Jono few did not expect this, a few people at this time worried looking at Yinzhu, "Yinzhu how to do, Yinzhu you OK."

Yin Zhu shook his head at this time and said, "no, what you said is not right. You clearly wanted to kill me and replace my identity. Since I am your master, how did you kill me? If you have a way to kill me, I also have a way to get rid of you. You can."

Taoist Tianji was silent for a while when he heard this, and said: "you are wrong. I can't kill you. I just wanted to replace you and suppress you forever. As long as you are weak enough, I can turn back on you and suppress you so that you will never appear. Then I will take your place. Yinzhu, you can't kill me. Why waste your energy and save me This is also to save yourself, Yin Zhu. You know very well that you have little power. When your power disappears, what will happen to the world? "

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this, and then asked, "what will happen?"

"You are the foundation and the rule of the world. If you exhaust all your power, you will no longer be the way of heaven in the world. In addition, the way of heaven will disappear. The world will be in chaos for a period of time until a new way of heaven appears. Do you want to see the world change?" Taoist Tianji knows Yin Zhu's nature. He may not care too much about her own problems, but he does care about all living beings in the world.

Yin Zhu couldn't help frowning when she heard this. If it would be related to all living beings at that time, she would naturally take care of it, but it's absolutely impossible to save Tianji Taoist. It's a disaster. Nothing can be said to let this person out.

Yin Zhu looked at the people around him, and then asked, "let's think of a way, brainstorm, and see if there is a way. We can try it slowly."

At this time, qingyunzi also rushed to help find a way, but it was useless to think of many ways. Tianji Taoist priest laughed with pride at this time, "Yinzhu, don't toss, I tell you, it's impossible, you don't want to get rid of me, if I die, you will die with me, and then the world will be destroyed."

Bai Ji said with certainty at this time: "no, even if the way of heaven is destroyed, the world will not be destroyed. Yin Zhu, do you remember the scene of our Orc world?"

Anyway, the qingyunzi group already knew that they came from another world, and Baiji didn't hide at this time. Just think that the way of heaven in the orc world disappeared at the beginning. It can even be said that the way of heaven in the beginning became something in the hands of the dreamers, and a small part of them fled away.

Yin Zhu nodded. At the beginning, the way of heaven in the orc world did not exist. Although there were big problems in the orc world, the orc world was not destroyed because there was no way of heaven, so the way of heaven was bluffing her. Moreover, the biggest problems in the orc world were created by the dreamers. That is to say, when it comes to the possible occurrence of some bad natural disasters Yes, but it is absolutely impossible to destroy the world.

"Father and mother, you've seen a lot, you give me a good analysis, what's the matter." Yin Zhu directly pulls Bai Kun to sit beside Bai Ji and Meng Ji.

Qingyunzi's group of people were also sitting around at this time. They also wanted to know what the other world was like. If it wasn't for the important things being discussed now, qiongwu would like to hold Yin Zhu's hand and have a good discussion about the orc world. Isn't that world full of people transformed from wild animals? Is that the demon world? It's more like the demon world than the demon world they made.

"I heard my father say before that no creature in the world can survive unscrupulously. Even the way of heaven has its own opponents. It should be said that once the world is born, no one will be allowed to jump out of the circle and live independently. For example, the way of heaven in the orc world will be pinched out as soon as it is born. Now the way of heaven in the orc world is unique Li, he is also held by Bai Yangui for some reasons. At least Bai Yangui can contain the way of heaven in some aspects. This is a balance, and the world is relatively the same. Yin Zhu is the way of heaven, so this man of heaven is the opposite of Yin Zhu. He is used to restrain Yin Zhu from doing things recklessly, but there are primary and secondary things, and Yin Zhu is the opposite of Yin Zhu "You are the Lord, and you should be able to restrain him." Mengji thought about it and said what she had heard. Although it's about the orc world, it's OK to string here.

In fact, it's a circular problem. No matter how powerful the way of heaven is, it can't jump out of this circle. Of course, the main concern is that if one day the way of heaven is out of control, there will be a person to restrain him. That's the meaning of supervision. Of course, there are still some primary and secondary, but now Yin Zhu doesn't know how to restrain and control the way of heaven.

