Taoist Tianji had a plan for a long time. In addition, the original calculation of Baiji was also biased. The array was moved, but it did not move directly to Taoist Tianji's feet. As a result, the space turbulence stopped 50 meters away from Taoist Tianji.

Bai Ji looked at the stopped array and couldn't help gritting his teeth. He failed. They didn't calculate their position.

This array is not easy to use, and it can't be moved anytime and anywhere. In order to move it, they all calculate for a long time, and then they can move. But every time they move, they have to go through countless calculations, let alone fail at the first time, and it's more difficult to succeed later.

At this time, Chen Kui was also disappointed. This was the best answer they had calculated, but he still failed to find this Taoist.

Taoist Tianji laughed at this time. "You can think of such a way to deal with me. To tell you the truth, it's very good, very good. There are many talents around you, Yin Zhu. For their ability, I'll save their lives later."

Yin Zhu clenched his teeth at this time, "don't be proud. Even if you avoid this time, there will be another time, not to mention that I may not lose to you."

Tianji Taoist heard this and couldn't help laughing, "who don't know who, you look very strong now, your injury is good, now you are just in strong support, after a period of time I see how you support."

Yin Zhu's face was a little pale when she heard this. At the beginning, she really felt a very strong force on her body. But after fighting with Taoist Tianji for a while, Yin Zhu found that she was a little weak now. She really couldn't hold on for a long time, and no one knew how long Taoist Tianji could hold on.

"I'd like to see how much power you have left, and we'll have a good match to see who wins." Even if she has no strength now, Yin Zhu won't admit defeat. If she loses, she won't lose the battle. Not to mention that she still has a lot of strength, she can't be bluffed by the Taoist of heaven's secrets.

"Yin Zhu, can you spare no effort to hurt Tianji Zi, and then I will take that moment to bump Tianji Taoist into the turbulence of space." At this time, tianjizi secretly sent Yin Zhu a message.

Yin Zhu turns his head and looks at tianjizi. Tianjizi definitely nods at this time. Yin Zhu thinks about it. In fact, it's not that he can't try. Of course, if tianjizi doesn't do that, then tianjidaoren will be fine. What will happen to him? Yin Zhu doesn't think about it. If he can't take tianjidaoren, there will be problems in the end. If she can do it It's the best to knock down people.

Yin Zhu nodded, and the two men joined hands for a short time.

Tianji Taoist naturally saw tianjizi's action at this time, but he didn't care, because he didn't think that with tianjizi's strength, he could do any harm to himself.

"If you don't have enough strength, you can use intrigue. I'd like to see how you can calculate me." Tianji Taoist said coldly at this time.

Yin Zhu smiles at this time. The Taoist priest of Tianji is so arrogant. Let's have a try. Yin Zhu does not hesitate to beat all the forces in his body to the Taoist priest of Tianji. It can be said that he does not hesitate. When the Taoist priest of Tianji sees that his face changes, they fight several times before, but they don't use such strong force Because they all know that it's not going to be over so soon. Who knows that Yin Zhu is crazy and uses his best moves.

Sure enough, Tianji Taoist priest was knocked out by Yin Zhu. Tianji Taoist priest fell to the ground, and a trace of blood appeared in the corner of his mouth. Before Tianji Taoist priest had time to react, Tianji Taoist priest had been waiting for a long time. At this time, he bumped into Tianji Taoist priest, and then a big turtle shell put Tianji Taoist priest and Tianji Taoist priest together, and then they rolled towards the space not far away Go.

This process can be said to be very fast, so fast that all the people didn't respond. When Yin Zhu saw this, he couldn't help shouting, "tianjizi."

Tianjizi told her before that he had a way to make tianjizi flow towards the space, but Yin zhuwanwan didn't think of the way that tianjizi would end up with everything.

Taoist Tianji knew tianjizi could do it, but he never thought tianjizi would use the things he gave him. The tortoise shell tianjizi used was made by the tortoise shell of ten thousand years in ancient times. In addition to divination, there is another way to trap the enemy. Of course, with tianjizi's strength, it's impossible to trap him for a long time, however This place is not far away from the space turbulence. How long does it take to roll? Let alone tianjizi still trapped himself in it, holding Tianji Taoist dead.

Tianji Taoist never thought that he would be hurt by the pieces he left behind. "Tianji, you bastard, I'm the founder of Tianji gate, your master, you fool your master and destroy your father."

