"You demon clan don't worry?" Bai Kun looks at qiongwu and a group of demons. They have begun to rest.

Qiongwu couldn't help laughing when she heard this, and then said, "what's the hurry? The life span of the demon clan is much higher than that of the Terran clan, especially those of us who are successful in cultivation. We just can't improve our strength and live in this world all the time. The others who don't have any influence on us are qingyunzi. Their life span is limited, and they are about to arrive, so they're very happy They are very anxious. "

"Since you're not in a hurry, what will you do?" Leihe can't help but ask curiously. Leihe still likes qiongwu between the monks and the demons. Qiongwu speaks more simply and doesn't beat around the bush like tianjizi and qingyunzi. There is a lot of nonsense and makes people speechless.

"How can we make do with it? Besides, we can't leave it out of the way. When it's transmitted, are we forced to send it to this space? In fact, I don't think it's anything here. Anyway, you won't die. Besides, the aura is very strong. After the aura fills the space, I think how comfortable it is to practice in this place. " Qiongwu said with emotion.

"Do you think the other person is strong?" Bai Kun couldn't help asking.

Qiongwu turned to look at Bai Kun and said, "Bai Kun, now your strength is stronger than me. Your vision should be better than me. Why ask me."

When Bai Kun heard this, he didn't say anything. It's true that the strength of several people in Bai Kun has surpassed that of qiongwu. Bai Kun didn't fight with the people on the opposite side, but the people on the opposite side are very strong. If you pull anyone out, the strength will not be lower than him.

In fact, the array has been destroyed, but the way of heaven has not appeared from the beginning to the end. Now a group of them are trapped here. To tell you the truth, he doesn't know what the way of heaven wants to do. If it is true that the way of heaven has arranged all these things, but now it has been destroyed by Baiji. At this time, he shouldn't come to Baiji Do you have a bill? But in the end, there was nothing and they were not allowed to leave the border. What did they want to do?

"Isn't tianjizi able to predict? Has he ever thought about the present situation and what will happen next? " Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

Qiong Wu shook his head. "I don't know. Now we can only live here first. It's better for you. It doesn't matter." Qiong Wu wants to say that she doesn't care, but she can't be so free and easy. Although the life span of the demon clan is better than that of the Terran clan on the whole, they are still unwilling to be locked up in this small world, and they still want to go out. That's why Qiong Wu has been with tianjizi before. If she can, Qiong Wu naturally wants to leave the world, but she still wants to go out No chance.

"You brought a lot of food. Why didn't you bring wine?" Qiong Wu make complaints about the barbecue and eat it.

At this time, Bai Kun said impatiently, "you can't bring it yourself. Besides, we didn't say whether it's good to invite you to eat. You have the face to eat it yourself. It's still seven and eight."

"Don't be so stingy. It's just some worthless food. As for this? When you leave this space, I'll send you a few cars of barbecue. " Qiongwu is a cheeky man. He won't be embarrassed. He's still eating happily at this time.

When Bai Kun heard this, he couldn't help it. The barbecue is only valuable in this place. If he really goes out, who cares about the barbecue.

Tianjizi and his party are still studying the array. They are sweating, but there is no way to communicate with the opposite person. Anyway, they can't speak it clearly by sign language. In fact, if the opposite person is willing to teach them how to break the array, it's the best. However, the knowledge of array itself is very deep, especially high Deep array knowledge, so it depends on sign language.

Look at the next qiongwu group of people have been eating and drinking with Jono group of people, qingyunzi is almost angry, "qiongwu, you are like this, no matter what?"

Qiong Wu looked at qingyunzi, who was forced to ask him, and said impatiently, "what do you want us to do? The people of demon clan are not good at array. The demon clan only fight. If you feel uncomfortable in your heart, why don't I fight with you and help you dredge your muscles." Qiongwu is sure that the whole cultivation world will unite to look for hope. However, no matter what they are, they are all controlled by tianjizi and qingyunzi. As a result, these people are used to managing him. They really don't treat him as their subordinate. They don't open their eyes to see clearly who he is. He is the most powerful demon king in the demon clan. When does he want to see Renxiu My face has changed.

