With the start of the array, Yin Zhu feels that her soul seems to fly to the bear depicted on the stone tablet. Then she sees that the power in her body flows to the stone tablet rapidly, and then turns to the earth under her feet, and so does Bai Ji Jono and his party.

Tianjizi's men were also standing in their own positions at this time. The whole array was shining white, and Yin Zhu felt the earth shaking under his feet.

The light was so dazzling that Yin Zhu had to close his eyes.

The power in his body is slowly passing away. Even Yin Zhu feels that the power of his own body has been stripped off. In fact, the power of the so-called ancient fierce beasts does not belong to them. In other words, the way of heaven in this world is inspired by the original Orc blood in his body. When the way of heaven is taken back, Yin Zhu will not care, After all, what doesn't belong to them.

Tianjizi qiongwu felt that the power in his body was constantly passing away. He couldn't help crying out. He thought that compared with Yinzhu, their strength was the result of their painstaking cultivation. Naturally, it was unacceptable that they didn't lose it. Yinzhu was OK. After all, they had felt it before.

The light in the array was getting brighter and brighter. At this time, tianjizi couldn't help crying, because they saw another world through the array. It was really another world. Yin Zhu saw another world. The people on that side of the world were just like the legendary immortal. Many people were flying in the sky.

Qiongwu exclaimed in surprise, "it's fairyland. It's our fairyland."

Sure enough, tianjizi's hope is good. They finally find the place of hope. They will see each other's immortals who dislike floating. They will not cry when they have no strength. If they can really open it and let the younger generation have hope, then they are willing to die like this.

Of course, even if they are not reconciled, do they have any other way? I can only say that I am willing to die, which makes me great.

Yin Zhu was also very surprised to see the scene in front of him. The people there were flying around in the sky one by one. To tell you the truth, they were very envious. But what Yin Zhu wanted to say was, are these people not afraid to collide when they fly around in the sky? If you have to be that high, you'll be miserable if you fall.

Yin Zhu said this directly. After hearing this, people at the scene couldn't help saying, elder sister, your focus should not be on this.

At this time, Bai Kun also looked at the opposite scene seriously. To tell the truth, people didn't have wings to fly to the sky, which he couldn't believe before. In the past, orcs only had wings to fly, but now those people can fly without wings. Of course, they didn't come to Yin Zhu's world, and they didn't believe that an iron knot could run fast on the ground and fly in the sky The impact of each world is different, and the opposite people fight in the sky, which is much more than the TV show.

At this time, qingyunzi watched with trembling eyes. More and more scenes can be seen. Does it mean that the array is about to be opened? When the array is opened, does it mean that they can pass?

"The scene on the other side seems very good now, but the strength of those people is much stronger than ours. Are you not afraid that the people on the other side will enter our world, and no one can stop us?" White make complaints about the few green clouds, and can't help but Tucao up.

Green cloud son hears this words a Leng, then say: "they should not come."

It can be said that there are several practitioners who like to be controlled by others. The previous world of practitioners is controlled by high-level people like them. Except for one or two magical practices, they are at least clever in general. If there are a few people who are not in line with the discipline and they can't control them, then it will be really bad.

"Bai Kun, what did you do before?" Tianjizi couldn't help asking at this time.

Before, no matter because there was no hope, there was another one who didn't want to die, but now hope is in front of them. They are worried that what Bai Kun did before will be bad.

"What to do is to destroy this array naturally. Why do you think we will die obediently?" Bai Kun is cold.

As soon as Bai Kun's words were finished, qingyunzi could not help crying. It was obvious that they wanted to open this array. If this array could not be opened, it would be destroyed by Bai Kun. What should they do? What should their descendants do?

"You can't destroy the array. You can't. this is everyone's hope. Besides, aren't we here now?" Qingyunzi couldn't help crying.

Bai Kun said nothing. Of course, these people don't matter, because they can't live much longer without hope. Their life span is almost over. Moreover, they have descendants to fight for, but they can live a long time, and they have no one to fight for.

