"What's the matter?" At this time, a group of people said anxiously that they were all respectable people for a long time. Now they suddenly encountered something that might threaten their own lives, which made everyone worried.

Tianjizi looked at the mess of a group of people, and then looked at the side of Baiji several calm appearance, can't help but some angry cry, "noisy what noisy, this is not a joke?"

"I think it's a contribution to your world and your future generations. There's no need for that." Bai Kun couldn't help saying.

Hearing this, qingyunzi turned his eyes and said, "baikun, this is schadenfreude. In fact, it's not impossible to sacrifice anything. In the past, every time there was a big event, the elders didn't know how much they sacrificed. This time it's our turn. Of course, even if we have to sacrifice, we have to sacrifice something valuable."

After qingyunzi said this, several people around him began to calm down slowly. These people said that there are also some people who are proud of others and afraid of death, but there are also people who are not afraid of death and want to be famous in history. The reason why they are so flustered is that they don't have any mental preparation. If qingyunzi says it, qingyunzi will be angry. Even if they have to sacrifice, they will have a choice Is it not a fault for the high-level power of the world of the monks to concentrate all of them here? Even if this fault is ignored, I'm afraid that no one will give any advice to the future generations. After all, what they have left now is the golden elixir and below. Even if the future generations want to advance, they don't have any experience to ask. It's the same with the previous high-level estimates.

When someone comes forward to speak, this group of people will soon be quiet. After all, these people have experienced many things. When things get to this point, they will not think that they can escape.

Looking at the meetings, Bai Kun sat on the ground to have a rest. There was no noise. He couldn't help turning his head to Yin Zhu and said, "these are all old foxes. They are very receptive."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he laughed, "they don't know how old they are. If they don't have hope, they will die. In fact, they haven't enjoyed any blessings, and they can live enough. Now they are in this situation. What's more, they can't think of it."

Bai Kun and Qiao Nuo nodded. They were very young compared with them, and they were not reconciled.

Tianjizi has arranged for Chen Kui to study the array. Yes, Chen Kui also comes. Chen Kui doesn't care about what may happen. Looking at a huge array that he doesn't know, this guy indulges in it again and goes to study it in a rush.

Tianjizi looks at Chen Kui and can't help shaking his head. This guy really has a good array.

Bai Ji couldn't help but follow up and discussed with Chen Kui. Chen Kui is a master of array in the world, which is of a certain level. Bai Ji gets a lot of useful things from it. Of course, Chen Kui also knows from Bai Ji that the array on that island was set up by Bai Ji. So they chatted very warmly. Chen Kui is not good at mastering array Of course, there are few people who can make Chen Kui like to set up defenses. That is to say, baiji is not a person who takes advantage of himself. Of course, Chen Kui should be convinced. His array knowledge has taught him a lot.

Tianjizi looked at Baiji and Mengji seriously at this time. After all, these two should be the most powerful in this group of half demons. After all, at the beginning, these two people mixed into the demon world and became the demon king. If Baiji didn't expose them, who knows, of course, Baiji didn't want to cover up. If they wanted to cover up, they wouldn't know so easily.

Soon after Chen Kui joined in, a group of people finally came to the conclusion that this is a teleportation array. That's right. To open it, you need powerful power, mainly the seven stone tablets. In addition, there are many array eyes that need people to inject power. The array is harmless, but when it is opened, they have a lot of power In other words, it is likely to absorb their vitality to fill the gap, that is to say, it is not ruled out that some people have to sacrifice.

After reaching this conclusion, tianjizi looked at Jono's group of people, mainly the seven stone tablets. In other words, if he wanted to absorb vitality, he was afraid that Jono would be the first.

"What do you want to say?" Tianjizi couldn't help asking.

Bai Ji couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "what can you say, or you can let us choose, since there is no choice, what can you say?"

"And once you connect the two worlds, no one knows what each other's world is like. How do you want to bear the consequences?" Bai Ji couldn't help asking.

Tianjizi was silent when he heard this. After a long time, he said helplessly, "can we choose?"

"Aren't you the spokesmen of heaven? Tell him what you want to do? " Bai Kun said slowly.

At this time, a large group of other people are also looking at tianjizi. Yes, now it's not up to them to choose between life and death, but they don't want to die if they want to harm the original world.

