"Even if you don't care, we do. I don't want to teach you array knowledge." Bai Kun doesn't want to spread everything about the orc world. It's their unique memory of Yin Zhu and their dependence. Besides, who can guarantee that the disciples will starve to death.

Chen Kui is very sad to hear this. He has been obsessed with array since he was a child. Now he sees an array that he doesn't understand at all. How can he be willing to give up? He looks at Bai Kun prayingly and says, "well, I can do it if I exchange things with you or if you need me to do anything."

"You are willing to betray your world of monks, and you are willing to die?" Bai Kun can't help humming.

Chen Kui thought for a moment and said, "betray the world of the monks. What does that mean? If I die, it's really nothing to me. You know my Tao is an array. If I don't understand the array, I'll be crazy. You won't teach me to understand it. I'll digest it slowly in the array, and I can always learn it. " Chen Kui said that it doesn't matter. At his age, he will not die if he is trapped for decades or hundreds of years. Although he doesn't understand a lot of things in the array, he can understand them slowly and always understand that it only takes a long time. It's a waste for others to be trapped in the array for decades, but it's not a waste for him at all.

"Betraying the whole world of practitioners means very simple. Naturally, it means betraying tianjizi. You know that we are opposites. Since you want to learn from us, you naturally want to stand on the United Front with us." Bai Kun said simply.

When Chen Kui heard this, he said with a smile, "that's OK. I thought you were going to kill the whole world of practitioners. It's frightening."

When Bai Kun heard this, he was stunned. "Why not? You don't think it's that simple to stand on our side?"

Chen Kui said with a smile, "it's very simple, I can die, I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid that I will harm the world. In fact, I don't know what the so-called hope is, but hope is often accompanied by bad things. In fact, we have lived in this world for so many years, and we all live well. It's just that we can't move on after Yuanying, but we can't move on Yuanying has a long life. For me, I've lived enough. There's no need to fight too much for those things. As for hope, it needs your family to open it. I think there are only two kinds on your side. One is that you can open it safely, and the other is that you need your life to open it. The first one is that everyone is happy and the whole world of practitioners is happy People in the world will treat you as benefactors. The second kind is those people who are against you. At that time, I will stand on your side for the sake of interests. There is no hostility. Unless you release demons that can harm the whole world, I will not be angry, let alone aim at you. "

Chen Kui was very sincere and showed his attitude.

"Well, you know, what do you think it would be?" Now that Chen Kui is willing to chat with himself, Bai Kun can't help but talk. As one of the most powerful people in the world, Chen Kui must know something that others don't know.

Chen Kui shook his head and said, "to tell you the truth, I don't know, but I prefer the second one."

When Bai Kun heard this, he frowned and asked, "why?"

Chen Kui laughed, "I don't know the way of heaven, and I don't know why. If you can really open your hope lightly, then heaven won't give tianjizi those hints. Besides, ah, the world has been sealed for too long, and there's no aura. You can't say how to open it. Every new era is built with blood It's done. "

It has to be said that Chen Kui's reply was very sincere, not like other people's deception or anything else. However, Bai Kun's brow was locked with this sincerity. Even the local people knew that the so-called hope implied a crisis, so would they go?

Or do they have a choice? As soon as their strength reaches Dayuan's infancy, they will be transmitted to another space to absorb energy. This is to maximize their utilization.

Seeing Bai Kun frowning, Chen Kui began to persuade him, "you don't have to worry too much, how to say, there's a chance of death, even if it's a dead end, there's a risk. You have to brave forward, and many things can't escape."

"So I hate you people. You want to say that the resources of cultivation are in the hands of you sects and demons. Why should we be half demons when we sacrifice?" Bai Kun asked unhappily.

Chen Kui shook his head. "I don't know about this. Besides, we don't give you a lot of resources. Cheng an Tengxiao, these all occupy the resources of our world. If you want to improve your strength quickly, you can ask tianjizi for something again. Anyway, it's not for the world. It's not for nothing."

Bai Kun is thinking that if tianjizi hears this, he must feel that Chen Kui is rebellious. Otherwise, how can he teach them to ask for things, and what they live in.

