With Yin Zhu's prayer, Yin Zhu's body is shining. The light is not very bright and dazzling. On the contrary, these lights shine on people and make people feel very comfortable.

Yin zhujude has a source of any power, including herself. The way of heaven is the first intelligent life born in this world. Then she masters the world. The way of heaven in the orc world has something to store. So she should have something, which is the heart of the world that the way of heaven has always said. This thing she doesn't want to have, because For Yin Zhu feel that their ability is not enough, the ability of people with too strong power, this is not a good thing, but also can't bear the corresponding responsibility, so the best way is to let this power leave, and according to her idea, the best way is the rule of heaven, not controlled by anyone, that is the most perfect way of heaven.

Yin Zhu put all her thoughts in her prayers. Her thoughts and the rules were all passed on.

As the light on Yin Zhu's body became brighter and brighter, the Taoist priest of Tianji yelled, "impossible, impossible."

At this time, Yin Zhu turned to look at Tianji Taoist priest and gave a smile. It was obvious that what he wanted to do was right, and he was going in the direction he wanted.

"Heaven, you are crazy, crazy, you give up those forces, give up those forces, don't you say you love me most? Since you are willing to give up these forces, why don't you give them to me? Why? " Tianji Taoist is very unwilling to cry.

"Because I don't think anyone can control this power. It's best to give it to the rules. Such a powerful power shouldn't appear in someone's hands, and then wantonly destroy the world. When you betray the world, you can't control it." Yin Zhu felt that something had to be separated from her soul, but she was not afraid, on the contrary, she was looking forward to it.

"I didn't want to destroy it. This is the world I came from. How could I want to destroy it? It's not you. If you don't give it to me, I can't do it. I can't do it." Until now, Tianji Taoist is still unrepentant.

"How can you control the world when you are so selfish, do you know? I came back from another world and just saved that world. There was a man in that world who was very similar to you. He had the most powerful power in that world. He wanted to make his family the leader of that world, but as a result, the power of the world was out of balance, and that world was almost destroyed. Even his people suffered and were punished. At that time, he had even been involved in the way of heaven It can be said that it's half the way of heaven, but it still can't relieve those sufferings. Don't think that becoming the way of heaven can control the world and do whatever you want. The world has its own growth rules. Even if I'm the way of heaven, I believe that once I hurt the world one day, the world will find a way to save itself, and then the world will be in chaos It's best to use the way of heaven or other rules to restrain all people. No one can escape, and no one can escape, so do you. " Yin Zhu thought about it and said a few words.

"So you mean I deserve it now?" Tianji Taoist said reluctantly.

Yin Zhu shook his head and didn't say anything more. She said that she didn't want to talk to Tianji Taoist if she didn't see that he was a little stuffy.

She should have a good relationship with him before. Otherwise, she is still a little sad because she has no memory at all. Yin Zhu thinks it's a good thing that she didn't remember those memories. Otherwise, she is so emotional that she can't die of sadness at that time. Maybe this is her original arrangement.

"Elder sister, elder sister, I am your younger brother. You are really not allowed to save me and watch me die like this. Don't you say that I am your favorite younger brother?" At this time, Taoist Tianji spoke again.

On one side, Bai Kun almost didn't vomit blood when he heard this. He thought he was cheeky enough. As a result, he was so shameless that he could even call out his elder sister. Why didn't he think about how cold-blooded and heartless he was when he wanted to kill Yin Zhu? Why didn't he call him elder sister at that time? Why didn't he have a deep love for his younger sister.

"You are really shameless. When you hurt people, why don't you talk about your sister? Now it's useless to call your mother." Qingyunzi is very reluctant to say that he is uncomfortable when he thinks about the sacrifice of tianjizi. What a good man tianjizi is, and he has been bearing the responsibility of saving the world since he was a child. As a result, this Shizu broke all his thoughts about tianjimen. At that time, he was willing to die, and he must also want to save face for tianjimen. Tianjimen will solve the pests of tianjimen by itself.

