When Yin Zhu saw that his family was pushed by tianjizi, she was naturally not reconciled. She also rushed to him directly. However, the result was still the same. They were not the opponents of tianjizi at all. At this time, a group of tianjizi saw that tianjizi was involved by Yin Zhu and others, and they were also in a hurry to attack him. They wanted to help Yin Zhu.

However, these are useless. It can be said that they are all tickling for Tianji Taoist. He doesn't care at all. When he has the chance, he just waves his hand, and tianjizi will fall to the ground one by one.

Qiao Nuo's eyes were red as he watched Yin Zhu fly out. They all spared no effort to fight with Tianji Taoist.

Yin Zhu watched his friends get hurt again and again, and the injury is more and more serious. Among these people, Cheng'an is the most injured and the heaviest. It seems that Cheng'an's injury is no problem, but his strength will be enhanced. However, Cheng'an's bearing capacity is limited. Once he exceeds his bearing capacity, he will be crazy. Before, there were Buddha bones of Buddha sect to help him recover Mind, can there be such a Buddha bone? Not to mention the fact that Cheng An's strength has reached the stage of great success, even if the corresponding Buddha bone is also in the stage of great success, there is no such treasure. At this time, Cheng An's eyes are a little red. Obviously, his mind is a little confused now, and he is on the verge of collapse.

"Cheng An, come back, come back, don't go any more." Yin Zhu hugs Cheng An, who is full of black gas.

After Cheng an was hugged by Yin Zhu, his blackness was less, even his eyes were clear. At this time, he opened his mouth slightly and said in a low voice, "don't worry, Yin Zhu. I'm ok. I can still bear it."

Tianjizi couldn't help laughing at this time. "You're sure you can bear it. To tell you the truth, your constitution is really interesting. If you can, I really want to study it. But if you're sure you can bear it, you won't be afraid that you'll break down in the next second. Don't say to protect your partner, even your partner will be killed by you At that time, you are afraid that you will become a tool that only knows how to kill. "

"Chengan, you listen to me. Don't go. I beg you, please." Yin Zhu holds Cheng An's body and tears drop by drop.

"Jono, Leihe, baikun, Tengxiao, and Baiji Mengji, you all stop. It's useless. You don't have to get hurt in vain." Yin Zhu said in a thoughtful voice.

When Jono heard this, he turned his head and looked at Yin Zhu. Jono said very seriously, "Yin Zhu, don't say that you have to sacrifice yourself to protect us. We don't need it. Yin Zhu, you bring us to this world. If you leave us, we can only die in this world, and only the dead soul can get the end result, so I don't care what you want to do, you Think about us. " Jono finished biting his lips, which made him bleed.

In the face of all this, they thought they were ready for everything, but they didn't think that in the end, they were not powerful enough.

"Good." Yin Zhu tearfully gave Jono a positive answer.

"I'm so moved. To tell you the truth, your feelings are really good. Yin Zhu, you've always been emotional. You can follow a group of good people." Tianji Taoist said with a smile.

"Come on, what do you want to do? Of course, if you want to hurt the world, I will never agree. I know that you have been trying to force me to wake up. To tell you the truth, I sometimes want to wake up, so that I can press you on the ground. " Yin Zhu said.

Baiji made her think about what she wanted to do with her heart. She tried very hard to think about it, but it didn't work. It seems that it has something to do with the awakening of Tianji Taoist.

"You are still soft hearted. You say people should be selfish. I can't bear to bully you like this." The Taoist priest of Tianji is very evil.

Yin Zhu can't help feeling upset when he heard this, "you're enough, just say what you want. Don't talk nonsense. Your words are disgusting. Speak quickly. Maybe I can satisfy your wishes when I'm happy, or you want to torture me. You say I'm suffering." No matter whether she is the way of heaven or not, Yin Zhu thinks that since she has entered this pit, she will be better.

Hearing this, Taoist Tianji's eyes twinkled, and then said, "what's the meaning of tormenting you? Tormenting your partner is the meaning. You know, I just want you to wake up, don't you? The way of heaven, I can't imagine that you should find some wild animals as companions and care so much. " Tianjizi laughs. At this time, he starts at Qiao Nuo without hesitation. Obviously, he is forcing Yin Zhu to wake up.

