"Thank you, village head. I see. You have been worried about this period of time." Yin Zhu sincerely thanks the old village head for his good intentions. This time, they brought a lot of trouble to Yinjia village. Fortunately, the old man didn't drive them out.

Of course, not everyone in the village welcomes Yin Zhu. At least Li Min's grandfather's family doesn't welcome them back. Their granddaughter is only attracted to Bai Kun. As a result, the good granddaughter is now bad reputation and even ill. Li Min says that Bai Kun designed these things. Li Min's grandfather believes them. Think about the past It's a good idea for Li Min to go out. Only now, when I saw Yin Zhu run into the mountain like a fugitive, my grandfather wanted to say that those people had been punished. I didn't expect that this person would come back in less than a month or two.

Li Min has been in a mess for a long time. After she left her company and her residence, she planned to rely on her previous contacts to find a good job. However, because Liu Xi was not happy with her use of herself, Liu Xi directly told Li Min that she had offended herself, so don't use it.

Although the Lius dare not say that they are the richest people in this country, 30% of the Lius have business contacts with powerful enterprises in this country, and 20% and 30% of them are friends in the circle of family friends. Besides, Li Min is not a super rare talent. In a word, it's just a slightly more powerful accountant, and it's not irreplaceable. Why are they If you want to fight against the Liu family, the Liu family is Liu Xi's precious daughter. If you offend Liu Xi, it means offending the Liu family. It can be said that after resigning, Li Min has not been able to find a job.

It's not that they didn't find a job. It's just that large enterprises don't invite her. Small enterprises have been interviewed, but the wages of small enterprises are not high enough, at least they can't meet Li Min's requirements. It can't be low, and they don't have a job.

This woman, especially the one who is still in her junior year, if she has a good job, she won't be forced to marry. But Li Min's reputation will be ruined even if she loses her job. Isn't this family forced to marry? Some people even think that she didn't want to get married because she had been working all the time before. If she got married earlier, it would be nothing?

This is because Li Min is even more crazy. However, there are several good people in his thirties who can go on a blind date. At least Li Min doesn't look up to them. So now there is a reputation of being arrogant and contemptuous. Anyway, it's very bad. Can the people of Li Min's family not be angry?

Seeing that Yin Zhu and his family have come back well, I think about the fact that they were chased and killed some time ago. Combined with the fact that Yin Zhu and his family came to Yinjia village secretly before, Li Min's grandfather secretly called the police and said that there was a family in his village who might be fugitives. Of course, he didn't dare say absolutely, just said that the family was very strange He doubted.

A group of people in Yinzhu had packed up their things to go to see Yinping and his wife tomorrow, but they didn't expect that another person would come to investigate their family in the middle of the night. Yinzhu was very helpless and had to cooperate with the investigation. Fortunately, the identities of Yinzhu were all well done and could stand the investigation. The final results of these investigations would only go to special departments, and then, as Yinzhu thought, they would go back to work However, there was nothing to be found. At this time, Yin Zhu naturally asked who had reported himself. When he knew it was Li Min's grandfather's family, Yin Zhu was very helpless. In fact, they were very good to Li Min, at least they didn't kill him. Otherwise, it would be very good that she didn't kill him by virtue of the disgusting things Li Min had done.

Bai Kun originally wanted to pay back, but he thought that the other party had been warned by the police, and they were still old people, so it was not good to say too much. The main reason was that they felt very sorry for the people in the village before, and they retaliated the people in the village later. At that time, it was not easy for Yin Zhu to explain to the village head, and it was not easy for Yin Ping to hand them over, this way They are all members of Yin Ping's clan before. Forget it, they have got the official status now. They don't have to be locked up in Yinjia village. This is very different from what they expected. So there's no need to stay here for several years. However, the land has been rented for many years, but they can continue to grow it. It's easy for them to grow the land anyway. They come back occasionally Just take care of it. Another thing Yin Zhu said is that the food outside is not safe. Pesticides and fertilizers are not good. It's safe to grow them by yourself.

But you can't teach Li Min's grandfather's family a lesson. You can teach the culprit Li Min a lesson. Bai Kun is not a soft persimmon, so Li Min is making a joke again. Of course, Yin Zhu doesn't know about this.