"You want to see if you can arouse my attention or remind me of something. I'm sorry, you're going to be disappointed. I don't remember anything. I think the original way of heaven should be sad, so she would rather forget all the good and feelings with you, and naturally forget all the hatred and the despair you brought her. I tell you, Maybe the way of heaven is really me, but I'm not the way of heaven. I'm a person who will grow up with feelings, flesh and blood. I'm Yin Zhu, not the way of heaven. The way of heaven belongs to you, and the way of heaven that loves you should be killed by you. Are you satisfied? " After the appearance of that elder sister's name, Yin Zhu found that his chest was aching. This should be the original feeling of heaven. It seems that heaven really loved the Taoist of heaven, but he ruined everything.Tianji Taoist heard this, his whole body suddenly trembled, and then he spat out a mouthful of blood. It was obvious that Yin Zhu's words made his mind uneasy.

At this time, Yin Zhu saw that his heart slowly floated out a dust like thing, and then it slowly flew away from Yin Zhu's body, and as it left, it slowly grew larger.

At this time, Taoist Tianji breathlessly looks at the thing floating on the top of Yin Zhu's head. He wants to reach for it. It seems that it's very close, but it can't be found. It's him who is talking about the end of the world.

"Give it to me, give it to me." At this time, the voice of Taoist Tianji was more excited, like a broken Gong.

At this time, qingyunzi qiongwu also looked at the thing above Yin Zhu's head. It looked soft, but everyone could feel the powerful power coming from it. As long as they got it, they could ascend to heaven step by step, and even take their disciples to ascend to heaven step by step.

At this time, several people of qingyunzi subconsciously lean towards Yinzhu. Baikun and Qiao Nuo quickly surround Yinzhu, and then ask aloud, "what do you want to do?"

Qingyunzi was tortured and scolded, but he woke up. Qingyunzi directly copied his face and slapped him a few times. Then he was very embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, Yin Zhu, I can't control myself. I really shouldn't do it. It's so attractive. It can release the devil in people's heart."

If you think about the Tianji Taoist who is so powerful, in order to seize the heart of the world, it will come to a good end in the end. In this case, Yin Zhu's several partners are stronger than them. Who can seize them, let alone leave Yin Zhu's body, but as long as Yin Zhu is willing, they should be recalled soon. So it's unrealistic to grab what.

Tianji Taoist also saw tianjizi's embarrassed appearance at this time. He laughed and said, "Yinzhu, you can't blame me. You see, they also want good things. You can't blame me."

Yin Zhu nodded his head and said: "yes, what you said is not wrong. Everyone wants good things and wants to be strong. Even if you want to kill me, I won't blame you. But you shouldn't unite with other people to destroy our world. This is the biggest mistake. Do you understand?"

"I don't know if you are stupid. We were born from this world and are the creatures of this world. If this world is destroyed, you can't escape even if you are strong. It's a pity that you don't understand. You just want good things. That's why you can't do the way of heaven. The pattern is too small. You can never become the way of heaven, you know? " Yin Zhu said softly.

Yin Zhu's words can be said to fundamentally veto Tianji Taoist. Tianji Taoist's face is distorted again when he hears these words. With the heart of the world peeling off from Yin Zhu, Tianji Taoist has no way to extract power from Yin Zhu. Without the blessing of Yin Zhu's power, Tianji Taoist is not as relaxed as before in the face of space turbulence, but is surrounded by phenomena, which is still a problem In the beginning, when his strength disappeared, more and more difficult to resist, that was his death.

"Come on, make your own rules, not personal rules, but a whole fair and just one." Yin Zhu said to the heart of the world above his head.

The heart of the world slowly flies up to the sky. Yin Zhu sees that the heart of the world becomes bigger and bigger, and then slowly flies away until the boundary of the space is broken and disappears.

With the departure of the heart of the world, the boundary of this space is broken. At this time, Yin Zhu finds that they are over the cold Arctic. However, it is not a big deal for them, whether it is the cold air or the high altitude.

"In your limited life, repent for what you have done, Jono. Let's go home." Yin Zhu laughs and holds the hands of Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun. As for Tianji Taoist, all people see that he has not been saved. Yin Zhu doesn't want to watch him die. She will feel uncomfortable. She doesn't want to watch him die, so that she won't be stimulated to think of any bad memories.

Qingyunzi also left the space with Yinzhu. As Yinzhu landed on the north pole, Yinzhu faintly felt that the sky above his head was different. It seemed that there was something more. It seemed that the rules were coming into being.

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