Cheng an smiles shyly. She is really very happy in her heart. It should be said that she is more happy than anyone else. If Jono admitted them before and was on guard, now she sincerely invited him to join them.

"I'm so happy, Yin Zhu." Cheng an looks at Yin Zhu at a loss.

When Yin Zhu saw this one, he grabbed his hand and said, "thank you for your kindness to me, and I'm also very happy."

Qiao Nuo waved to Lei he at this time. It's obvious that he is going to let Yin Zhu and Cheng an be alone.

Cheng An is still silly when he hears this. At this time, Yin Zhu puts his hand around Cheng an and says seriously, "I'm very happy. I'm very happy that I can be liked by you. I'm afraid that if I don't do well enough, I'll make you sad."

Cheng an shakes his head at this time, "no, Yin Zhu is very good." Cheng an didn't want to say some sweet words to coax Yin Zhu, but now she's too nervous to say anything.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu laughed, took Cheng An's hand and said, "let's go for a walk in the village, for a walk."

Chengan nodded, two people hand in hand went out.

Jono couldn't help but smile and shake his head. He didn't say anything. Leihe couldn't help but say: "look at Cheng An's happy stupidity

When Jono heard this, he reached out and knocked on Leihe's head. "What are you jealous of? When Yin Zhu treats you, Cheng an doesn't know where it is."

Leihe really felt comfortable when he heard this. He still had a great advantage in this contrast.

"Well, it's all good. We should celebrate." Jono patted his brothers on the shoulder.

Reich rolled his eyes and said, "Jono, every time you encounter these things, you always understate them. Sometimes you wonder if we are too mean." For Chengan's identity actually accepted, but in the end or some sour.

Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and then he took several brothers around him seriously and said, "in fact, I like Yin Zhu very much. Yin Zhu is no less than you. Yin Zhu is the most intelligent and kind-hearted female I have ever seen, so I like it very much. At that time, we were in the orc world, and I never thought about dominating, because it's impossible, so I've convinced myself that I have the best reputation, better than you, so I don't envy you

Reich almost jumped up when he heard this. Jono, this is showing off. Is this going to piss him off?

"Leihe, think about the mentality when you first followed Yin Zhu. Now you can be with Yin Zhu well, and you will never think about those things again." It's hard for Jono to get rid of reih. In the orc world, he doesn't worry that these people will change their minds. But the world is different. The living habits of all the people around the world are different from those over there. It's hard to guarantee that these guys will have any bad thoughts. He wants to beat them.

At first, Leihe thought that it would be nice to be able to protect Yin Zhu at that time. In the back, Yin Zhu was willing to be his partner. He was more moved and happy than anything else. In fact, he is still very happy now. He just wants more when he gets more.

"You guys, don't hide your thoughts in your heart. In fact, sometimes I will be jealous, but I am a husband. If I can't set a good example, how can I manage you in the future? It's good to eat vinegar occasionally, but don't cross that line. Otherwise, I won't let you go. Do you hear me?" Jono said seriously.

At this time, Bai Kun rolled his eyes, "Jono, they don't have the courage to do this, or when they have the courage to do those things, I'll kill him first."

Bai Kun said that there is something jealous about it, but the people who are jealous behind it are too bad. Who can eat it for, Yin Zhu can't see it. He will have nothing to do with teasing Yin Zhu and making sure that Yin Zhu's heart is on his side. As for these idiots, he'd better leave it alone.

After hearing what Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun said, Leihe said in a hurry, "Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun, what are you two talking about? I'm just sour. I like Yin Zhu so much. I love Yin Zhu even loved myself. How can I do anything to hurt Yin Zhu? It's impossible to die. So don't insult my personality with me, otherwise I'll find you "Fight." Leihe said that his heart to Yin Zhu was the same until his death.

Tengxiao looks at both of them and makes a statement. It's hard to say that he has a criminal record. After all, when Bai Kun is in a dilemma, he doesn't hurt Yin Zhu. In the end, he doesn't hesitate to hurt himself. That is to say, the three people are probably talking about themselves. Tengxiao is a little heartbroken at this time, I promise I'll never do anything to hurt Yin Zhu again. You'll supervise me then. "

Jono looked at Tengxiao, but almost did not swear, so he couldn't help laughing, "didn't say you, and we believe you."