When tianjizi saw this, they couldn't help worrying. Now they understand that Jono came from another world. No wonder he wondered when there were so many ancient people in this world. They wanted Yin Zhu to give up those people and protect the world However, I turned to think that those people were Yin Zhu's relatives. How could Yin Zhu put them down so easily? Let alone if there had not been a white sacrifice blessing array before, their world would have disappeared.

"Yin Zhu, hold on, don't wake up. Think about it, this is our world, and there are so many mortals. You can't wake up, Yin Zhu. Don't worry, as long as you don't get what he wants, you won't hurt your partner." Tianjizi was persuading him.Now what they are most worried about is that Yin Zhu will collapse, and then all things will go as Tianji Taoist expected.

"Yin Zhu, you are the best. Hold on, don't give up. Don't be fooled. Don't be led by the Taoist priest. " Qingyunzi was also cheering up at this time.

These people are very selfish, but they also love the world deeply. They will never accept people like Tianji daoren who intend to destroy the world.

Yin Zhu shakes his head. Now Qiao Nuo has no place to escape in the hands of Taoist Tianji. The space is closed, and she has several partners. As long as Taoist Tianji has threats in her hands, he doesn't have to guarantee that everyone is well, so he can't continue. Taoist Tianji still has patience to play with her, mainly to humiliate her for a while, It's better to vent the past grievances, but this time will never be long. When Tianji Taoist is impatient, someone will have an accident.

There is also a big problem. Cheng'an, Cheng'an is going to be unable to hold on. Cheng'an's strength is constantly increasing. From there was no way to resist Tianji Taoist, to now he has reluctantly accepted the second half of the move, but this is far from enough.

"Yin Zhu, I'd like to see if your heart is harder or your partner's life is harder. Let's bet." By this time, Tianji Taoist priest had already played with Jono as toys, attacking and patting casually. Although tianjizi had tried their best to help, it still had no effect. Even tianjizi and his party had already died by this time.

Yin Zhu grits her teeth at this time. She knows what Tianji Taoist wants, but what she wants now is how to deal with this Tianji Taoist.

At this time, Yin Zhu's eyes had already looked at the space turbulence. Seeing that Taoist Ji didn't dare to get close to that place at that time, does it mean that the space turbulence has great harm to him, and even is likely to die, so is there any way to lure Taoist Ji to that side?

Yin Zhu thought and thought, and found that there was no possibility. It can be said that Taoist Tianji dealt with them just like swatting flies. He didn't need to move his feet at all. Moreover, he was alert to the turbulence in the space, so he would not get close to them.

At this time, Bai Kun went up to Yin Zhu and asked, "Yin Zhu, do you have a way to deal with him? You, don't care about us. You can do whatever you want in your heart." Some of them are not worthy of Yin Zhu's sacrifice, including Yin Zhu's relatives in this world, and those lovely ordinary people, who should not be destroyed, but should be destroyed by heaven.

"Bai Kun, have you noticed that this Taoist priest is far away from the turbulent space. Even if he moves, he will never get close to that side. Do you think that can threaten him?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"Then let's lead people over?" Bai Kun gritted his teeth.

Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "it's very difficult. You see his cautious manner. It's too difficult to lead people. The space is in the middle of the array. Do you think it's possible to move the array?"

When Bai Kun heard this, he thought deeply, and then said, "I'll ask my father and mother about this." If you want to say that the most thorough study of the array is naturally Baiji and Mengji, and there is another Chen Kui.

Bai Kun quickly went to Bai Ji's side and whispered something to Bai Ji and Meng Ji. Bai Ji was silent for a while, and then said, "try it." Since it's an array, it can be moved. The array is arranged by people, and the movement is normal. It's just such a large array, or they are not very familiar with it. It's not so easy to move, let alone the current situation. I don't know if Yin Zhu can wait for them to crack it.

It's better to have a way than to have no way. Bai Ji and Meng Ji are powerful. They will be scarred, but they are better than Bai Kun. If they were not for their ancient strong blood and good self recovery ability, they would have been lying on the ground at this time.

At this time, Bai Ji and Meng Ji secretly quit the battlefield to find Chen Kui. Fortunately, Chen Kui didn't have an accident, but was injured and lying on one side. The main torment of Tianji Taoist priest is Jono. He doesn't care about the withdrawal of Bai Ji and Meng Ji.

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