meet next. It's better not to say so, just send a message back to them to report safety."

Qiao Nuo can't help but feel distressed when he sees this and holds Yin Zhu in his arms. "Don't be sad, Yin Zhu. We will be fine. I will try my best to cultivate. When our strength is strong enough, we can go wherever we want, and we can't stop you anywhere."

Yin Zhu nodded with a smile, "OK, let's work together."

Tengxiao looked and nodded. He was the one who needed to work hard, because now all the others had already arrived at Jindan except him.

"Tengxiao, are you all right? You've hurt your foundation because of Yin Zhu. Although those people made it up for you, it should still have an impact. If you need any help from me, we must say, don't mention it. We're still here, and we can help you as much as we can. In case we leave, you'll still have a headache. ”Bai Kun thought about it and asked.

Tengxiao nodded with a smile and said, "it's OK. What has been made up is that now we have to re cultivate our strength. It's a little slower. There's no problem with anything else." Tengxiao tried, really no problem, as for the strength, he thought there is no way to quickly improve the strength, so was dropped from the team, a person's feeling is really not good.

"Don't hide anything, or I'll be more worried when something happens later. We should never wait for the big thing if we can deal with the small things. Of course, nothing is the best." Yin Zhu took Tengxiao's hand and said seriously.

Tengxiao listened to very happy nod, "really nothing, Yinzhu don't worry." Seeing Yin Zhu's happy smile, Tengxiao feels very happy. Of course, the main reason is that the thing that has been stuck in his heart is gone. He no longer has to face Yin Zhu with guilt. Of course, saving Yin Zhu is not to make himself not guilty. The main reason is that he is satisfied to see how good Yin Zhu is.

Qiao Nuo then sent a video to Yin Ping to show that he was OK. He also said that they are now practicing in a safe place. They are going to be shut up for more than ten years. When they are strong, they will go out and let Yin Ping not worry.

When Yin Ping saw that several people in the video were really OK, he was a little relieved. Then Yin Zhu said that he was worried about being tracked down. To make a long story short, Yin Ping agreed in a hurry, worried that they would be found.

This can be regarded as an ambush for the future. If they have something to do next, Yin Ping can't find them, and they will only think that they are closed. After more than ten years, Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling are almost old. Let's talk about it at that time. Of course, if they have nothing to do, they can naturally break through and say that they are going out early. Anyway, it's all they say.When Jono heard this, he couldn't help saying that if Yin Zhu's parents knew about it, they would deal with you.

On this day, several people left, but Chen Kui was still outside. This guy has not been able to study the array up to now. Naturally, he is not reconciled. Besides, Chen Kui is totally addicted to the array knowledge of this other system. This is a natural treasure house for him. He said that he would never leave, and even he took the initiative to enter the array .

As soon as the array was touched, Jono felt it. Yin Zhu wondered, didn't he leave this day? How come there are still people hiding in ambush?

Then they looked for it very carefully, and found that there was only one person, the others had left, and that person was still locked in the array by them, so they couldn't get out at all.

"You say, what does this man want to do?" Yin Zhu looks at Chen Kui who is groping in the array. He can't help but wonder. Is this man not afraid of being trapped? Or are you confident that you can break this array?

"This person should be an array mage. He's a bit of a master. If the machine and others really want to catch us this day, even if there's an ambush, they won't leave such a person." Bai Kun thought for a moment and said.

Yin Zhu nodded and said, "that's true. Do you want to ask, what does this man want to do?"

Jono nodded. Now that the island belongs to them, they naturally don't want someone to disturb their life all the time. It's better to let this person take the initiative to leave. Of course, if they don't want to leave, they don't mind using coercion.

"What do you want to do? Don't you mean you're willing to let us go and not disturb us? Why don't you leave? " Bai Kun directly borrows the array to Chen Kui's side. The whole array on the island is under Bai Kun's control. Even if his strength is not as good as Chen Kui's, it's very easy for him to escape. Another is that there are four golden elites on their side now. If they can't compete with Chen Kui, they may not lose. That's why Bai Kun boldly shows up.

After listening to Bai Kun's words, Chen Kui looked at him excitedly. "I just saw that you were controlling the array. Can you teach me the principle of this array?"

Bai Kun couldn't help laughing when he heard Chen Kui's words, "will you teach others the secret of your family? Are you kidding? "

The essence of this array is the array of the orc world. How can this thing be easily taught to others? Besides, he can control and understand the basic principles of this array, but it doesn't mean he can arrange it. The old man is much more powerful than him. Or in order to fight with heaven, the old man made a lot of arrays, especially the idea of bringing Yin Zhu into the world. I have to say that in some aspects, the old man is a genius. Bai Kun said that as the son of genius, he must be heaven Yes, he will never admit that he is not as good as his own old man.

When Chen Kui heard this, he frowned, not angry, but knowing that Bai Kun was telling the truth, but he really wanted to learn the knowledge of this array.

"I'm not with tianjizi, and tianjizi really don't deal with you now, or they want to deal with you, but they don't dare to do it, and they don't have the ability to control you. I'm an old man obsessed with array. When I came here, I wanted to crack your array. Your array knowledge is so good, I see I don't understand. I know it's impossible for you to teach me in vain. If I betray my family and worship you, will you teach me this array knowledge? " Chen Kui said very seriously.

And Bai Kun, a fearless man, was also frightened by Chen Kui's statement at this time. This betrayed the clan. Is this a casual statement? This is a joke.

"Don't make trouble, and we don't accept apprentices here. It's better to go back as soon as possible." Bai Kun felt frightened.

Chen Kui at this time very seriously said, "you don't make trouble, and we don't accept apprentices here, it's better to go back as soon as possible." Bai Kun felt frightened.

Chen Kui at this time very seriously said, "you don't make trouble, and we don't accept apprentices here, it's better to go back as soon as possible." Bai Kun felt frightened.

At this time, Chen Kui said very seriously, "

" don't make trouble, and we don't accept apprentices here. It's better to go back early if we have nothing to do. " Bai Kun felt frightened.

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