Bai Kun said goodbye to Yin Ping and his wife and went back to the island. After returning to the island, Qiao Nuo didn't tell Yin Zhu what he found. He was worried that Yin Zhu would be sad. He only said that Yin Ping and his wife were very good, so that Yin Zhu didn't have to worry.

Yin Zhu nodded. Now they have a lot of resources in their hands, and they feel something indistinctly. They dare not hesitate. They are all working hard to cultivate.

Bai Kun thinks more. In fact, he has been waiting for news from his parents. According to his idea, their parents are so powerful that they can normally deliver some news back, but there is still no news at all. Does that mean they are in trouble?

What's more, how about Cheng'an, the first one to enter the space? Everyone has their own space. This is the most disturbing place.

A few people practice hard, and soon Tengxiao has reached the golden elixir stage. However, at this time, Leihe is only about to arrive at Dayuan infant stage, but it is normal. Leihe is the first of the six to advance to the golden elixir. If it is not for Chengan's successor, Leihe's first to advance to the golden elixir stage is also normal.

Leihe didn't suppress his strength, but went to bear the disaster directly. He wanted to see what kind of strange space it was, how powerful it was, and how many Baiji Mengji Chengan could be trapped in it.

When Leihe was rescued, tianjizi sensed that nature came to watch, that is to say, they didn't do anything, or they couldn't do anything. Yin Zhu watched Leihe turn into a golden dragon and fly into a strange space.

After Leihe is baikun. Baikun is also a Nine Tailed Fox like Baiji. However, baikun is different from Baiji. Baiji's Nine Tailed Fox is white, and its power is grand and holy. Baikun's Nine Tailed Fox is black, and its power is as grand and grand as Baiji's, but it has some evil. I don't know if it is the same as baikun's original In the orc world, divine punishment has something to do with it. After all, at the beginning, Bai Kun became a skeleton and was punished by God day and night. Even if he became a human figure later, it might also have an impact on him. Besides blood, it should also have something to do with everyone's nature.

After Bai Kun, there are Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo. Qiao Nuo's speed will be a little faster than Yin Zhu's, but Qiao Nuo says he can't rest assured that Yin Zhu will go through the thunder robbery alone. Although they have had a Jindan thunder robbery before, Qiao Nuo still can't rest assured.

Yin Zhu knew what Qiao Nuo was thinking, so he didn't refuse. Two people would go through the robbery together. Originally, it would be more difficult for two people to go through the robbery together. Fortunately, the array set up before Baiji drew a large part of the thunder robbery. In addition, Yin ZhuXiong was very powerful and thick skinned, but it didn't change much.

Until the end of the thunder robbery, Yin Zhu found that his body weight should be measured in tons, but there was no big change. Jono was very powerful. Jono became a very beautiful bird with light blue wings and long colorful tail wings. It was very beautiful, but Yin Zhu couldn't tell what kind of bird it was. Anyway, they all mutated I don't know, and it should be an ancient species. It's normal to not understand.

Yin Zhu is a little envious of Jono. She is so beautiful. It's so nice to give her this girl. But she is a girl with five big and three thick. She is so sad. It should be said that she is thicker than before.

Qiao Nuo knows what Yin Zhu is thinking. Seeing Yin Zhu's sad face, Qiao Nuo reaches out and holds Yin Zhu's hand. "Don't be sad, Yin Zhu. I like what you become."

Yin Zhu was very moved, but she was still sad. When she was a human being, she was very sad because she had a slender waist and turned into an ORC.

Unfortunately, now that she is very sad and in need of comfort, it is too much for the dog to separate her from her partner.

Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo are already flying towards their own different world by this time. Tengxiao looks at Qiao Nuo and Yin Zhu, who are far away. Now he is the only one left among them.

Tianjizi looked at the sky seriously, and then said to qingyunzi, "OK, it's all over. There's nothing to see. Tengxiao should be fast. Let's go and get ready."

At this time, Yin Zhu looked at the land under his feet in amazement. It was a pothole land, and there was nothing on it, not a plant, not even an animal. Where was this?

Yin Zhu began to run up, and then she ran far away, still did not find anyone, anyone still have plants, this abandoned land?

