"Well, I'd like to see how good the things of your daze tribe are. If it's worth it, it's a small matter to transfer the tribe." Aiya said with a smile.

Sophie laughed at this. "You won't be disappointed." Sufi is very clear that the Juque tribe is strong, and there is still a big gap in winter food every year. As long as she can take out the food that can be stored, the Juque tribe will not refuse.

"I don't know if my sister can reveal a little bit, but also let me have a bottom in my heart?" Aiya asked curiously.

"Winter food, winter food that can be stored." Sophie said calmly.

"Well, my sister will be waiting for her sister in the Juque tribe." Aiya said with a smile, winter food, any kind of winter food that can be stored is a treasure. If Sophie's words are true, the Juque tribe is naturally willing to pay a big price to redeem Sophie.

One side of the white Ze endure for a long time, see they finally to discuss the event, at this time he hurried to Sophie's side, worried asked: "Sophie, you say someone bullied you, you say, who bullied you, I go to teach him."

Baize has been fond of Sophie for a long time, but they are separated by a tribe. Baize is not willing to live in the poor daze tribe, so he is still hesitating. He doesn't know whether to choose Sophie. If Sophie can be transferred to Juque tribe, it will be perfect.

Aiya is better than Baize, who has been dazzled by love. She grabs Baize in a hurry and stares at Baize in displeasure. "Baize, we are guests now. We can't be too presumptuous."

Although the Juque tribe is powerful, we can't ignore the agreement between the tribes. Besides, aiya knows her best friend. It's good that she doesn't bully others. Do others bully her? It's supposed to be self inflicted. Aiya is a little curious about Yin Zhu in Sophie's mouth now.

What kind of person is Yin Zhu? I really want to see you.

Baize said unhappily when he heard this: "elder sister, Sophie will become a member of our Juque tribe sooner or later. How can people of our tribe be bullied at random?"

Baize has already thought about it. When he comes back, he will discuss with his father that he wants Sophie to be his partner. The money for ransom will come back to them and they will not let Sophie be wronged in daze tribe any more.

Aiya saw that Baize was so angry that she wanted to catch people and drag them out to beat them. But this fool was her own brother. "Baize, think about what we do in daze tribe. Don't spoil the important affairs of the tribe. As for Yinzhu, what's the hurry? It's not easy to teach her when Sophie becomes a member of our tribe?"

Red Ying at this time also seized the hand of white Ze, "white Ze listen to your elder sister's words, remember to set out when you promised us something." At the time of departure, aiya didn't plan to take Baize. Baize promised to be obedient in daze tribe, so they agreed to take Baize.

White Ze at this time can not be happy to sit in Sophie's side, and then affectionately seized Sophie's hand, "Sophie, you first bear, I promise to give you back next time."

Sophie nodded with a smile. If she wants to go to Juque tribe, she has to rely on herself. Baize is a good candidate. She is infatuated with her and obeys her advice. Although she doesn't like Baize, what does it matter? Anyway, she can have many partners, and it's nothing to have one more Baize.

"I know. Thank you, bazaar." Sophie leans on baezer's body.

Sophie's grievances make Baize feel distressed. He has decided that when he finds what they want, he will definitely give it to Yin Zhu.

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