Aiya heard Sophie say winter food, for such an important food, aiya where can sit, she said with a smile: "Sophie, we have been nesting in the cave is not interesting, you show me around."

Sophie nodded, aiya's intention is too obvious, "aiya, don't expect too much, I think the patriarch has put away all that can be put away."

It's normal that aiya doesn't get angry. "It doesn't matter. You can show me around. It's not easy to come to Daze tribe. You always have to feel the scenery of daze tribe." It can be put away, but you can still see something.

Sophie nodded. Since aiya wanted to see it, she would take people there. Anyway, except for the warehouse, she could take people to other places in the tribe.

Aiya goes out with Sophie. As soon as she goes out, Baize quickly occupies the position beside Sophie, and then grabs Sophie's little hand. Sophie doesn't refuse either. Baize sees that the heart is sweeter than honey.

Orcs are always hospitable, but they don't think so much about it. If they meet aiya, they will smile and say hello. It's just that some males of the tribe don't like baizena's holding Sophie's hand. Sophie is a flower of daze tribe. How can other tribes take it away.

No, Yager, who just came back from hunting, saw it and immediately turned red. He took Baize's hand and wiped the place where Sophie had been touched by Baize with his palm. It seemed that Baize's hand was very dirty.

Bazaar and Sophie are both a little confused by Yager's actions.

Sophie came back to herself after a while. She threw Yager's hand and said angrily, "Yager, what are you doing?"

Yage also knew that he had gone too far, but as soon as he came back, he heard people from the tribe saying that Sophie was going to have a partner from the Juque tribe. Could he not be angry? Although Sophie can choose several partners, Yage has always put himself in the position of Zhengfu. If a person from Juque tribe comes, will Zhengfu's position be his turn?

"Sophie, it's all my fault. Don't be angry. I just care too much about you." Yager quickly lowered his head and apologized.

White Ze at this time slanting mouth hanging eyebrow, very disdain of ask, "you who ah, you with what tube Sophie."

"Who are you? I'm Sophie's partner." Yage didn't dare to reply. At least he lives with Sophie now, and Sophie nods to acknowledge her partner.

"Nonsense, Sophie's partner will only be me. Where are you going to stay cool?" Baize directly grabs Sophie's hand and pulls her to his side.

"Sophie." When he saw that Yage was not willing, he grabbed Sophie's other hand in a hurry.

Two people are not willing to let go, this pull, Sophie was pulled pain, "let go, you two bastards let go, pain to death."

Hearing Sophie's scream, they let go in a hurry. Sophie was so angry that she gave Yager a slap. "Yager, have you had enough trouble? Do you want to tear me in half?"

Yage covers his cheek in amazement. "Sophie, you, you hit me for a stranger. Sophie, you hit me."

Yage is very sad. Sophie doesn't even look at Yage. She turns to Baize and asks gently, "Baize, are you scared? It's all right

She is planning to go to Juque tribe. Everything in daze tribe is destined to be left behind, so what else does she care about Yage.

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