"Chen Kui, it's all you. If you didn't help them, how could this array stop in the middle of its operation? Come and see what's going on now." Tianjizi grabs Chen Kui and says.

Although tianjizi is good at divination and knows a lot of knowledge, it is also something from ancient times. There are also some news that others don't know. He doesn't know much about this array.

Although tianjizi has been agitated by Bai Kun for a while, he wants to go against the way of heaven, but when he sees this array, he is anxious again.

In fact, the best way is to ask Bai Ji to help, not to mention that this array is mainly arranged by Bai Ji. Unfortunately, they have just offended others. I'm sorry to call it Bai Ji.

In fact, when Baiji was arranging the array, he gave a lot of ideas and suggestions, but it was made by Baiji specifically, and Baiji also added a lot of arrays that he didn't understand. Although Baiji had told him some principles before, he still didn't understand a lot of them, at least not so quickly, let alone some profound parts, Baiji didn't understand Some say that he doesn't understand.

"Tianjizi, what are you worried about? The array has stopped now. It's no use even if we are worried. Take your time." At this time, Chen Kui said calmly that Baiji wanted to change the array. He didn't think Baiji could succeed. After all, there was no way to change the original array. Baiji just added a layer to it. This way, the array would not change the original one. He didn't expect that Baiji succeeded. He was more curious about Baiji's array knowledge. Of course, he only had one before It's just the mouth. He didn't actually verify it. Now this semi useless array can be studied by him. He wants to know how Baiji does it.

At this time, Bai Ji also took people to study the things around him, "what are you going to do?" Baiji didn't study those arrays, but looked around the space.

"The array has stopped, but we are still trapped in this space and can't leave." Bai Ji replied, obviously he was looking for a way out.

Yin Zhu nodded. It's true that this place is different from the alien space they were in before. It can be said that when the power of the alien space was absorbed by them, the place was broken with a light blow. This place is different. The boundary of this place is very strong. At least a few people in Baiji tried it just now, but they can't break it It's broken.

At this time, qingyunzi also followed Chen Kui around, trying to check the array related things. Unfortunately, they failed in the end. Finally, they found that they were trapped in this place and couldn't leave. As for the place where the array was opened before, there was a hole as big as a small bucket. In fact, an adult would be happy as long as he wasn't too fat You can drill through it, but because the array is not fully opened, the space inside the hole is chaotic, the channel is not formed, and all the space inside is turbulent. It can be said that the channel is the big Luo Jinxian. It is estimated that he will die when he enters.

"Baiji, can you help me to recover the array? Don't worry, I won't come to you when I want to sacrifice. This is the hope of the whole world. We can't just break it." Qingyunzi looks at Baiji, and now they have no choice but to ask for Baiji.

Bai Ji shook his head and said, "don't count on me. I really can't help it. If I had a way at that time, I would directly destroy the array. We can't easily destroy such a large array. Besides, when I set up an array on it, it was a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. I can't guarantee my success. I just don't want to do nothing, so you really beg me It's no use

At this time, qingyunzi looked at Baiji angrily and said, "Baiji, please don't perfunctory us. Besides, we are all grasshoppers in the same line now. If we don't do this array well, we are afraid that we will be trapped here all our life." Qingyunzi gritted his teeth. They didn't want to be trapped here all their lives.

Bai Ji shook his head sincerely and said, "I really have no way. If I had a way, I would have left long ago. I'm still waiting for you here. In fact, there is no change. You can't improve before. That's because the aura of the world is not enough, but now can't the aura turn around? We have no problem if we don't eat or drink, so let's absorb the aura, and then we can break through. I don't believe that we can break through the space if we keep breaking through. "

"Enhance strength?" Green cloud son hears this words a Leng, then asked a sentence in reply, "can we promote actual strength?" You know, for so many years, in addition to the lack of resources, it is also the rules that make them unable to improve their strength.

