At this time, Yin Zhu turned around and found that not only himself, but also Jono left the array and became human. The most important thing is that they can walk now, that is to say, they can leave the array.

"Yin Zhu, are you ok?" Tengxiao, who is closest to Yinzhu, walks to Yinzhu for the first time and helps him.

Bai Kun took a look at his family and said, "let's get out of here and see what's going on."

This array will drain people's vitality. It's better to leave the array's scope first.

When qingyunzi and his party saw that Yinzhu could leave, they couldn't help but wonder, "Hey, wait, what's the matter with you? How did you leave like this? This array hasn't been opened yet. What have you done?" Qingyunzi wants to catch Jono, but now they are all trapped in the array. How can they catch people easily? Even though they are very close, they just can't catch people.

Jono Yinzhu and his party got along, helped each other and left the array. When they came to the edge of the array, they sat down one by one. Obviously, they were very tired. After all, their strength has been taken away. Coupled with the previous twists and turns, if they had not always had a belief to support them, they would not have been able to stick to it until now.

"Are we all right?" Asked Leihe, who was passing by. At this time, everyone turned to look at baikun.

Bai Kun shook his head at this time. "I don't know. In principle, the array I set up should work. However, our power has been absorbed. Don't you find that we can't become beasts now? There are two situations. One is that our blood is stripped by the array, and we can only be human in the future. The other is that our blood is sobbed too much, but we can't recover in time. Maybe we will recover in a long time. "

"What?" Yin Zhu was stunned, and then she found that, sure enough, now she has no way to become a beast like before.

"This problem can be put down for a moment. Now we can't find out whether it is the first or the second situation. But the current array and the world behind the array are what we should pay attention to." Bai Kun said with a frown.

"This matter depends on our present ability, whether it is to continue to open or to stop, we are powerless, so let's watch first." Bai Ji said slowly at this time.

As for why they can leave the array, maybe it's because the array has absorbed all their power, even the power of ORC's blood. The rest belongs to ordinary people. People don't look up to them, so they let them go?

"Take a look first." Yin Zhu sighed and said, because she doesn't know what will happen next. Even if they want to escape, they'd better have a good rest here.

Qingyunzi qiongwu and his party are naturally not reconciled to seeing Jono leave the array. They are also worried about what to do if the array can't be opened because Jono leaves. They just have no way to leave now, so they can only play tricks there.

Maybe it was Jono who left. Maybe the energy absorbed by the array was not enough. This array began to extract the vitality of qingyunzi and others. With the extraction of the array, all the young boys and girls who originally looked young became white haired.

By this time, someone was howling, "I, I can't hold on."

Qingyunzi and qiongwu, who are relatively powerful, now look a little better, but just a little better. "Hold on, the array is about to start, even if it's sacrifice, it's worth it."

As long as there are gains in sacrifice, then they can sacrifice. In the past, they wanted to sacrifice Yin Zhu, but now it's their turn, naturally.

The people in the array are not talking at this time. Of course, some people are waiting. Like Jono and others, when all the power is exhausted, will this array save their lives?

The crack under the sole of the foot is getting bigger and bigger, and now it has become a big hole for one person to pass through. At this time, the array suddenly trembles twice, as if something has been interrupted. Bai Ji's eyes are bright and he stares at one of the joints.

Yin Zhu also looked through Bai Ji's eyes at this time. It was obvious that the things arranged by Bai Ji started at this time. They had been expecting this array to start for a long time, but the array didn't start until this time.

With that interruption, the array that was still splitting stopped at this time. Several people in qingyunzi could not help crying out, "go on." They have been waiting for so many years, but they can't let it go because of it. Qingyunzi is a little regretful at this time. At that time, they all thought that Baiji was just a mess, but they didn't expect that he really made it?

"Tianjizi, what should we do?" At this time, they couldn't help asking.

