After Bai Kun went out, he went directly to tianjizi. Tianjizi looked at the people he had been chasing. At this time, he went directly in front of him and couldn't help sighing. He looked at what they had done before and tried so hard to find them that everyone was tired to death. Then he didn't see anyone. Now they took the initiative to send them to the door.

It's just that Bai Kun is now taking the initiative to deliver it to the door, but tianjizi is not happy because Bai Kun's mouth is resources, and there are not too many resources for anyone. Moreover, Bai Kun also asks for good things and a lot of them.

"Bai Kun, are you going too far?" Green cloud son very not happy of say.

At this time, Bai Kun sat down casually in front of tianjizi. "How can you say that? To tell you the truth, we don't want to improve our strength for the whole world. Since we are striving for the welfare of the whole world, you have to do something. Can't we do everything?"

Qingyunzi couldn't help laughing when he heard this. This baikun is treacherous. He said that for the sake of the whole world, whether they are willing to do it or not, and whether they will do it at that time, no one knows. For example, if they are required to sacrifice, they don't have much friendship with the world of practitioners, and they may not be willing to sacrifice. To be honest, no one can live without them Of course, some people who are willing to sacrifice have come to the end of their lives, so they are willing to sacrifice for future generations, but they are different.

"You said that for the sake of our world, you will help us open up hope at that time. I'm afraid that when you are powerful, you will turn your back on us." Qingyunzi said unhappily.

Qingyun sect is a large sect, and there are many disciples. However, the resources of practitioners in this world are less and less, and even some things have disappeared. This time, when baikun lion opened his mouth, Qingyun sect will bleed again. However, their return is not visible.

Of course, the most disgusting thing for him is that they can't do it without help. Bai Kun is determined to blackmail them.

"Well, don't be so ugly. We won't deal with you unless you want to hurt us. Our family loves peace and doesn't like fighting. We can say that unless you want to deal with us, we won't deal with you." Bai Kun made it clear that he loved peace and did not do anything ungrateful.

Tianjizi frowns at this time. To tell the truth, he doesn't like baikun either, because when he talks to people like baikun, he will fall into the other party's language trap.

He is a wise man who guides all people. He should not be led by the nose by this group of half demons.

In the past, tianjizi didn't plan strategies and call the wind and the rain, but he changed them to his own side, which made tianjizi dislike.

"Jono, if you want something, it's not that you can't give it. I just want to ask for a promise. Will you try your best to help us open the road of inheritance of hope without death?" Tianjizi said seriously.

Bai Kun was silent when he heard this. To tell the truth, there are many loopholes in tianjizi's words. What is not destiny meteorite? Who knows if it will kill people in uncertain danger. Tianjizi means that they are required to try to open the so-called hope in certain danger, which Bai Kun is unwilling to do.

If a few of them are strong enough to suppress all the people in the world, why should he open up hope for these people? Is it not good for them to rule them and live a comfortable life? Why take risks? If he can, he is not prepared to take risks at all, even if he hopes to have a colorful life.

In fact, his life is colorful enough. He doesn't need these things to make trouble at all. Bai Kun thought for a moment and simply replied, "there is a lot of ambiguity in your words. I can only say that if there is no danger, I will help. If there is danger, I will consider it carefully. Now I can't answer you." As for the fateful things, Bai Kun certainly won't do, he didn't say, but tianjizi understood Bai Kun's meaning.

When tianjizi heard this, he was silent. Of course, he didn't force baikun, mainly because it didn't work. Of course, they didn't think of ways to control Jono Reich. They had tried on Reich before. Reich was the first person they caught. Unfortunately, they didn't have any way. They didn't know if half demon was different from human or demon In any case, no matter the Terran or the demon, they failed to control the mind of these people. As for drug control, they didn't think about it. They just didn't do it. One is that no one can guarantee whether the other can untie the drug, and the other is that no one can guarantee whether these people controlled by the drug will die or not. When they have no hope, that's it It's total despair.

