Tianjizi looked at qingyunzi anxiously and couldn't help laughing, "OK, I'm kidding."

Hearing this, qingyunzi wiped the sweat on his head, "this joke can't be opened."

Tianjizi was silent when he heard this. To tell the truth, every time there is a big disaster in the world, it must be tianjimen's people who come out to guide the world. They have become accustomed to it every time. After all, tianjimen's ability is to predict, and none of them is wrong. Therefore, all people trust tianjimen's people, including the so-called hope this time.

The world doesn't know when the aura is slowly exhausted. Now the only places left are set up by them with the array and the previous aura. They dare not overuse it. We can't go any further after Yuan baby's cultivation, so all people expect someone to change this situation, and then when this hope comes After that, the whole world of practitioners is crazy, and they are ready to open that world at all costs.

But Bai Kun's words completely calm down tianjizi. If they follow Tiandao's instructions in every action of tianjimen, will tianjimen know the disappearance of Lin Qi in the world before? Then what happened at the beginning that made those people lose their aura? Now they are desperately opening tianjimen, what will meet them what?

Tianji gate, what it says reveals Tianji, but all things in Tianji gate actually follow the meaning of Tiandao. Is it right or wrong that no one has ever resisted?

Is it possible to resist? If we resist, the result will be worse. What should we do? For the first time, tianjizi found that he didn't know how to choose.

But this thing can't be said. It can be said that tianjimen is the leader of all practitioners. If he says he is confused, the world will be in chaos.

Bai Kun can't help laughing when he sees tianjizi's silence. It seems that what he said is still useful. He doesn't know how much tianjizi has heard.

In fact, Bai Kun can't figure it out. You said that when a person is alive, all instructions are done according to others' wishes. Don't you think you are a puppet? Think about Yin Zhu's appearance in the orc world. He is clearly a puppet controlled by others, but Yin Zhu struggles out of the orc world. The gate of heaven is good, and he throws himself in directly. Of course, doing everything according to the meaning of heaven is not necessarily a bad thing, but in Bai Kun's view, it is not necessarily a good thing, and heaven is not all right.

"Since there's nothing wrong, I'll take these resources back to practice first." Bai Kun waved his hand and went straight away.

Tianjizi looks at baikun's body leaving quickly. He can't help biting his teeth. This bastard muddles the water and goes straight away.

"Shall we get someone to follow him?" Qingyunzi couldn't help asking.

Tianjizi shook his head and said, "what do you want to do with him? Bai Kun is as cunning as a fox. Don't be fooled by him. He is saying that we can't do anything with them now. Why do we have to do this? It's useless to feel sorry for everything."

Qingyunzi nodded and said, "I know, and ah, tianjizi, you can't be affected by that boy's words. I think this boy is not kind-hearted, deliberately to disturb our mind, so that we don't have the energy to manage him."

Qiongwu, a big man, has been standing beside him without saying anything. To tell you the truth, he really admires Bai Kun. He is not only clever but also brave. Even tianjizi dares to cheat him. However, what he says has some truth. Ah, every time something big happens, he is very tangled and his choice is really not a good thing.

In other words, the cultivation speed of these half demons is really fast. If only they could cultivate so fast, it's a pity that they don't have the powerful blood ability of Bai Kun.

Bai Kun takes things and turns around a few times, then finds that he has no followers behind him. However, he goes back to the island before them and gives what he gets to Yin Zhuqiao and several people, especially Tengxiao. Tengxiao's strength is much lower than theirs, so he must keep up with them, otherwise Tengxiao will fall behind.

Bai Kun said that he was disturbing tianjizi's mind again. No matter what Jono thought, he turned his head and went out again. This time, he went to see Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling.

Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling are very anxious during this period of time. They even go to sleep restlessly. They dream that Yin Zhu has been caught by others, and then they break up their research. They can't help shivering every time they wake up. Although they say that Yin Zhu has reported safety before, they don't know whether they are worried.

The child doesn't know what's going on. Yin Ping wants to say that if his blood can be changed, he wants to change his blood, and then rush out to attract those people away, so that Yin Zhu will be safe.

