Now that he has guessed the purpose of aiya's coming to Daze tribe, Montaigne goes to the front of the warehouse in a hurry to put away the things that haven't been disposed of. Anyway, the warehouse is very empty, and the collected things can be kept by the ice cellar for many days, and can be disposed of after aiya leaves.

Montaigne called up a group of main people in Li Si, and carefully told them not to be fooled by others. No matter who asked, they were not allowed to answer, because Sophie, Montaigne was worried that those brainless males who were fascinated by Sophie would ask seven questions and eight for Sophie, so he simply ordered no one to say.

No matter who asked about sugar and starch making, they would not say anything. As for dried bamboo shoots and mushrooms, they were too easy to learn. Fortunately, they had dug up almost all the mushrooms in several nearby bamboo mountains, and they would have to wait for next year even if they wanted to get cheap.

What's more, the mushroom is not so easy to identify. Yin Zhu has taught it carefully for many times, for fear that those people will admit their mistakes. Yin Zhu doesn't believe that those people can identify it by virtue of the dried mushrooms that have been deformed after being dried in the sun and Sophie's description.

Another is to ask the tribe's collection team to speed up and move all the food back to the cave.

As for the green sugar and starch that hasn't been dried yet, Montaigne directly asked people to take half of it to Yin Zhu and take half to his cave to ask Amy to watch.

Meng Tai also went to Yin Zhu at this time and told him what he had guessed. Yin Zhu really didn't expect that Sophie would damage the interests of the whole tribe because of her little conflict with herself. Damn Sophie, she led wolves into the house. The people of Juque tribe came for these things. If they didn't get these things, they were afraid that they would not leave so easily.

Montaigne was already thinking that Sophie had better not reveal the secret of the tribe, otherwise even the female identity could not protect her.

On the other side, aiya has found Sophie with a group of people.

Aiya rushed straight to Sophie's front, "Sophie, you don't mean your tribe has made a lot of delicious food, and you don't take it out for a treat?"

Sophie said with a smile, "aiya, don't worry. There are some things in the patriarch's side that I can't get. I can get some for you."

"Well, if you can work out all the ways to make these things, you'll be the best." Aiya said very simply.

"Aiya, I don't want any good. I want it very simply, that is, the Juque tribe redeemed me." Sophie also said very simply.

"Sophie, it's hard." Every female is the most precious thing of the tribe. If you want to redeem a female back to your tribe, even aiya dare not agree to this price.

"Aiya, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. If Yin Zhu hadn't bullied me and robbed my two partners, I wouldn't have chosen this way. Once I do these things, it's tantamount to treason. If you Juque tribe don't plan to redeem me, I'll wait to die. Do you think it's no good for me to do that?" Sophie grinned and raised the corner of her mouth.

"I know aiya, you can't make the decision. It doesn't matter. Aiya, I can let you taste those things first. You can see for yourself whether it's worth it or not." Sophie said with a smile.

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