Bai Ji finds Chen Kui and sees Chen Kui lying on the ground. Bai Ji asks, "are you ok? Can you still move? "

"What can I do for you?" Chen Kui asked, now that everyone is facing Tianji daoren, Baiji and Mengji can be regarded as high-end fighters. Now that these two people quit, there must be more important things to do.

"Yes, I found that we are not the opponents of Tianji Taoist. Have you noticed that Tianji Taoist has been avoiding the space turbulence, that is to say, the space turbulence can make an impression on him. Now we need to find a way to move the array, and then move the space turbulence to his feet." Bai Ji said Yin Zhu's idea directly.

And they'd better succeed in doing this. Now, in order to force Yin Zhu to wake up, Taoist Tianji is still teasing him like a cat catching a mouse, and has no strong intention to kill them. But once they move the array, if they don't hit them with one blow, Taoist Tianji will never be soft on them, and even the first one to kill may be them A person who can arrange array.

"Move the array?" Chen Kui's eyes lit up when he heard this. To be honest, he didn't think about it.

"Even if the array is placed on the ground, it can move. I believe you should have that kind of array that can move. We'll study it carefully and succeed at one time." Bai Ji grabs Chen Kui's hand and says.

"I'll try, but I don't promise." This array is too big, and there are many things that Chen Kui can't understand. However, the part that absorbed their physical strength before this array has collapsed, so many can be omitted. However, because of the collapse of political law, they don't know what is useful and what is useless. That is to say, it's more difficult to deal with these things, and Chen Kui doesn't move I have to say that Bai Ji's idea is very talented after such a large array.

"Yes, but how are you?" Bai Ji looked at Chen Kui's pale face and said with a missing hand.

Chen Kui said with a smile, "it's OK." As long as you ask him to study the array, he can be lively at any time.

Bai Ji and Chen Kui have already gone to study the array, while Yin Zhu continues to pester the Taoist of Tianji.

Tianji Taoist didn't notice the departure of Baiji and Mengji at the beginning, but after a while, he found that there were two missing. He swept his mental power at will and saw Baiji working on the other side. What are you going to do? Are you going to use the array to deal with him?

Taoist Tianji can't help but hum. It's just a few little ants. Do you really think you can shake the big tree?

He gives them a chance. He wants to see what they can do, and he wants to see what the world can do to threaten himself.

"Yin Zhu, you are so cruel. Look at your friends. Cheng An is going to be crazy. Do you have the heart?" Taoist Tianji didn't attack Yinzhu very much, so he attacked Qiao Nuo and then stimulated Yinzhu with words.

Cheng an was seriously injured twice. Now the blood color in his eyes has become more and more intense. Except that he can barely recognize Yin Zhu, he has forgotten everything else. Now he is almost going to attack indiscriminately.

Yin Zhu's heart is painful, but also angry. Anger is clearly her own business. Her partners bear it for her, but she can't help it. If she can, she really hopes that she can slap him like this Taoist priest.

For a while, Yin Zhu was thinking, wake up, wake up and decide life and death with Tianji Taoist, so she would not have to suffer here.

Taoist Tianji looks at Yin Zhu's twisted face because of anger, and her heart is very happy. In this way, she will be angry again. I believe that when Yin Zhu is extremely angry, her heart will yearn for power, and then she will wake up naturally.

"Cheng An, Jono, Leihe..." Yin Zhu watched his friends fall down and get up one by one in the end. The space was full of their blood.

Yin Zhu wanted to ask Baiji if they had a clue. She begged them to be faster and faster, but she didn't dare to urge them, because she knew that Baiji must be more anxious than she. She could not urge them. She had to wait and wait.

Yin Zhu didn't know how long it was. She watched her friends fall down one by one until she couldn't get up any more. She watched Cheng'an go to heaven like a mad devil.

"Jono, Reich..." Yin Zhu runs towards them crying. Looking at his scarred partner, Yin Zhu feels that his tears are about to run out, but he has no choice.

Qiao Nuo wants to comfort Yin Zhu not to cry, but finds that he doesn't have the strength to speak now. In addition to the three Bai Ji who are busy in the distance, Yin zhucheng'an and Tianji Taoist are still standing. I don't know if Cheng'an still has her in her heart, or because of her partner's previous involvement. Even though Cheng'an has lost herself, she still doesn't hurt Yin Zhu He just kept attacking Tianji Taoist. After all, Tianji Taoist has a big target.

