"What is this place, and what do you have in mind?" Yin Zhu asked with a frown.

At this time, Jono took Yin Zhu to the side of the array, then pointed to the array and said: "this should be a place separated by the array or a place sealed. For the time being, we are the only one here, but when the array is solved, tianjizi and his party should be able to come here. Baiji and Mengji have studied the array carefully. These arrays should be a seal. Look Are there any seven huge stone tablets over there? Those should be the key to the formation. Do you have a sense of the depiction on those stone tablets, Yin Zhu

Several of them have already found the stone tablet that they feel relative to themselves, and Yin Zhu's is obviously the stone tablet with giant bear.

Yin Zhu nodded. She did feel the traction of the stone tablet, but it was not very strong. It didn't seem to force them as before.

"What's the clue of this array, and what will it do to us?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

Jono shook his head and said, "I don't know what will happen to us yet, but before you come, Baiji tried. The stone tablet can absorb our blood. But it's strange that we didn't give us a choice when we entered a different space. It's strange that we gave us a choice here."

Yin Zhu nodded. It's strange to say that the heaven's way can force them, but now they don't have it.

At this time, Bai Ji went up to Yin Zhu and said, "it's nothing strange, because we can't find a way to go out except this array. That is to say, if we want to go out, either we'll untie the seal, or we'll be trapped here. Besides, you're the slowest, with poor talent and no effort." Bai Ji shook his head.

Yin Zhu can't help biting her teeth when she hears this. Why does Bai Ji say that she doesn't work hard? When she is in a different space, she is worried about them.

It's true that when Yin Zhu didn't come out, Jono was very worried. Each of them went through a test when they went to a different space, and then they got more powerful power. Day by day, everyone came out, and finally even Tengxiao appeared, but Yin Zhu didn't appear. Bai Kun almost didn't go crazy, but they wanted to find Yin Zhu, You can't do without it. You don't even know what kind of space Yin Zhu is transported to. When Jono was thinking, is it the way of heaven that arrested Yin Zhu and threatened them? Unfortunately, they said a lot, but they didn't get a reply from the way of heaven. If Bai Ji didn't say there were seven stone tablets here, Yin Zhu would come here to reunite with them. They would be crazy.

At that time, even the calmest Bai Kun was crazy. It can be imagined that these people, or those people, were venting everywhere and wanted to destroy the world. However, they were not strong enough, but they exhausted Baiji and Mengji to death. The most important thing is that these people didn't listen to the advice and thought about Yinzhu all the time. It can be said that Baiji was half angry. You will see that Yinzhu arrived, When Bai Ji thought of his hard persuasion, he couldn't help stabbing Yin Zhu.

The son is a barbecued pork, especially after having a daughter-in-law. Bai Ji feels tired when he thinks about it now. How could he have such a barbecued pork son? It would be sad if the daughter could harm other people's sons.

Yin Zhu can't feel the sadness of Bai Ji. She looks at Bai Ji for some reason and says that she didn't provoke him. How can she stab her? Is it hard for them to be hostile?

Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu and doesn't come back. Obviously, he doesn't think about what kind of influence it will bring if he doesn't show up. At this time, he looks at Yin Zhu helplessly, "Yin Zhu, your friends really owe you, and I owe you too." Then he left in a huff.

Partner, Yin Zhu looks at Qiao Nuo and Tengxiao. Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun pull Yin Zhu to one side. "Yin Zhu, don't worry about what my father said. He just can't see me treating you." Bai Kun does not hesitate to throw his own father.

"Don't say that. Be careful he's angry. It's so hard for me to get out. Let you worry." Yin Zhu looked at several partners around him and asked with great concern.

Tengxiao said foolishly, "you're OK." Obviously, these people are not less worried.

Yin Zhu said that she had tried hard to absorb the power of XueYue. She didn't know Tengxiao would be so fast, especially Tengxiao. When she entered the alien space, Tengxiao was still a distance away from Yuanying. She didn't expect to surpass herself so soon. However, Tengxiao didn't admit defeat all the time. He became the last one. He certainly didn't like it. In the end, he didn't have her Look, Tengxiao must be desperate.