Tianjizi reluctantly picked up the hexagram to calculate, and then tianjizi said that the hexagram was good luck, but there was nothing else, but it was obvious that the way of heaven meant good.Bai Ji stands up when he hears this. To tell the truth, he doesn't believe it very much. Bai Ji pulls Chen Kui aside at this time. Since they have no way to refuse, he always has to think of an individual way. At least he has his partner and children. Bai Ji wants to find a way to keep them.

The meaning of Bai Ji's discussion with Chen Kui is also very simple, that is, he wants to change the array. The array and the stone tablet can't be destroyed, so Bai Ji wants to add something on the existing basis. Since he doesn't want to destroy it, it should be OK to add something in.

It's just that the array is so big that it's not so easy to completely change it. Baiji doesn't expect to completely change it. He just wants to change the function a little bit. Chen Kui is obsessed with array. After hearing Baiji's opinion, he says he wants to try it. After all, it's a big challenge.

Tianjizi watched Baiji pull people away, but he didn't stop them. No matter what Baiji did, the biggest possibility was to save themselves. For this, tianjizi didn't mean to say that he wouldn't let them do it. And tianjizi was also worried about the point Baiji said before. What if, what if they let out a devil, so the array should be careful one o'clock.

Bai Ji and Chen Kui began to decorate the array. Sure enough, they didn't destroy the array and added something to the original one. The array was not exclusive. Bai Ji was overjoyed to see it. If there was a little difference in the array, the final result would be a lot different. The word "Butterfly Effect" was always understood.

Bai Ji tells Yin Zhu and Bai Kun what he thinks. Bai Ji also takes Bai Kun to his side and teaches him some array knowledge.

When Yin Zhu saw that Bai Ji had a clue, he couldn't help but settle down a little. He had no way before. He didn't expect that Chen Kui would take a turn for the better.

The array is very big, and there are many things to do. Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo can't help but come forward to help at this time, and Bai Ji makes a few people turn around. Fortunately, Yin Zhu's backpack contains a lot of special products of the orc world and strange things there, which can be used to set the array.

Seeing that Bai Ji and Chen Kui were busy over there, Qing Yunzi couldn't help looking at tianjizi and asking, "just let them fool around. Aren't you afraid of something wrong?"

Tianjizi shook his head and said, "there shouldn't be a big problem. If there is a problem, you will be prompted. What's urgent?" Moreover, he also wanted to see what Baiji could do. He was also afraid that things would get out of control. Tianji gate was not only related to the world of practitioners, but also the world of common people. He could not harm the world of common people for the sake of the world of practitioners.

"This white sacrifice is very powerful." Qiong Wu couldn't help saying something at this time.

But qingyunzi laughed and said, "of course, which half demon golden elixir period dares to run to your demon world and pretend to be the demon king."

Even if Bai Ji had the strength at the beginning, he had to have the courage and insight. However, seeing Bai Ji now, other people's knowledge is also very strong.

Later, the materials were a little insufficient. Chen Kui came to tianjizi and asked for them, and they also gave them. Of course, if this array can save everyone's life at that time, everyone would like to. Who is willing to die if he is alive?

Bai Ji and Chen Kui have been busy for more than half a month, but they have finally got the array ready. By this time, the space has shrunk by more than half, and their daily living space has laughed a lot. It can be said that after deducting the array part, there is only the place where they are busy.

"The array has been arranged. Do you have a clear idea?" Bai Ji turned his head and looked at tianjizi.

At this time, tianjizi walked into the array with a smile. "Now that it's done, let's start. It's been delayed for more than half a month. I'm impatient."

At this time, Bai Ji takes Mengji's hand and walks directly to the stone tablet to which he belongs. Yin Zhu looks at Jono and smiles. They hug each other and then walk toward the stone tablet to which they belong. When Qing Yunzi sees the family, he can't help but sigh, "they have a good relationship."

"Jealousy, jealousy, I'll find one myself." Qiong Wu said with a smile.

"Go, why don't you find some for yourself." Green cloud son Pooh a Qiong Wu, he all old man, looking for what to look for, besides, even if someone doesn't dislike him old, it is also aimed at his identity, what's the meaning.

At this time, Yin Zhu slowly stepped on the stone tablet that belonged to her. Yin Zhu felt that he was out of control and directly transformed into a beast, and Jono was obviously the same way. Each of them turned into a beast. Tianjizi and qiongwu looked at Yin Zhu and his party with red eyes. They were really fierce beasts in ancient times.

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