Yin Zhu and Qing Yunzi soon left the north pole, and then everyone was ready to separate at the intersection. As for Yin Zhu's identity and the special characteristics of Jono, Qing Yunzi and qiongwu did not intend to investigate. Of course, the orcs are more powerful than them now. Even if they have the intention, they can't investigate, so it's better to let them go home.

Moreover, Yin Zhu said that he had given up the power of heaven, but no one could guarantee that Yin Zhu's power would come back. At that time, who could stand up to Yin Zhu's reckoning.

Of course, the most important thing is that the two families have no grievances or grudges. There's no need to make the city look like this. Besides, Yin Zhu is still in the good camp on the whole. Why do they have to destroy them because of their different races? Maybe they need Yin Zhu's help when they need something in the future. It's absolutely best if they can't do something.

"Yinzhu, Jono, do you want to join the demon world or not? I will never give up." Qiongwu lobbied Jono again. If these people join the demon clan, the power of the demon clan will immediately surpass all the people and become the overlord of the world.

After hearing qiongwu's words, qingyunzi couldn't help laughing, "qiongwu, you don't want to be shameful. You invite them to join your demon world, unless your demon king gives them a chance."

Hearing this, qiongwu said with a smile: "as long as they are willing to come, it's nothing to let the demon king out."

When qingyunzi heard this, he couldn't help crying. I'm kidding. Qiongwu is more shameless now. In fact, the demon king of the demon world doesn't mean that you can be a demon king if you have strength. What's more important is that you have your own race and ethnic group. If you have subordinates or no subordinates, it's equivalent to being a demon king. At most, you can get one or two benefits With this kind of strength, it's normal to get some benefits. At that time, qiongwu can take his subordinates to get another title of demon king.

"Jono, if you want to come to our Qingyun sect, I'll make you the supreme elder of Qingyun sect." Qingyunzi says aloud that the elder does not care about the affairs in the sect. He will only do it when the sect has something important. He usually practices in secret places. But Jono's strength is still one level higher than theirs. They can ask them if they don't understand. As for the elder's interests, qingyunzi says that the sect is not willing to give them, so he can subsidize them .

As soon as the words of qingyunzi and qiongwu fell down, many people began to persuade them, all for the sake of their clan or power.

After hearing this, Yin Zhu quickly waved his hand, "don't worry, listen to us, OK?"

After everyone was quiet, Yin Zhu raised his hand and said that his family did not intend to join any forces. Thank you for your love and attention.

Qingyunzi and qiongwu could not help being disappointed when they heard this, but they were also disappointed. In fact, when they asked, they knew that it was very difficult to invite them.

"OK, but remember to come to our Qingyun sect when you are free. We have a lot of books to lend you." Qingyunzi said with a smile, since there is no way to draw people into his family, let them persuade him as much as possible. You can see from Yin Zhu's daily work that they are not white eyed wolves and will repay them, but some books have skills. It's hard to hear that their strength is better than Yuan Ying's. even if they read books, they won't have any influence, When the time comes, it's agreed that it can't be passed to any outsider.

"OK, but it's going to take years. I'll come to you after the new year." Yin Zhu said with a smile that she was very curious about the books in the bulk door. She wanted to have a good look, including Jono. They also wanted to have a look. After all, the highest knowledge they saw at the beginning was building foundation. Those guys above building foundation tore them down, and now they can see the complete one. Who is not excited.

"Well, let's go back if we have nothing to do. I don't know what's going on in Yinjia village, and my parents." Yin said with a sigh.

"Let's go home and clean up, and then go to see our parents." Yin Zhu said with a smile that she missed Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling very much, and now no one would take care of their affairs. She thought that because of the practitioners, their identities had been made long ago. It was OK for them to fly in an open and aboveboard plane. However, Yin Zhu didn't want to be so troublesome. Now they are all Yuanying, so why do they have to follow others It's a crowded plane.

Bai Ji said at this time, "I won't go with you. I'll take your mother to travel." Yin Zhu, including Qiao Nuo, is going to be filial to Yin Ping. What is he going to do? Bai Ji plans to go directly.