Think of the past, they said that there are 7788 broken ancient battlefields, it can't be this place.

There must be a purpose for Dao to send them to these places separately that day. Otherwise, why did she send them separately? Is there something she didn't find?

Yin Zhu told herself that she can't be in a hurry. Now she's the only one here, and she can't be flustered. She should carefully observe and think, and then find out the flaws and leave here. She doesn't want to stay here in such a desolate place, and she has to leave here faster.

However, the whole day went by, and Yin Zhu still didn't find anything. He didn't even find any unusual place here. He was a little angry about what a broken place it was. Of course, this land is very big. Up to now, Yin Zhu hasn't found the end of this place. Maybe there is something waiting for him in other places.As night fell, Yin Zhu decided to have a rest. However, when Yin Zhu lay down, she found that there was a red moon in the sky. It was bloody red and huge. It was much different from the moon seen on the earth.

It's such a big moon. Yin Zhu can't help sighing. At this time, Yin Zhu finds that Yuehua around him is very active, much more active than when he was practicing on earth. Is this Yuehua for himself?

Thinking of this, Yin Zhu began to practice cross legged without hesitation. Such a good thing can't be missed.

What Yin Zhu didn't know was that from the beginning of her cultivation, there seemed to be a typhoon hanging on the whole ground. Everything moved towards her side and gradually formed a huge vortex. She was surrounded by the blood red moon. What Yin Zhu didn't find was that the blood moon in the sky seemed to shrink a little at this time.

When she woke up the next morning, Yin Zhu found that Yuehua had disappeared, and her strength had increased a lot. After practicing all night, she didn't feel tired at all, but felt energetic, which was the benefit of practicing.

Yin Zhu decided to continue to find herself, but she came back one day with no success. At night, Yin Zhu practiced. For more than ten days, Yin Zhu could not find anything. Instead, she could see the growth of her skills. To tell you the truth, if she was not the only one in this place, she really wanted to practice well in this place for a few years I'm afraid her power can break the planet.

One month later, Yin Zhu still couldn't find anything, but at this time, she also found that the blood moon in the sky was much smaller. Yin Zhu thought at this time, the blood moon would not be absorbed by himself, and the energy would become smaller. To tell you the truth, the land is very big, but one month is enough for Yin Zhu to walk through the place, so nothing can be said Now, the only discovery is that the blood moon in the sky has become smaller.

There's no other way. Yin Zhu can't reach the blood moon. In this case, he should continue to practice until he can break the world or absorb the blood moon in the sky. I really don't know what's on the top of his head that can emit the same moonlight as the moon. But what he gives is much thicker than that on the earth, if it's the earth On the ball is the moon, which is the essence of this side, it can not be compared.

If this thing had been on the earth, her and Jono would have been promoted, and they would not have been chased everywhere by qingyunzi and others.

Although it seems that they defeated qingyunzi and others in the end, they actually lost. Qingyunzi tianjizi just wanted to have something to do with them, so they had nothing to do with them.

Two months later, three months later, the blood moon in the sky has gradually returned to normal, no longer blood red, as if the energy was absorbed by Yin Zhu, even the size is almost the same as the moon seen on the earth, Yin Zhu felt at this time, now she should be able to leave the world.

Sure enough, at dawn the next day, Yin Zhu just waved his fist to the sky. It was like a big hole in the world. Yin Zhu jumped out of the hole.

When Yin Zhu went out, she found that all the people had gathered, and even Tengxiao had arrived there by this time.

"Everyone is together. I'm not dreaming." Yin Zhu some can't believe of say, she some worry, in case of if hallucination, that bad thing.

Qiao Nuo came forward and hugged Yin Zhu, "you are finally out. Everyone is waiting for you. We are worried about you all the time."

"What is this place? What are we doing here? " Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry. Take a rest. Let's talk slowly." Jono takes Yin Zhu by the hand and goes to one side.

Yin Zhu nodded, everyone has been reunited, really don't worry too much, look at Jono they look like, should have the amount of ideas, the world to reunite them, should be what they do, hope don't know what this so-called hope is.

And there are only a few of them here. Are you not going to let them in? I don't know what the secret is.

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