Yin Zhu's assurance in the living room was also heard by several people in the kitchen. Huang Xiaoling also said to her son-in-law at this time, "if you are safe now, I can rest assured. However, a family still needs several children. After you have children, the family will be lively. Only when you become parents can you be happy."

Cheng An said with a smile, "OK, mom, we promise to be obedient and try our best to have a baby."

Cheng'an dreams of having a baby. It should be said that the whole dream people are looking forward to the birth of a new baby, even if they are not their own children. It is the expectation of all of them to look forward to a new life.

Leihe didn't expect children before. After all, he was worried that his children would be orcs like himself and would be discriminated against at that time. But now he is still different from those people. He is not a demon or a human, but they are the most powerful in the world. Who dares to bully their children at that time.

"When the time comes, I'll give birth to more. My mother is still young. I'll help you with your baby." Huang Xiaoling said happily.

Cheng an can't help laughing at this time. There are so many men on their side. They don't need Huang Xiaoling's hard work. If they have children, they can't hold them well.

However, the old people are willing to help. They love them very much.

Yin Zhu had heard about birth before, but she didn't expect to get such treatment one day. She couldn't help laughing bitterly at this time. All of them were staring at her stomach. If there were no children, she would be disappointed to death. Yin Zhu felt a little pressure.

"Dad, it's going to be new year's day. Let's go on a tour." Yin Zhu proposed with a smile.

When Yin Ping heard this, he couldn't help reaching out and knocking on the back of Yin Zhu's hand, "why don't you just go out and scatter some money? Why don't you think that you still need to buy a house and raise a baby in the future? It's not good to keep it before. How much does it cost to travel

There are a lot of people in this family, and the Spring Festival is also the peak period of tourism. It costs a lot of money to go out. The last time Yin Zhu wore it back, Yin Ping thought that Yin Zhu would see the world for the last time, and that was not to take her out to travel. This time is different. This time they want to settle down, so they can't make such arrangements.

Yin Zhu often didn't think that he rarely proposed to go out to play, but he was denied. In his heart, he was a little bitter. Yin Ping was worried that she didn't have much money in her hand and would not spend her money.

At this time, Yin Zhu can only express his helplessness. Fortunately, there are still many opportunities in the future. After a while, she told Yin Ping that her life is really good, and she will not need money in the future. Another is that Qiao Nuo has to arrange to make money, so that Yin Ping can rest assured.

Soon a large table of food was ready, and the whole family had a happy meal. Yin Zhu lay down on the sofa at this time. "Mom and Dad, since we don't travel far away, let's travel here. If you don't go, your sons-in-law haven't been to any places, they want to see them."

After hearing what Yin Zhu said, Yin Ping couldn't help reaching out and knocking on Yin Zhu's head, "how can you worry that I won't let you go out to play? Don't worry, we can still go to play around here. Dad invites you to play."

There are many places to play in the local area. Not far away, you can climb mountains, and there are several parks and so on. They really don't cost much. Yin Zhu doesn't care about them.

After dinner, everyone had a little rest, and Yin Ping took them out. When they came out of the community, everyone in the neighborhood asked Yin Ping who Yin Zhu was. Yin Ping had asked Yin Zhu before, and after confirming that they could go out openly, he explained with a smile that they were all relatives of his and came to see them.

Yin Zhu looked at his parents happily with their own out, the heart can not help but follow happy.

The whole family went out to play happily. Jono also looked at the city at their feet. They may settle down in the city for a long time at least. Of course, they have discussed that they will still visit Yinjia village in the future, but they are afraid that it will be a place for them to go on holiday.

When he came back to the hotel in the evening, Yin Zhu was still very happy, laughing. Sure enough, no one could replace his parents.

"Is Yin Zhu very happy?" Jono pulls Yin Zhu into his arms.

Yin Zhu nodded happily, "I'm very happy. I'm very happy to be with my parents, but I'm very uncomfortable when I think of you who betray their parents for me."