"Don't give me such sarcastic remarks. In fact, you are very selfish. You just want to have something to do with you. I always said that if these people come to our world, what will ordinary people do? There are many ordinary people in this world. This world is the world of ordinary people, not yours. I don't want to tell you. Anyway, even if you know it now, you can't stop it." Once the array is started, no one can stop it.Green cloud son several hear this words can't help but anxiously looking at the sky machine son, "sky machine son, how should this do?"

At this time, tianjizi said with a smile, "don't worry, this array is not so easy for them to change."

It's not so easy to change the array. Baiji knows that the essence of the array can't be changed, so he moves his hand. The way of heaven should be to open the door to another world, which Baiji can't change. However, he changes a little bit, that is, it should be completely opened, which will be changed into opening part by Baiji, and there are restrictions, specific restrictions He can only know the general things. After all, they are all theories, which are quite different from the reality. They don't have any experiments, do they.

At this time, they had seen a crack in the ground under their feet. In the hazy, they saw the white light coming from the opposite side. Tianjizi and qiongwu took a breath at this time, and then cried out, "aura, good aura."

"The two realms are connected." Tianjizi was very happy at this time.

Yin Zhu looked at the crack in surprise. With the appearance of the crack, the array sped up the power of their body.

Yin Zhu felt that the stone tablet behind him was like drawing blood, constantly pulling away the strength of her body. Even she could feel the flow of water. Because her strength was quickly pulled away, Yin Zhu felt that her whole body muscles were pulled and hurt.

As the last bit of cultivation in his body was removed by the array, Yin Zhu felt that the array began to take away her vitality. Yin Zhu felt that his whole body was about to be crushed. At this time, the original huge animal body began to shrink slowly. Bai Ji's several people were naturally like Yin Zhu. Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu's painful voice and couldn't help crying, "Yin Zhu, Jian Hold on, this array will stop soon. "

However, the array continued to run and didn't stop. Bai Ji and Chen Kui couldn't help but wonder. Unfortunately, they had no way to move at this time, and naturally they had no way to check the array they had set up.

Bai Ji has changed the array. According to his assumption, when their accomplishments are gone, the array will stop. But why is it that he still takes away their vitality? Can't he set the array?

Compared with Yin Zhu's pain, qingyunzi's faction can't help but revel at this time, because they will soon go to another world, and with that aura, qingyunzi feel that their whole spirit and spirit are much more relaxed, and they feel that they can hold on.

Bai Ji couldn't help frowning at this time. To tell the truth, he calculated a lot about that array. Combined with Chen Kui's knowledge, he shouldn't make mistakes. Unless Chen Kui didn't tell the truth, or even did something in the array, otherwise he wouldn't put himself in such a position so easily without complete preparation. But Chen Kui has always been a fan of the array, and Bai Ji thinks that He didn't feel that Chen Kui was lying. Was he cheated?

Yin Zhu's bodies are shrinking, while Bai Ji and Bai Kun's tails begin to disappear one by one. At this time, tianjizi's cultivation is also transmitting light, and the array begins to take away their vitality. Originally, each one of them is practicing skillfully. It can be said that each one looks like a young man. At this time, each one turns white hair Old lady, old father-in-law.

Yin Zhu felt that her body was about to be torn. She was very unwilling. She thought that she would finally return to the world, live happily with several partners, and then be filial to her parents. However, she didn't do it, didn't do it.

Array, array stop for me, I don't want to, don't die, Yin Zhu kept shouting in his heart, even constantly struggling.

Yin Zhu feels that her body is very painful, but the stone tablet behind her seems to have no bottom line. She is constantly taking away her life and everything.

Bai Kun was naturally not reconciled. However, no matter what they did, they found that they had no way at all. They couldn't get rid of it.

Is the array effective? Bai Ji lost thought, he did so much, did not expect that he would end up like this.

Yin Zhu felt that her whole body was about to be torn down. She was very miserable. Life was not like death, but she could not die. At this time, Yin Zhu felt that her whole body was relaxed. Then she felt that her soul was separated from the stone tablet. When she came back to her body, she found that she had changed back to life, and even her hands and feet could move.

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