"Mother, you mean, I still don't quite understand." Yin Zhu thought and said.

"Yin Zhu, your identity is very special, very special, and very powerful. I mean, since you two complement each other, if you give up these forces and you don't do the way of heaven, what can he do? If there is no way of heaven, just let the way of heaven in the world grow slowly again, is he still useful as a supervisor?" Mengji thought for a while and said.Give up the power? Yin Zhu pondered.

"Of course, it's very unfair to you, Yin Zhu. Originally you should be the master of the world. Once you give up, you will be nothing. Or you can only be an ordinary Orc and a simple goblin with us." Mengji thought and said.

Yin Zhu shook his head happily at this time. "Well, I'll give up these forces. I'm afraid. I can't bear so many responsibilities. If I can, I really want to be an ordinary person."

Qingyunzi can't help silence and give up when she hears Yinzhu's crisp words. These two words seem very simple, but it's not so easy to do, especially for a strong person. When she has stood at the top, she has to persuade her to give up. It's not easy to talk about. It's someone saying to qingyunzi, give up his power and be a mortal. Qingyunzi expresses himself What he can't do, he would rather die than give up his strength.

And Yin Zhu can give up lightly, without any hesitation, which shocked everyone.

"Yin Zhu, do you want to think about it? Maybe we have another way to cut off the connection between the two." Jono thought for a moment, but he couldn't help persuading him.

Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "don't try to persuade me. I've already thought about it. In fact, being an ordinary person is an ordinary happiness. I always want to be an ordinary person."

Taoist Tianji, who is still struggling in the turbulent space, can't help but be silly at this time. What is Yin Zhu talking about? What is she stupid about? She is the heavenly way of the world, the owner of the world, and the most powerful force in the world. She even said that she would give up if she gave up, so she would give up if she died?

"Heaven, you fool, do you know what you are doing?" Taoist Tianji couldn't help crying any more.

At this time, Yin Zhu laughed and said to Tianji Taoist, "Tianji, let's talk about it."

"Although I have awakened, I have only awakened my strength. I didn't know anything about it before. Since you were born into this world with me, you should be a very familiar person to me, and we had a good relationship before." Yin Zhu said lightly.

Taoist Tianji didn't struggle any more at this time, but fell into memories. Yes, they had a good relationship before. After all, at that time, there were only two of them in the world. Even if there were other creatures behind, only the two of them could survive forever. They were different from other creatures. At that time, whatever he wanted, Tianji would give him. After all They were the same as their brothers and sisters at the beginning, but when did he change? He wanted more, instead of always asking heaven for help every time he wanted. He always felt inferior. When did he start?

But Tiandao didn't find his change all the time. She was obedient to him and gave him everything he wanted. Even if he lost his temper sometimes, she would only treat him as an awkward child and coax him with good things. Until he betrayed her and tried to make a bet with the world, he turned his face and then ignored him.

How is the way of heaven? A very good person, can be said to take care of him everywhere, he wants to give everything, but why the core of the world does not give him, she spoiled him, and then to the back has been unable to give him what he wants, finally, mercilessly put aside, when turning around is so thorough, even there is no room to turn around, not a bit left, for example, now, Yin Zhu said she felt Wake up just power, nothing, those memories only he remember, what's the use, after all, he is a white eyed wolf, sorry for heaven.

"If you have anything to say, don't think about it if you can't remember. Anyway, I hate you very much, I hate you." Taoist Tianji said with a sneer on his face.

Yin Zhu was silent for a while when he heard this, and then stood up, "if you don't pull me down, in fact, I never regard myself as the way of heaven, because I don't feel it, I really don't feel it, so I don't want this power. Taoist Tianji, your end is coming. Repent for the things you have done."

Yin Zhu doesn't know what the way of heaven is like, and she doesn't know how to peel off this power. She can only keep praying and praying in her heart, "the way of heaven should be fair and just, not the power controlled by someone. I don't need it. I just want the world to be good. If I can, please let the way of heaven run by itself and treat no one fairly 。”

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