"You have a lot of courage. You want our things, but you don't want to pay anything. You dare to say it in front of us." Qingyunzi directly oppressed baikun with his mental strength. Obviously, he was not happy with what baikun said.

Bai Kun felt as if he had a huge stone on his body, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. These people only have these means.Bai Kun then said with a smile, "it's not my courage. To tell you the truth, I don't know what we are facing. Why does God choose our family? If I can, I don't want this bullshit hope. In fact, up to now, it's the world that keeps pushing our family forward. Now I want something, but it's just a dream We want to improve our strength, because we don't know what will greet us. Even now, you don't know. The reason why you are willing to give up resources is that you are just as prepared as we are. Why are you so hostile to us? "

Qingyunzi is silent for a moment when he hears this. What baikun said is really reasonable. In fact, they are anxious, but they are more anxious than Jono who bears the fate, because they don't know what is waiting for them, and the son of fate is not so easy to do sometimes.

"In fact, we are all the same kind of people. We are all struggling to make progress in this world. Why should we be hostile. The name of Tianji is predictable, but I'm very angry. You can predict everything in advance. Then things will go in the direction of your prediction. I don't understand. At the beginning, you Tianji people didn't know that the path of cultivation in this world would be cut off? Will it affect thousands of subsequent practitioners? What were you doing at that time? " Bai Kun couldn't help asking.

"What's the reason for tianjimen's existence? Or you tianjizi is just a dog arranged by the way of heaven, so you didn't try. On the other hand, why do we listen to his arrangement? Don't you think it's against heaven to cultivate immortals? Why does Tianji gate let us go with heaven? " Bai Kun said with a smile, one is to get rid of tianjizi's way, the other is to convince these people.

Anyway, he has never been the kind of person who listens to his parents. He has been rebellious since he was a child. In fact, people come out of the way. In the orc world, the final outcome is the joint efforts of all people. It is not arranged by anyone. Everyone has made their own efforts to achieve such a result.

"OK, I'll give you what you want. But you can say it very well. Bai Kun, do you want to learn the skills of Tianji gate? I suddenly feel that it will be very interesting to inherit Tianji gate in your hands." The emperor suddenly opened his mouth.

Qingyunzi next to him can't help looking silly at this time. There are very few disciples in Tianji gate every year. There is only one generation in Tianji gate. Over the years, some people want to put their descendants in Tianji gate to be apprentices. At least Tianji gate has many resources. It's a pity that Tianji gate doesn't have any of them Now I even want to accept a half demon as a doorman. What kind of inheritor?

Qingyunzi looked at tianjizi and asked, "tianjizi, are you a fool?"

In particular, Tianji gate can measure the future of fortune and misfortune. If Bai Kun has learned Tianji gate's technique, he will know that the future is boundless, and people are unwilling to move forward, what will he do?

Tianjizi just turned to look at baikun and asked again, "do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I'll teach you. " In fact, tianjizi was awakened by Bai Kun's words just now. Sometimes fate is predestined. No matter whether you like it or not, someone will push you forward.

In fact, Tianji gate can know Tianji, but it just wants things to develop more smoothly. In fact, in the end, those things will happen. He really wants to know that when a person with the ability to predict knows the development of things, when he knows there will be danger ahead, will he take the initiative to avoid it, and what will happen behind Is it going in a different direction or in a completely different direction.

The people of Tianji gate have been doing things according to heaven's Enlightenment from generation to generation, so what will happen if we change the direction this time?

"What you said is really reasonable. I'm really excited. What should I do?" Tianjizi covered his chest and said with a smile.

And the green cloud son a few at this time silly eyes, tianjizi unexpectedly by this white Kun said how to do?

"Take it easy, tianjizi. All of us in the world of practitioners listen to you. You are so out of tune. What should we do?" Qingyunzi is in a hurry.

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