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "Yin Zhu, are you worried about me?" Bai Kun's parents have already followed him. Because the ORC was abandoned in the dark city since he was a child, Leihe doesn't know who his parents are. Tengxiao doesn't know who his mother is. As for his father, Tengxiao doesn't care. Chengan's words are the same. He is the last child born with all the sins of the dream clan. He has never been born Having met his parents, he is like a child without parents. It can be said that Jono is the one who really has parents."Yin Zhu, it doesn't matter to me. I even knew that when I grew up, I would leave my parents and live independently, so it really doesn't matter to me." Jono smiles and touches Yinzhu's long hair.

"No way." Yin Zhu asked incredulously.

Jono replied positively at this time, "it's true. In fact, if daze tribe didn't have you, it would disappear in the long river of history sooner or later. Either it was swallowed, or the orcs in it died one by one. Even my father had thought about this problem for a long time. I had been regarded as the future successor of daze tribe since I was a child. My father's request to me was that Yes, one day when daze tribe can't survive, he will take most of the tribe to other tribes to be annexed, while I will take some of them to leave to seek hope. I had planned to leave my parents and go out to fight for a world by myself a long time ago. If the tribe is annexed, those people will suffer miserably. They have no human rights at all, and even their partners will be robbed, Unless I find a new place and survive, and then I can pick them up. You have expanded and developed daze tribe for me, and let me see a lot of things and knowledge that I have never seen before. I am more happy than anything. Do you know? "

"I've known since I was born that I've been wandering outside all my life, and now I'm most satisfied with the result. Yin Zhu, don't underestimate the belief of every ORC. Besides, my father doesn't have me, and there are other people to take care of him. My mother has other partners, but she didn't tell you. " Jono said with a smile.

"I didn't say anything, but you said everything. I just feel that I owe a lot to my father and mother. They raised such a good child, and then they were abducted by me. If only we could travel freely between the two worlds in the future, then we could go back to see my father and mother anytime and anywhere." Yin Zhu said with emotion.

When Jono heard this, he laughed, squeezed Yin Zhu's hand and said, "everything is possible for Yin Zhu. In the face of absolute strength, everything is possible."

It's really amazing to travel between the two worlds, but Yin Zhu can come back before, and it must be OK to want to go back. At the beginning, Bai Kun could take advantage of those forces to send Yin Zhu back to modern times. Although he has the help of heaven, it shows that this thing is feasible, and it's nothing more than what he has to pay. Jono thinks it's OK to return to the orc continent, but they need to work harder In the future, we can also spend some money to go back. Not only he cares about the world that gave birth to him, but also Leihe, they will miss it.

Yin Zhu nods when she hears this. She knows that she has two things to do now. One is to find a way to have a few cubs, and the other is to cultivate hard. When she is strong enough, she can return to the orc world.

"Yin Zhu, don't think about things so far away. You might as well think about what you promised your parents. You'd better give us a baby. I'm looking forward to our baby." Jono then went straight to the bed with Yinzhu in his arms.

Yin Zhu was too busy to think of so many mixed things. When she was born, she was tired of her, and she had so many thoughts.

At daybreak, Jono took Yinzhu to Yinping. Since they said they wanted to buy a house and they had money, Jono went to see the house directly. Yinzhu didn't want to buy a house in the community. The main reason was that there were too many people in the community, and the privacy and safety were not so good. Yinzhu planned to buy a villa directly.

One of the villas has its own space, and there are also many rooms. Otherwise, there are only so many people living in ordinary suites. Although Baiji and Yinping are not here, their rooms should be prepared. Yinzhu doesn't want to be his parents, so he can't even live in a room.

Yin Zhu has always said that he is rich, but Yin Ping thinks that the most is one or two million. But he never thought that there are so many villas. He dares not think about the price of villas in this city. He doubts whether Yin Zhu has done something wrong.

The villas are tens of millions. In the short half year, where did they earn money? Looking at Yin Ping's uneasy appearance, Yin Zhu couldn't help holding Yin Ping's hand and saying, "Dad, I've said that we have money. Dad, in fact, we do things for people like this. Whatever the amount is, it's millions, so you really don't have to worry that we don't have money." Yin Zhu made an excuse for his money.

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