Yin Zhu's eyes have turned red. She knows that she shouldn't be angry. She should relax herself so that she won't go to heaven. But she can't control herself. She still wants to wake up, control her power and kill the bastard in front of her.Tianji Taoist looked at Yin Zhu's breath gradually become strong, his eyes fixed on Yin Zhu, "yes, that's it, that's it, wake up."

Jono lay not far away, looking at Yin Zhu's breath more and more terrible, "Yin Zhu don't, don't like him." Cried Jono.

Yin Zhu looked at the people around her with red eyes. She bit her lips and said, "Jono, I can't watch you die. I can't do it. Besides, you tell me that there is no established fact. Even if it's all calculated by this Taoist, who can guarantee that he will win, I will win, and I will win for you It's going to win. " Yin Zhu cried, and then a dazzling light came out of her body.

At this time, Taoist Tianji laughed crazily, "well, since Yin Zhu is so confident, I'll see how much power your partners can bring to you. I'll also see if your injuries are all healed after so many years."

Yin Zhu slowly stands up. She feels that her body is full of strength. At this time, she waves her hand and lights fall on Qiao Nuo's body. Qiao Nuo's body, which was seriously injured, recovers immediately, and Cheng'an is knocked out by Yin Zhu. Even tianjizi's group of people are cured by Yin Zhu.

"You are really stupid and kind-hearted. At this time, you have to waste your energy to save those fools." Tianji Taoist said hehe.

"You are the fool. Life is the most precious thing in this world. Life is the foundation of the existence of this world. Without life, the world is not a complete world. That's why I am the way of heaven, and you are not." Yin Zhu called out loud, and then without hesitation, chaotianji Taoist attacked in the past.

Tianji Taoist heard this and couldn't help laughing, "OK, OK, let me understand your power."

It can be said that the two people are flying sand and moving stone when they fight each other. The sky is dark and the earth is dark. Now Jono can only lead people to find a corner to hide.

"Fortunately, Yin Zhu didn't lose to Tianji Taoist." Tengxiao see Yinzhu can borrow the trick of Tianji Taoist, can't help but say happily.

Jono shook his head and said, "no, Yin Zhu's power has just awakened. Now it's the outbreak period. I'm afraid Yin Zhu will not be able to hold on after this time, so we have to find a way to help."

Taoist Tianji has been calculating Yin Zhu's power for so many years. Without certain assurance, Taoist Tianji will not come here, so their crisis has not been solved.

"Bai Kun, go and help your parents. Let's see what we can do here." Qiao Nuo arranged this. Baikun's array is not as good as Baiji's, but it's much better than them. I just hope Baiji's method will be useful.

"Good." Bai Kun ran to Bai Ji without hesitation.

"Father and mother, you have a clue." Bai Kun asked anxiously.

Bai Ji thought for a while and said, "to tell you the truth, I haven't done this kind of thing, and Chen Kui hasn't done it, but now the time is too short, and the moving array is only changed according to some of the arrays that can be moved in the past. I only have a three-point grasp, and I'm more worried that Yin Zhu and Tianji Taoist are fighting there. If I make a mistake, it's likely to hurt Yin Zhu."

Bai Ji grits his teeth and says, "Bai Kun looks at Chen Kui. Chen Kui shakes his head." there's no other way. The time is too short. If there's a child who's been 80 years, we can study it slowly. Now we don't have time. Do you want to gamble? "

After thinking for a while, Bai Kun said, "gambling. This space is arranged by Yin Zhu. I think Yin Zhu's contact with this space is deeper than any one of us. If there is a way, Yin Zhu can feel it. Yin Zhu is not awakened. I absolutely dare not gamble. But Yin Zhu has awakened. I think she can control the space. As long as Yin Zhu can avoid it, it's OK. If she accidentally moves it to someone else, she can only blame her own life It's not good

Bai Ji thought about it and nodded. Since you dare to bet, do it.

Bai Kun nodded and then went back to talk to Jono. Although he didn't know what would happen, he could tell them to be more careful.

Baiji was ready soon. The array was all set up, and there was only one last step left. Baiji looked at the crowd nearby, and then cried out, "move it for me."

As Bai Ji's words fell, the array moved quickly. Taoist Tianji had been distracted by Bai Ji. Seeing this, he couldn't help turning his lips. These guys still had some strength, but they wanted to count him and dream.

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