What Yin Zhu is thinking about now is to go back to visit his parents and act coquetry in front of Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling. Of course, the most important thing is that all the crises have been solved. Even the country has given them a formal identity. They will be safe in the future, and they can walk around without fear.

Yin Zhu is clever to call Yin Ping at this time. Since he wants to go back, he naturally wants to talk to the old man.

After receiving the video call from Yin Zhu, Yin Ping was very excited. During this period of time, he didn't want to contact Yin Zhu, but no one responded. Especially after the village head told him that a group of people in Yin Zhu had been chased and killed, he was even more worried. Although he said that Bai Kun went to see them and said that they were OK, he didn't solve those problems one day, and they were very worried You can't be at ease for one day, OK?Now that Yin Zhu can make a video call with them, does that mean that they are very safe?

"Yin Zhu, are you at home now?" Yin Ping can see that the background of Yin Zhu is his family in Yinjia village.

Yin Zhu nodded with a smile, "well, at home, Dad, we'll go home in two days to celebrate the new year with you, OK?"

When Yin Ping heard this, he was very happy and said, "OK, OK." It seems that it's really OK. Otherwise, how dare Yin Zhu say that he'll go to his home for the new year? It's ok if it's OK. It's ok if it's OK.

Yin Ping would like to ask what happened in this period of time, but when he thought about Yin Zhu's voice, Yin Ping didn't ask again. He was very clear that the phone was not safe, and the best way was to talk in person. Anyway, isn't Yin Zhu going home for the new year? When he is free, he should prepare more food. You know, Yin Zhu's friends, including Yin Zhu himself, are very good at eating.

"Dad will prepare you what you like to eat." Yin Ping said happily.

"Thank you, Dad." Yin Zhu said happily, father and daughter are very tacit understanding, no one ahead of time what happened.

"Happy?" Qiao Nuo looks at Yin Zhu's happy appearance and holds her tenderly.

Yin Zhu nodded and said, "well, you didn't pay attention to it. Dad seems to have aged a lot during this period of time. I must be worried about it. If I give him a sweet talk earlier, he can feel at ease earlier."

"I know that we will be filial to our parents with you in the future." Jono grabs Yin Zhu's hand and says it seriously.

"I believe you." Yin Zhu is very happy that everything has been settled peacefully. This meeting can be regarded as a peace of mind for Yin Zhu, and those uneasy hearts in the past have also been settled.

"After the new year, let's go to Qingyun sect and the demon world. Now we are one of the practitioners. We can't know nothing." Said Jono.

"Well." Yin Zhu responds. Yin Zhu knows that they are now part of the demon clan. After their blood upgrade, it seems that they have completely changed the blood of the orcs. Now they can say that they are a demon clan. However, no matter what race they are, they will not integrate with the demon clan. So are human beings. It's the best to be independent now.

Yin Zhu is very clear that as long as they maintain the strength higher than those people, no matter what kind of ideas those people have, they dare not move. Although everyone is grateful to them now, no one can guarantee that their mind will never change. Sometimes it's not just a matter of saying that the strong are respected. As for going to the boundaries of those people, we mainly want to have a good understanding Some of the world's strength, and their knowledge system, learn to do no harm.

"Well, we have a long time. We can experience it slowly. It's not urgent. It's Yin Zhu. You need to find a day to deal with Cheng'an." Jono smiles and talks about another topic.

Although Cheng An has always been said to be Yin Zhu's partner, he has always been in the investigation period and has not really been with Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu is blushed by Qiao Nuo, but she and Qiao Nuo are old husband and wife, so they break the pot. Besides, she can't hang Cheng'an like this all the time, so she definitely replied, "we should find a time to do things."

Cheng An is almost crazy in it this time. When Yin Zhu wakes up later, he treats Cheng an by the way. It's just that Cheng an broke out too much power at the beginning, and now he can only seal part of it. His body is too weak to bear too much power, so he can only let it out bit by bit, so Cheng an looks weak now.

After hearing what Jono said, Cheng An said happily, "thank you Jono."

Qiao Nuo is Yin Zhu's husband. Since Qiao Nuo said that, this matter is a foregone conclusion and will not change.

"We can see your heart for Yin Zhu. We shouldn't treat you badly. This is what you deserve. Welcome, my brother." Jono reaches out his hand to Cheng'an.

In the past, they were a family, but there are still differences. Now they are really a family.....

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