Yage gawked at Sophie leaving himself to other orcs. He was so angry that he grabbed Sophie's hand tightly. "Sophie, what do you mean? Do you like this little white face?"

"Yager, have you had enough trouble? If you don't want to be shameful, as the host, you treat the guests like this. You really make me ashamed." Sophie was furious.

"Guest, is he a guest? If he is a guest, I can greet him with a horn, but he is not. He wants to rob you from me. " Speaking of this, Yager felt very wronged.

At this time, Baize said with a smile: "Yager, right? I tell you the truth, Sophie will be my partner in the future, and you should leave as soon as possible."

Yager was so angry that he jumped forward and bit him a piece of meat. It's a pity that Sophie protected him. He didn't have any way.

"What do you have to be proud of? Even if Sophie agrees to take you as a partner, I'm the first one. You'll be in the back and listen to me." Yager tried to calm down, not angry, not angry, angry on the kid's pawn.

"You are too confident. Did you have a chaperoning ceremony with Sophie? Don't make a joke in vain. " Bai Ze says with pride that Sophie has already decided to go to the Juque tribe. Even if the boy is willing to follow him, he has to stop him.

Yage was stunned when he heard this. Why did the boy say that? Did Sophie really want to change her mind?

At this time, Yager grabbed Sophie's hand tightly. "Sophie, this kid is bullshit, right? Right? You can't do this to me."

Sophie saw that the scene was going to be chaotic, so she was worried. Baize was too anxious. She couldn't say that she was going to the Juque tribe, so now she'd better stabilize Yage.

"Yager, you are impatient. What do I do to you? Don't you count in your heart? Don't fight with Baize. You are the master. You can't let others laugh at me, can you? " Sophie stares at Agger angrily.

Seeing Sophie's response, Yager's uneasy heart finally dropped.

"You've been protecting that boy, and he's been looking for my trouble? Otherwise I would not argue with him Yager said he was right, but it was baezer who was wrong.

"How old are you? You look like a child." Sophie said helplessly.

Next to him, Baize was also persuaded by aiya, "Baize, you've had enough. What's the fight? He can only fight for this time now. You have to think that Sophie is yours in the future. Of course, if you talk about bad things, Sophie will have nothing to do with you in the future. You can bear it for me, do you know?" Aiya twisted baezer's ear.

White Ze hear this words just hold back mouth, very aggrieved say: "I know, is cheap that ya Ge."

After Sophie's consolation and enlightenment, Yage took Sophie's hand with a smile and said to Bai Ze and his party sincerely: "you are Sophie's friends, that's my friends. Since you come to Daze tribe, have a good time."

Aiya nodded her thanks with a smile, and then a group of people walked and stopped in daze tribe. Aiya Hongying was very ordinary, as if she just looked at it casually, and asked a few simple questions along the way.

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