Bai Ji nodded and said, "certainly. Don't you think our strength is higher than yours? So the rules of this space should be able to enhance the strength. "

What Bai Ji didn't say is that there is such a powerful array in this space, and there is the sealed power in those stone tablets, which is just drawn out by their blood. If Yin Zhu's original world can't bear such a powerful power, then the array power should be more than that. Since all the arrays can exist well, it's hard to say It is clear that this space can withstand forces beyond the original world.

It's not that Baiji fooled them, but that he really has no way to leave now. If he can't, then cultivate. He has enough strength to break everything.As for the damage of the array, it's not so easy to repair it, not to mention that the array still wants their lives. Bai Ji doesn't believe what qingyunzi said, saying that they don't want their lives. When that time comes, where will they be given the chance to choose.

Just as they come to this alien space, they are not given the opportunity to choose at all.

Baiji doesn't like the way of heaven in this world. He doesn't know what the place wants to do, but Baiji dares to say that he doesn't owe the world. When they come to this world by accident, they don't capture any resources in this world except that their cultivation speed is a little faster, especially Baiji and Mengji. When they come to this world, they are jindanting Feng's strength, but the world is forced to even want to take their lives, he will be like the world's mind just strange.

However, this array has been broken now. The way of heaven in this world has not responded. Do you still want to settle accounts with them?

Yin Zhu doesn't believe in the way of heaven. After all, it's just like God. It's nonsense. But after a series of things, Yin Zhu has to accept these statements.

"What do you mean by that? What does the way of heaven want to do? " Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

To tell you the truth, just looking at the opposite world is really immortal, it looks very good, but this will see Yin Zhu opposite someone fighting, and then a move to collapse, it looks really scary, Yin Zhu wants to say that if the channel is really stable open, then what will those people do when they come to this world?

As a matter of fact, people in the opposite world have already found out that people in the opposite world are curious because of the fluctuation of the activation of this array. Many people are studying it. They think it's a treasure. Fortunately, people in the opposite world can't come here.

Baiji couldn't help it. Tianjizi couldn't help but wonder if they could discuss with the people on the other side?

They can see the opposite person. Does that mean that the opposite person can see them too? Can they communicate?

Several people in tianjizi began to yell. The people on the opposite side wanted to say something, but obviously they couldn't hear what they were saying. At this time, Yin Zhu just sat down to see how the two sides wanted to communicate.

"I don't like the opposite world. I feel that the other side's world is too dangerous. I can only be a small person on my own initiative. I don't like the too dangerous world. I still love peace." Yin Zhu leaned against Bai Kun and said.

Bai Kun hugs Yin Zhu's shoulder and nods. Yin Zhu has always been that kind of person, but in the opposite world, fighting is really breaking apart, and he doesn't pay attention to other people. The opposite world is obviously a world of the jungle. In fact, according to Bai Kun's idea, it's good that the array is not opened, but these people think differently.

"We'd better find a place to practice and have a good rest, and then leave one person to pay attention to them. Don't worry about the rest." Bai Kun thought for a moment and said.

Those of the other side are so powerful. Unfortunately, no matter how they fight, they can't break this array. That is to say, this array will be good for a long time at least. It's even very possible that this array can only be opened by people on their side.

Yin Zhu nodded. They quickly set up a tent on the edge of the array. Although it doesn't matter if they don't eat, drink or sleep, Yin Zhu is still used to the normal way of life. She has no way to live as an immortal.

Qiongwu looked at Jono, and several people even came out of the tent. She couldn't help walking up to Yin Zhu and asked, "don't you worry at all?"

Joan Wu was good to their people on the whole. In addition, he was always good to them. Leihe was willing to answer him, "is it useful to worry? There are so many powerful people on your side, let you deal with them. " Reich replied very single.

Hearing this, Qiong Wu gasped, and then simply sat down beside them. "I can't help it, just let them toss, or you will enjoy it and bring so many things." To tell you the truth, the practitioners have storage space, and they won't use it to hold these things used by ordinary people. Yin Zhu, they are really special.

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