Of course, in Jono's heart, even if he didn't believe it, he would believe it. How hurtful it would be to say it. But I believe Tengxiao will never do those things again after the lesson of the last thing. Besides, there are no characters who can change Tengxiao's mind."Well." Tengxiao gritted his teeth.

At this time, Bai Kun stood up slowly, "I'm going to have a rest. You can chat slowly." Bai Kun thinks that everyone will go to his father-in-law's house tomorrow. He'd better have a good rest and brush his favor in front of his father-in-law at that time. Bai Kun thinks that it's necessary for his partners to get along with each other. For Jono, they should be business partners competing with each other. But when they are in trouble, they should be consistent with each other. As for Yin Zhu, they should be pampered and coaxed, and they should please him People and mother-in-law, the rest is not a matter.

Jono also stood up at this time, "well, go to rest if you have nothing to do." Bai Kun is a human being. He doesn't need to say anything. He knows what he means.

Leihe and Tengxiao look at this one. They both turn around and walk away. Then they look at the empty yard. Yinzhu and Chengan don't know where they went for a walk and when they came back. Forget it, if they come back, is it hard for them to take Yinzhu to their room.

The two looked at each other, and then went upstairs to have a rest, holding each other's shoulders like brothers in need.

Yin Zhu and Cheng an are walking in the village. They don't talk about I love you. On the contrary, they just casually talk about the memories of the orc world and the fragmentary things they saw here. They are very calm and simple, but they make people feel very warm.

Two people unconsciously walked outside for more than an hour. When Yin Zhu and Cheng an came back, they saw that Jono had gone to rest. Now Cheng an and Yin Zhu are left in the yard.

Yin Zhu can't help blushing when she sees this. She knows what Jono means. Even if it's an old driver, Yin Zhu will blush.

"Yin Zhu?" Cheng an called softly.

Yin Zhu turned his head to look at Cheng An's smiling face, and then very generously grasped Cheng An's hand, "let's go."

Cheng An's mouth cracked with joy when he heard this.

"Silly." Yin Zhu smiles and nods Cheng An's nose.

Cheng an at this time happy smile, "I am happy." At this time, he held Yin Zhu's hand tightly.

Yin Zhu leads Cheng an into the room. Jono doesn't fall asleep at this time. On the contrary, he is still standing by the window at this time. When he sees that Yin Zhu's room door is closed, he slowly lies on the bed.

In fact, what Leihe said, Jono's heart is not so calm. He always tells himself that he wants to be a good husband and a good example, and he doesn't show it in front of anyone, but he will feel bad in his heart. Fortunately, this man is Cheng'an, who has passed his test. He will be good to Yin Zhu in the future, and they will become good friends in the future Brother.

Jono thinks Zhengfu's career is too challenging. He's a little overwhelmed. He'll have to find another day to have Cheng an and Yin Zhu hold a happy ceremony.

Another is that Jono went to check the relevant systems and knowledge in the world. There are no doffers in this country, but there are others. Jono is thinking about whether to immigrate to that country if he has a chance in the future. However, at present, the father-in-law's family is still here, and Yin Zhu will never leave.

Yin Zhu had been in the orc world for so many years before. In his father-in-law's few years, Yin Zhu would accompany them, be filial to them, and they would make up for what they had owed for more than ten years.

The next day, Cheng'an and Yin Zhu came out of the room with a smile on their face. Jono had already packed up their things, and some of them planned to go home by train. This time, they could walk outside in an open and aboveboard way, not like the last time. They still came from Laolin.

Jono is quite curious about the world's high-tech products. The main reason is that the speed of this thing is very fast, faster than the orcs who are good at flying, not to mention that things can transport a lot of things. The development of the world is really good, at least the people have enough food and drink, and their mental outlook is also quite good.

"Yin Zhu, do you think the orc world will develop to the present level in the future?" Jono asked with emotion.

Yin Zhu replied positively, "yes, the orc world will certainly get better and better in the future. People everywhere are not short of food and clothing. They are as happy and happy as the people on our side."

Jono heard also affirmative nod, "yes, happy and happy life together."

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