At this time, tianjizi was very single and said, "what should I do? It's probably Providence. " Isn't it God's will to him? People in Tianji gate have never disobeyed the will of the way of heaven. I didn't expect that one day, he would even say the will of heaven."Tianjizi, you can't be joking. Hurry to find a way." Qiong Wu could not help crying at this time.

This array has the first pause, there is a second pause, and then the number of pauses is more and more. It is obvious that the array is about to stop, and the people in the array can already move in a small range at this time, but the hole they originally opened is slowly retracting due to insufficient follow-up power.

"Tianjizi, this, this hole is shrinking." Qingyunzi couldn't help shouting. At this time, a person who could move just by the side of the cave jumped down. He wanted to jump to another world while the cave could hold one person. However, before the people who jumped into the cave could make any sound, they saw that a touch of blood red dyed the cave, and then there was nothing left.

Originally, they were envious of the man who was very close to the cave. At this time, they could not help shrinking their necks. Fortunately, they didn't have greedy heart beat down, otherwise they would have died.

"Transmission space is not stable, do not jump in, or jump in a dead." They don't have the ability to travel through chaotic spaces.

"But the hole is shrinking. If we don't find a way, we're afraid we won't be able to get through it in the future." Some people gnash their teeth, obviously they are very unwilling. Of course, at this time, some people have looked at Baiji with hate eyes. They think that baiji is bad for them.

Probably because of the reversal of the array, Yin Zhu saw several big stone steles belonging to them at this time, which were shining with blood. Yin Zhu saw that the animals depicted on the stone steles seemed to be alive at this time, and then Yin Zhu saw that his own bear seemed to be waving to her.

"Baiji, do you feel it?" Yin Zhu pointed to the stone tablet and asked several people around him.

"What is that, father and mother?" At this time, Bai Kun could not help asking, Yin Zhu's feeling is that they all have.

"That should be the power that originally belonged to us. This array was changed by me, and all the power that was taken away was reversed. In this way, Leihe, you should try to touch the stone tablet first. "Baiji stood up and let Leihe try first.

Leihe nodded and walked toward his own stone tablet without hesitation. Then he reached for the Golden Dragon on the stone tablet and touched it. When he touched the green dragon with his finger, Leihe felt a dragon chant in his mind. Then he watched the little green dragon get into his body, and the original green dragon on the stone tablet period.

Leihe looked at his hands and his body in surprise. Then he came back and said to Yin Zhu, "it's OK. I'm fine. And I feel that I'm very strong. Go and take back those forces quickly. I think those people are interested in our power."

Leihe's action, qingyunzi several people naturally see in the eye, that, that should be Qinglong blood, if they get it, can they change their blood, and then let them further?

Now, with the power of a stone tablet absorbed by Leihe, the array collapses faster. At this time, some people begin to break free from the array.

Bai Ji nodded. Naturally, their things will not be taken away by others.

Yin Zhu walked towards his own blood stone tablet without any hesitation. Those are their strength, but they can't take advantage of others. Moreover, if they don't have strong strength, they are not good at dealing with tianjizi.

Yin Zhu quickly went to the front of the stone tablet and began to absorb his own strength. Of course, no one robbed him. Someone happened to come to Mengji's side, but he wanted to compete with Mengji. The strength itself belonged to them, and it was not so easy for those people to scramble.

Leihe sees that Mengji is in trouble, so he rushes to the other side immediately, and then attacks the other side directly. He won't be soft on the person who snatches his own things.

Soon Yin and Zhu absorbed their own strength, and tianjizi also broke away from the array. Jono went directly to the front and stopped them, "why do you still want to rob our blood now? Don't blame us for being impolite." Jono said that they would not be afraid. They had to show a way to grab things.

Tianjizi glanced at Jono and his party. Now their blood strength has gone back. On the contrary, their strength has almost been absorbed. How could Jono and his party do it.

"Stop. Now let's see how the array is." Tianjizi says that array is more important.

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