"Yin Zhu, what did you experience in the different space, is it particularly painful?" Leihe can't help but ask, now Yin Zhu is good, but think about what they have experienced. It's often painful to improve their strength quickly, and the effort is proportional to the harvest.

At this time, Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "no, I just keep absorbing energy, and then to breakthrough, that's it." Later, Yin Zhu said his several months of cultivation, it can be said that in addition to the blood month is more special, there is no other special place.

Leihe can't help but feel relieved. It's good that there is no pain. They were worried about Yin Zhu's discomfort before. Although this way is a little late and takes more time, they would rather spend more time. As long as Yin Zhu's safety is good, it's OK. Does heaven have a preference or care for women?"Are you all in pain?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

Several people shake their heads and joke. Even if they are suffering, they can't admit it. Besides, it's normal for them to suffer if they want to gain powerful power. In the orc world, every time they improve their strength, they go out to fight for their lives? So it's a normal little thing for them.

"Cheng An, are you ok?" Yin Zhu looked at standing on one side of the admit, can't help but go forward to grasp Chengan's hand.

Cheng an shook his head and said, "it's OK. I'm ok."

"Cheng An, you can tell me what you have. You don't have to hide me. I'll be unhappy if you do." Cheng an says it's OK though he has something to do.

Chengan heard this, the whole person was quiet, and after a long time said, "Yin Zhu, I may not be the warm and harmless boy in your imagination, I'm pretty ugly now, and I, I feel my power is also very evil."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "Cheng An, how can you think like this? You are you. As for power, there are no so-called forces of justice and evil, only the people who use them. Besides, your impression in my mind will never change. What is evil? When you have powerful forces, will you use these forces to harm people? You won't

Cheng'an looks at Yin Zhu with a bright face when he hears this. It's obvious that Yin Zhu's words make him very happy.

"Yin Zhu, you really think that. You are different." Cheng an looks at Yin Zhu happily.

Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun are a little excited to see this, but they don't say much. Cheng An has paid a lot for Yin Zhu, or even broken his belief. On the side of Mengzu, Cheng an hasn't stimulated the strength in his body until this side. It can be said that now Yin Zhu is Cheng an's Faith.

"Silly, silly Chengan." Yin Zhu reaches out and hugs Cheng an. This guy is not always in a panic. Why Cheng An has changed is not because of himself. Thinking of the one-year trial period he gave Cheng an before, Yin Zhu feels that he has gone too far.

"Cheng An, you are very good, very good, very good. I especially like Cheng an. " Yin Zhu happily holds Cheng An's hand.

Cheng An's face turned into a flower when he heard this. Jono shrugged and said to Bai Kun, "Bai Kun, you're going to be compared by Cheng an."

Bai Kun rolled his eyes and said, "Bi, who can compare with me? I'm unique. It's Jono you. I don't think you're qualified. If I can do it well, I think I'm better than you."

When Jono heard this, he said, "get out of here."

Bai Kun laughed when he heard this.

Bai Ji and Meng Ji are still testing the array at this time. Hearing the laughter coming from not far away, they can't help but turn a white eye and say, "young people, as expected, they are heartless and have no burden. We two old people have to work hard."

When Mengji heard this, she couldn't help but bah him, "I think you are jealous of their feelings."

But to tell you the truth, Yin Zhu's relationship with several partners is very good. Of course, this is also the reason why Yin Zhu's sincerity can be changed from sincerity at the beginning. For example, when she told Bai Ji that many people said Bai Ji was using her, Mengji didn't think about it. But in the end, she chose to trust Bai Ji and went to the black, and Bai Ji didn't There's money for him.

"In fact, Yin Zhu and they are very good. It's not easy for us to get together. It's also good to be happy. Is it hard to remember this all the time, and then sigh?" Mengji can't help but ask Baiji.

Baiji didn't say anything more. He just grabbed Mengji's hand and said with certainty: "Mengji, don't worry, no matter when, I won't let you have an accident. The way of heaven in the orc world can't count us, and the way of heaven in the world can't count us."

Mengji nodded, "I believe you." She always believed that baiji would overcome all difficulties.

Yin Zhu and Bai Kun are laughing and making trouble on one side. They forget all their troubles and put down all their burdens. They are happy.

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