Yin Zhu directly agreed with a smile. When Bai Ji turned around and left, Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing, "thank you, father and mother."

Baiji and Mengji used to be very hateful. In the orc world, there were many troubles for Yinzhu. But this time, they were so successful thanks to Baiji and Mengji. Even if they did all this for baikun, Yinzhu would also like to thank them for their help in her most difficult time.

Bai Ji rolled his eyes when he heard this, "you're being hypocritical, aren't you? You're welcome. I'm just for Bai Kun, not for you. " With that, Bai Ji went away with his head raised.Yin Zhu couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling. Bai Ji was lovely occasionally.

In fact, Baiji and Mengji don't owe Yinzhu. Even in the orc world, everything that happened in the orc world can be said to be made up by baikun in the end. Baiji and Mengji don't owe Yinzhu when baikun replaces Yinzhu with his life to bear those. This is also baikun's idea and his explanation to both sides. At the beginning, Yinzhu really felt Baiji and Mengji Dream Ji two people don't want to face, come here all follow oneself, but now think she all have no right to hate, along the way, Baiji and dream Ji help her a lot, she owe them a thank you.

"Bai Kun, let's go home. This place is cold. I don't like it here. I'll feel sleepy here." Yin Zhu said that if this continues, she will hibernate.

A few people left quickly from the ground laughing, and they soon returned to Yinjia village.

When the villagers of Yinjia village saw Yinzhu's return, they were all a little silly. After all, at the beginning, Yinzhu escaped into the mountain as if they were on the run, and the whole Yinjia village was so scared that they almost didn't call the police. In fact, some people have already done that, and some people have come over for some time after the incident If you have nothing to do, you will go like that.

"Why did you come back? Did the thugs catch you? You're not going to do anything, are you The head of Yinjia village asked curiously.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she laughed and thought that the old man cared about them, so she rarely explained, "village head, our family are good people, and there is no crime. If there is a real crime, Yin Ping will not introduce us here. Even if you don't believe me, you should also believe that Yin Ping is right. He will never harm you."

"In fact, we are a clan. We have been practicing martial arts since we were young. We are all good at martial arts. Those people were not thugs before. They just wanted to compete with us and see who was good. We can't fight them in the village. If we break the village, what should we do? So we asked them to go to the mountains. You know, the martial arts experts are very dangerous It's dangerous. There are also many people watching. When they hear about it, they all follow. Now those people have been dismissed. They won't come back to the village any more. The village head is really embarrassed and worries you. " Yin Zhu is very sorry to say, finish saying also can't help but give the old man hand inside stuffed some money in the past.

"Village head, before so many foreigners broke into the village for our reasons, some things in the village must have been damaged. You know better who's situation is. Even if I compensate the village for this money, village head, you can help us to say a lot of good words and let those parents in law forgive us." Yin Zhu looked at the village head with his hands together.

In fact, the village head likes Yinzhu very much. After all, there are few young people in the village. Of course, the most important thing is that Yinzhu takes good care of the old people in the village. As for their unwillingness to get married, the village head doesn't care much about it. Before so many people were attracted to the village by Yinzhu, the village head was really resentful, but when you see Yinzhu plug in the village The village head has nothing to say about the money he has in his hand. People have a big hand and look at the money in his hand. At least 100000 yuan. There are not many people in the village, and the bad ones are also cheap things. It's really hard to say how much money to subsidize them. Besides, the bad guys wanted to chase them at that time, and they didn't hurt the people in the village.

"Are you sure those people won't come back? If I do it again, my liver can't stand it. " The village head reconfirmed.

In fact, it's really nothing. The main worry is that if those people won't come back later, he can accept Yin Zhu and they will continue to live. If those people will come back, the village head says he can't accept it. This time it's OK, and no one can guarantee that it will continue to be OK next time. You know, after some of Yin Zhu's people left, he took the people in the village to the mountain The village head said that if he was in the village at that time, the whole village would be razed to the ground.

At this time, Yin Zhu definitely nodded, "don't worry, I promise I won't come again."

The village head nodded, "OK, that's it. There's no next time. Remember to call Yin Ping. Yin Ping is worried about you. He didn't ask me more about you."

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