Qingyunzi's face flushed with qiongwu's words. He didn't dare to say anything more. Of course, the main reason is that he couldn't do it. If he had done it, he would have rushed forward to fight with qiongwu.

Joan Wu laughed contemptuously at this time, and then turned to Jono and his party and said, "I feel that you are still a little more like us. Those people are very chatty. Every time I talk to them, I am very tired and have a lot of nonsense."

When Bai Kun heard this, he couldn't help smiling and said, "I always feel that you are connoting me."When Qiong Wu heard this, he gasped. Well, Bai Kun really shares the same virtue with those people. He turns around a lot, but now he knows what kind of blood Bai Kun is. Nine Tailed foxes and foxes are treacherous. Qiong Wu says he can't play with them.

"Baikun, what does that Baiji have to do with you? You are all nine tailed foxes." Baiji and baikun are both Nine Tailed foxes, but their feelings are definitely different. Baiji is holy and bright, while baikun gives you the feeling of darkness, obscurity and power.

"Baiji is my father, Mengji is my mother." There is nothing to hide at this time.

Qiong Wu was stunned when she heard this, and then she gave a thumbs up. It's terrible. The parents are terrible. Qiong Wu also said a few words to Bai Ji and Mengji just now. To tell the truth, those two are old foxes. They are very powerful. Anyway, Qiong Wu doesn't dare to tell them more. Qiong Wu is worried that when he was a child, he would be caught wetting his bed He was afraid of speaking.

Qiong Wu didn't want to say anything about the two men's involvement in the demon world before. After all, these two are too powerful. Another is that Bai Ji and his party are more powerful than Qiong Wu. In the face of absolute strength, no one will be silly to care about what happened before.

I don't see that qingyunzi is very angry. Baiji destroys the array, but apart from speaking sour words, why didn't they come forward to find Baiji to settle accounts? That's because Baiji's team is strong. Even if qingyunzi has a large number of people, they don't have the certainty to win, not to mention that this array will probably depend on Baiji in the end, so they will never win Sin is sacrificed for nothing.

Of course, speaking sour words now can be regarded as testing Baiji to see where their bottom line is.

Bai Ji thought more about it at this time. He always thought it was arranged by the way of heaven, but the way of heaven never appeared. He could not help but have other doubts. For example, were these things really arranged by the way of heaven? Will it be like the other side of the orc world, there is a man hidden in the dark arranged all this, just like him in the orc world?

If there is such a person, who will it be and what kind of identity it is? To be honest, Bai Ji is a little excited to think of this. He has always wanted to find an opponent that interests him, but he has never been able to find one. If there is such a person, he is suitable to be his opponent.

Qingyunzi is busy and can't find anything. In addition, they have lost a lot of strength and vitality before, and they are very tired. But they used to be strong, but now they have no hope. They can't hold on, and they are tired to the ground.

Yin Zhu had enough to eat and drink by this time, and then he lay in the tent to have a rest.

"Yin Zhu, we may have to live here for a long time." Jono said seriously.

Yin Zhu looked at several companions who accompanied him and nodded, "as long as you accompany me, I'm not afraid of anything." Where life is not life, as long as there are a few of them, that's good.

"You said that those people outside can't leave and have no hope. Will they be crazy?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

"We're not in a hurry. We'll wait. Those who are not strong in their own strength and have been taken away for a long time should make trouble. Now we don't understand the situation. Let's watch first. We'll wait until there are changes." Qiao Nuo grabs Yin Zhu's hand and says that now they can only cope with changes with invariance, and that's the way to take over.

Yin Zhu nodded. It's true that they have nothing to worry about now. In this space, their strength is the strongest. What if they have too many people? It's not that they can't help but wait for the people behind the scenes to come out.

No matter who calculated this matter, now that the plan is broken, the people who arranged these things are unwilling and will always stand up. Now they are not in a hurry. It should be the person behind them, so they just wait.

Jono touched Yinzhu's hair. Yinzhu is good at that. She's so stupid. Sometimes she can face all kinds of things calmly.

"OK, let's have a good rest, and then meet new challenges with a new look." Yin Zhu raised his fist and said excitedly, if it is difficult for them to return to this world, then at least their most difficult one has been conquered by them.

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