After a busy day outside, the couple came home to find that there was one more person at home. Yin Ping was very surprised to see Bai Kun, "Bai Kun, how did you come back, Yin Zhu?"

"Mom and Dad, we're OK. Yin Zhu is fine now. Now we're practicing on a seaway. We're worried about you, so I'll come back to have a look." Bai Kun said gently.

"By the way, mom and Dad, what are you doing? I've been waiting for you all morning Bai Kun frowned and looked at Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling. They were very tired, and there was some dust on their clothes. Did they go to work?Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling laughed, patted the dust on their bodies and said, "I didn't do anything. It's not idle, it's also idle. Your mother and I can't stay idle, so we set up a shop not far away from the community to sell some food and kill time."

Bai Kun couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He didn't believe it. When they came back, the two old people had retired and didn't go to work. They had a retirement salary, which was enough for them to live. Why should they work so hard to open a shop? It's not easy to open a shop, not to mention the shop beside the community. Many people want rice and oil I need to help deliver it.

It is obvious that there is a reason for the two old people to start making money again. As for the reason, it is very simple. When Yin Zhu and the two old people appeared, they ran to make money. It is obvious that the old people are worried about them, so they want to help them.

"Mom and Dad, actually Yin Zhu and I can earn money to spend. Don't work so hard, even say that money is not very useful for us. It's easy for us to ask for money. Don't work too hard. Yin Zhu will be very sad when you know that. You told us that you are very good every day before, but didn't tell us that you went to open a shop, Dad Mom, you shut down the shop. We really don't have to work so hard. We have a good relationship with Yin Zhu. " Bai Kun looks at the two old people with emotion. The old people love them too much.

"No hard work. It's not idle. If you look at how tired a shop can be, you can sit there and collect money." Yin Ping said with indifference.

When Bai Kun heard this, he grabbed the hands of the two old people. "Mom and Dad, listen to me, we are not bad for money. Even I brought money to you this time. You should take good care of yourself. If you are tired, Yin Zhu will be more sad. She will even run back to take care of you regardless of everything. We are asking people to tear down the identity, but it doesn't matter Those people think that we are half demons. Now we have been hiding overseas. Leihe and my parents have broken through. Now we have made a reconciliation with them. There is no big problem. Our strength is not enough. We need to make more efforts. When our strength is strong, we can say that the world is free for us to go. "

When Yin Ping saw that Bai Kun was sincere and looked at the large amount of cash he had brought out, he thought for a moment and said, "take back the money. We two have money to spend, but we don't need your money. As for the shop, I'll find someone to take over and set it out."

To tell you the truth, they are already old. If it wasn't for their children, they wouldn't work so hard. Since Yin Zhu doesn't need it, they wouldn't work so hard.

Huang Xiaoling nodded and said, "Bai Kun, you must be hungry. Mom will cook something for you."

Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling didn't ask much about Bai Kun's practice. They are not people of the same world. It's not good for them to know too much. Moreover, ignorance is the best. Even if they are caught one day, they can't ask them anything even if they are forced to ask them.

Later, Bai Kun and Yin Ping talked about some interesting things in their life. The father and son talked very well.

Bai Kun left after dinner. As for the money, it was left for Yin Ping and his wife. Now they have not been able to take care of the elderly themselves, and they have to worry about it. They can only have a little power in money.

Yin Ping looked at the money left in his home and couldn't help sighing.

Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling didn't ask much about Bai Kun's practice. They are not people of the same world. It's not good for them to know too much. Moreover, ignorance is the best. Even if they are caught one day, they can't ask them anything even if they are forced to ask them.

Later, Bai Kun and Yin Ping talked about some interesting things in their life. The father and son talked very well.

Bai Kun left after dinner. As for the money, it was left for Yin Ping and his wife. Now they have not been able to take care of the elderly themselves, and they have to worry about it. They can only have a little power in money. Bai Kun left after dinner. As for the money, it was left for Yin Ping and his wife. Now they have not been able to take care of the elderly themselves, and they have to worry about it. They can only have a little power in money.

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