However, this idea is really good. Since tianjizi has no way to deal with themselves, they are also working for the world, so they have to work hard with them."Thank you for telling me this. I'll ask tianjizi for something later. As for the array, I really can't teach you. If you're interested in it, you can make a slow break in it. You're a master of array. I don't think this array can hurt you. You can learn a little bit in it." Bai Kun turned and left.

Chen Kui looks at Bai Kun, who is not hesitant to walk away. He is a little anxious. He can say all the good things. As a result, Bai Kun is really hard to deal with. He seems to know the knowledge of this array immediately, but he can't cheat him.

For the first time, Bai Kun met such a stubborn man, but Chen Kui was sincere. It was this love that made him go so far in array.

Seeing Bai Kun coming back, Yin Zhu couldn't help asking, "why doesn't that man want to go?"

Bai Kun nodded, "that man is a fan of the array. He will indulge in these arrays. No matter where he goes, he is a master of the array and has great strength. If you like, just stay."

Yin Zhu nodded. In this case, it's up to him.

At this time, Bai Kun discusses with Qiao Nuo and says that he will go to pit tianjizi for some more resources. Lei he and Tengxiao have a look at each other at this time. Well, the two of them are the most useless. If they are caught, Bai Kun can pit resources directly.

Bai Kun thought that he would do it right away. He called Tian Jizi directly.

Tianjizi can't help laughing when he sees baikun's phone. Look, it's not useless to put Leihe and Tengxiao back. If he doesn't see a baikun who doesn't contact them, will he contact them?

When tianjizi picks up the phone, Bai Kun says that he wants all kinds of resources. He says that they want to reach Yuanying as soon as possible, and then go to find out the secret of hope.

Tianjizi thought that Bai Kun would say something to himself. Who knows that asking for money is to ask for it. Everyone had already given Bai Kun a lot of money before, but he didn't expect to ask for it now. However, Bai Kun didn't give them a word of promise.

Then it's a matter of bickering, but in the end, Bai Kun won. Bai Kun said that this time he went to get the resources openly and justly, which is definitely not the same as last time. Tianjizi heard Bai Kun's words and really wanted to curse. They didn't catch Bai Kun. Of course, Bai Kun could come here magnanimously.

When Bai Kun saw that tianjizi's face was about to change color, he couldn't help laughing. When Yin Zhu saw it, he couldn't help laughing.

After waiting for the call, Leihe patted Pai baikun on the shoulder and said, "yes, it's very important."

"Tengxiao, would you like to go out with me to get something?" Bai Kun asked with a smile. As for Yin Zhu, it's safer on the island.

Bai Kun and Qiao Nuo didn't want Yin Zhu to leave the island. No matter what tianjizi said, Yin Zhu is their core and the thing they care about most. They can have an accident and be arrested, but Yin Zhu can't. Yin Zhu nodded and didn't reluctantly, but Yin Zhu told Bai Kun that if he went out, he would secretly go to see how Yin Ping and his wife were.

No matter how well the phone says, he still needs to see it with his own eyes. Bai Kun thinks about it and agrees.

Tianjizi can't help laughing when he sees baikun's phone. Look, it's not useless to put Leihe and Tengxiao back. If he doesn't see a baikun who doesn't contact them, will he contact them?

When tianjizi picks up the phone, Bai Kun says that he wants all kinds of resources. He says that they want to reach Yuanying as soon as possible, and then go to find out the secret of hope.

Tianjizi thought that Bai Kun would say something to himself. Who knows that asking for money is to ask for it. Everyone had already given Bai Kun a lot of money before, but he didn't expect to ask for it now. However, Bai Kun didn't give them a word of promise.

Then it's a matter of bickering, but in the end, Bai Kun won. Bai Kun said that this time he went to get the resources openly and justly, which is definitely not the same as last time. Tianjizi heard Bai Kun's words and really wanted to curse. They didn't catch Bai Kun. Of course, Bai Kun could come here magnanimously.

When Bai Kun saw that tianjizi's face was about to change color, he couldn't help laughing. When Yin Zhu saw it, he couldn't help laughing.

After waiting for the call, Leihe patted Pai baikun on the shoulder and said, "yes, it's very important."

"Tengxiao, would you like to go out with me to get something?"

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