Yin Zhu and Bai Kun have been playing madly for several days. After that, Yin Zhu finally went to the array and really asked about the array.

Some things can't be avoided. What we should face is still to face. Yin Zhu just thinks that if they really don't have a future, they should live happily.

"Father and mother, how are you doing with this array?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

When Bai Ji heard that Yin Zhu called himself father and mother, he looked at Yin Zhu in surprise. You know, Yin Zhu had never called them father and mother before.

Bai Ji laughs twice, and then says, "why, now that you are asking for help, do you know how to be polite?"

When Mengji heard this, she slapped Baiji on the head and said to Yinzhu with a smile, "Yinzhu, don't care. This old man likes to fight twice when he's free. In fact, you call us father and mother. We are happier than anything."

Yin Zhu's willingness to call them father and mother means that he forgives them for all the things they have done before and treats them as his parents. Mengji is very happy in her heart. Although everyone lived together and cared for each other before, Yin Zhu didn't admit them. Mengji's heart is still a bit lost. Don't look at Baiji's disgust every day. What do you say about barbecued pork Son, the daughter who has been preparing to have a baby, but Mengji and Baiji know that it is not easy for them to have a baby. It is estimated that they have only baikun in their life. If their partner relationship with baikun is not good, it will make them uncomfortable?

In fact, Meng Ji knows that Yin Zhu doesn't want to make them feel sorry when he changes his tongue. After all, no one knows what will happen to them when he unties the array.

Of course, Yin Zhu's willingness to forgive them is also related to their relationship over this period of time. People's hearts are made of meat. Baiji and Mengji have been helping Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu doesn't have no feeling. If Baiji and Mengji want to, they can completely put this matter out of the way.

"I know, my father loves us very much, otherwise he would not help us so much. And my mother, you are the best. Thank you, my mother." Yin Zhu goes to Mengji's side and holds Mengji's arm.

When Mengji heard this, she touched Yinzhu's head tenderly. She was very satisfied that her daughter-in-law was so sensible.

At this time, Bai Ji turned his head and looked at the smile in his eyes. He was also happy in his heart.

"I've studied this array for a long time, and we've tried that stone tablet, which will absorb the power in our body. I only know that the stone tablet will absorb the power in our body, but I don't know the specific consequences. However, if I guess correctly, this array should be connected with another world." Bai Ji thought and said.

"If you connect with another world, can this world also connect with another world?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

Bai Kun nodded affirmatively, "in fact, every world has an upper limit of ability. When someone's strength is too strong, it will pose a huge threat to the original world, then the way of heaven will exclude that person's existence. That person will send to a higher level of the world, such as the Orc world. Our strength is too strong in the orc world, so The orc world is eager to send us away, and this world should also have such a channel. I just don't know why the channel of this world is sealed, and then the highest strength of people in this world is suppressed. "

"So this is the hope of tianjizi. When we open this array, then they can improve their strength and leave the world. This is the hope? It's no problem to get through this channel, but the problem is why someone sent the world to the seal at the beginning, and what kind of world that world is, and whether we open this world will affect the lives of ordinary people in this world. " The last sentence is what Yin Zhu wants to ask.

For tianjizi, the practitioners are very powerful. To the world, the practitioners are only a few people, and the most important thing is those of ordinary people. If they have a great influence on ordinary people, especially bad influence, Yin Zhu will not open this array.

Bai Ji shakes his head at this time, indicating that he really doesn't know. It's good that he can research so many useful news.

"Shall we open this array?" Yin Zhu asked hesitantly at this time.

Bai Ji thought for a while and said, "it must be opened. I don't think we can open it."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help asking, "why?" Do they have any other problems besides not being able to leave here?

Bai Ji nodded at this time and said: "the space has not changed before, but since Yin Zhu came, the space has been shrinking. I think we will be trapped in this space in the end. Otherwise, this space will force us to the array."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he quickly looked at Jono. To be honest, Yin Zhu came here these days to play with Jono happily. He really didn't inquire about the surrounding environment. In addition, there was a lot of space. If he didn't pay attention, who would know that he had shrunk.Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun seriously occupied the space, and immediately went to check the space. After a while, he looked back and nodded to Yin Zhu and said, "the space is really shrinking. I just said that the way of heaven is suddenly so kind. I didn't care about ours. At the beginning, it's just that people didn't come together."

Hearing this, Yin Zhu frowned and said seriously, "since we can't, let's face it. However, being bullied in this way is not reconciled. Can we destroy the array?"

Bai Ji shook his head and said, "we've tried. We can't do it." Baiji can be said to destroy all the methods. If it can, no one wants to be led by the nose.

"Since we can't, let's face it. I want to see what the array can do. I can't. I'll blow myself up in the end." Yin Zhu says that if she can't do anything, she can do the last thing. Now they are all together, even if they die, Yin Zhu is not afraid.

Bai Kun nodded and said, "yes, it's not. It's OK for our family to die together. We can accept some things, but I'm not willing to be arranged like this."

Obviously, the way of heaven forced them to make a choice. Bai Kun didn't like it. In fact, not to mention Bai Kun, even Bai Ji and Meng Ji didn't want it. Who are they? When they were forced to drink water by force? Of course, now they want to discuss with the people above. They can die, but they don't want to be arranged The death of a coward is so simple. Of course, if there is a chance to live, no one is willing to give up.

Yin Zhu also wants to try to see if the way of heaven will have any reaction.

On the other hand, tianjizi has a hexagram to calculate new content. Naturally, this content is Jono. They don't open the array, and then the world slowly declines, and then the world begins to get chaotic.

Tianjizi can't help but curse his mother after seeing such a hint. What's the meaning of Tiandao? If Jono doesn't want to, does he have a way? What's more, he just wanted to persuade them, and he couldn't persuade them, not to mention that they didn't know where Jono was now.

Maybe the idea of tianjizi had a little effect. At this time, a new hint came. Jono and his party were on the other side of Tianmen.

Then tianjizi and a group of people searched for a lot of classics, and finally found out where Tianmen is. Tianmen is a time and space gate over the earth, which has been covered up by the array. It's invisible on weekdays, and it's also where the earliest immortal gate is. It's said that the former cultivators all flew out of the world from there, which is supposed to be the passage of flying Question.

Tianmen is not a place that ordinary people can go to. If they don't have the strength to go to such a place, they will only be broken by the space array. Finally, tianjizi takes all the Yuanying experts in the world of practitioners to Tianmen. Of course, tianjizi doesn't want to force Jono. Tianjizi also wants to see what Tiandao wants to do.

What Bai Kun said before, tianjizi also seriously thought about what would happen if he didn't follow Tiandao's idea. Of course, it's better to meet Jono and his party. Tianjizi thinks it's very interesting to chat with them.

When the gate of heaven opened, Baiji felt it naturally. Baiji looked at tianjizi and asked, "what are you doing here? You can't go back."

Qiong Wu asked at this time, "can't you go back?" Then they look back and find that they can no longer find the way back. The door has disappeared, and it is impossible for them to go back.

"What's the matter? What's the secret Qingyunzi can't help but ask anxiously.

"I think you have been plotted by the way of heaven in your world." Bai Ji touched his chin and said.

Qiong Wu couldn't help asking, "what do you mean by that?" Calculate, the way of heaven calculate them, how to feel a kind of bad feeling.

Bai Ji nodded his head and said, "the space is shrinking. When it is reduced to only the array, then we all have to go into the array. When the array starts, what do you think will happen to us after the meeting?"

"Don't you want to go into the array? What does it have to do with us? " Qingyunzi couldn't help crying.

Bai Ji shook his head and said, "think about it for yourself."

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