Tianjizi laughed bitterly at this time. "Shizu, the purpose of tianjimen is to protect the world and all the people. As the last generation of tianjimen, I did it without deceiving Shizu."

At this time, the two of them had already fallen into the turbulence of space, and the powerful tortoise shell could only protect them for a while. At this time, the tortoise shell was full of cracks, and soon the tortoise shell disappeared. Tianjizi didn't last three seconds, and then it disappeared. At this time, Tianji Taoist was still struggling inside."Tianqizi?" A group of people in qingyunzi couldn't help but feel sad when they saw the disappearance of tianjizi. Tianjizi and they were friends for many years, and tianjizi left in such a tragic way, which they couldn't bear to see.

"Tianji Taoist, you also have today." Jono a few people see Tianji daoren fall into space turbulence inside, can't help but cry.

At this time, Taoist Tianji gritted his teeth, "don't be proud. I don't die so easily."

It's true that compared with other people, they disappear immediately after they fall in. Tianji daoren is still in good shape and is still struggling there. Although he's OK, it's not so easy for him to leave that place.

"Yin Zhu, you don't think you're going to hold me like this. I tell you not to think about it. I'll go out, I'll go out." Tianji Taoist is very unwilling to cry.

Qiong Wu looked at Tianji Taoist coldly and said, "you are here slowly. I want to see when you can come out."

Qiongwu really doesn't understand the idea of Tianji Taoist. If Tianji Taoist wants to seize Yinzhu's power, it's nothing. It's just like everyone fighting in the demon clan for the strongest demon king, but no matter how they fight inside, they can't collude with the outside to hurt the demon. You say that if Tianji Taoist wants to seize power from Yinzhu with his ability Then no one will say that he is not. After all, it's not like a general's soldier is not a good soldier. Everyone likes power. But on this day, Ji daoren joined hands with other people in the world and almost swallowed up the world. This is a place that no one can tolerate.

If you seek the skin of a tiger, you will die in the mouth of a tiger sooner or later. This is what the Taoist priest of heaven's fortune does. He doesn't really think that if the opposite world swallows up their world, others will give him the heart of the world.

"How to open the space of Yin Zhu?" Qingyunzi asked Yin Zhu about opening the space at this time.

Yin Zhu nodded, "don't worry, I can open it now. Do you want to leave?" After awakening, Yin Zhu can control this space, and naturally he can let people leave.

"No, I just want to leave. There are so many friends who have died here. I want to take them back. Of course, before I leave, I have to see this bastard die first. I'm not at ease if I don't see him die." Qingyunzi grits his teeth. Such a person who will harm his own world at any time must die. As for this world, the aura of that world will be slowly transmitted. Later, they can continue to practice. That is to say, the barrier to their strength improvement no longer exists.

Well, it's true that Tianji Taoist has many means. If he doesn't confirm that the other party is dead, Yin Zhu won't be at ease. This man is very scheming and has many means. Now it's not easy for them to trap people here. How can they let him go if they want to kill him.

After the negotiation, a group of people are ready to wait for Tianji Taoist to die. They all attack him when they have nothing to do. Although these attacks are insignificant to Tianji Taoist, they can't hold up a lot of them. Ants can kill elephants. Don't underestimate them.

Yin Zhu had a little rest at this time, and then she was ready to attack Tianji Taoist. Only at this time, Yin Zhu found that her physical strength was slowly losing, and Tianji Taoist was still alive at this time, and Yin Zhu faintly felt that her strength was flowing to Tianji Taoist.

"Yinzhu, hurry to help me out. You feel it. Your power is slowly moving to me now. Yinzhu, I am your companion. My power comes from you. When my power is not enough, I will draw power from you. As long as my power exists all the time, the turbulence in this space will not hurt me. Yinzhu, think about your power, and you will be happy Don't you want it? " Tianji Taoist said shamelessly at this time.

"How could that be?" Bai Kun frowned at this time.

"Yin Zhu, do you have a way to cut off the connection?" This Taoist priest is so disgusting that they don't want Yin Zhu to have anything to do with him.

"Ha ha, there's no way. We're all the first intelligent life in the world. From birth, I'm the companion. She's the main one, so I'll never be better than her. But she never wants to get rid of me. As long as I'm hurt, I can draw strength from her. Yin Zhu, save me. It's saving yourself." There is a sense of madness in the eyes of Taoist Tianji. It's clear that he asked people to do things, but it's like Yin Zhu asked him.

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