"You can make money in this way?" Yin Ping was very puzzled. Of course, Yin Ping didn't ask if those things existed. It was possible for his daughter to pass through, so those things might also exist. Is this kind of transaction legal?

"Dad, don't worry. In fact, we have a legal department, but it's not open to the public, so it's safe. Even our current identity is also given by the security department. No one can coerce us. " Yin Zhu gives Yin Ping a reassurance.

"That's good, that's good." Yin Ping thinks that this is simply too good, no worries, a happy family together, this is his happiest thing.

What Yin Zhu bought is a hardbound room, which can be moved in directly. Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling are very happy to help with the cleaning, and then the whole family moves in. Yin Ping said happily at this time: "I never thought that I could live in a villa in my whole life, or trust my daughter's blessing."

"Dad, look at what you said. You're very kind to me, but I'm not good enough to worry my parents." Yin Zhu sat beside Yin Ping and said.

"What do you do? Besides, parents can't be at ease. I'm worried about whether you've had a good meal or quarreled with your son-in-law today. Anyway, I'm just in a hurry." Yin Ping said with a smile.

Leihe sat on one side, and then he quickly assured, "Dad, you can rest assured that we will never quarrel with Yin Zhu."

Yin Ping looks at his son-in-law and nods happily. He has lived with Jono for a period of time before. In addition, they all see how Jono does it. They can say that some men hold Yin Zhu in their hands. They all say that the father-in-law is not agreeable to his son-in-law. Yin Ping is also very disagreeable at the beginning and always feels that his family is white The dish has been arched by the pig, but now he feels his conscience and says that Yin pingjue is sorry for himself.

Looking at the busy son-in-law and his daughter sitting beside him, Yin Ping said: "Yin Zhu, how can you let your son-in-law do everything? A woman should learn how to do housework. She has never been lazy like you. Hurry to work for me." With that, Yin Ping gave Yin Zhu a kick.

Yin Zhu was stunned at the beginning, and then he reflected that he was despised by the old man.

Yin Zhu felt into the kitchen at this time. Cheng an saw Yin Zhu come in and couldn't help but be stunned. Then he said, "Yin Zhu, what do you come in for? Go out. You don't need your help for this job. It's greasy here. Don't touch your clothes." Cheng An has already directly pushed Yin Zhu out of the kitchen.

Yin Zhu is silly, so that she doesn't need her own help in the kitchen. She can go to tidy up the garden. There is a small garden in front of the villa, but it has not been taken care of for a long time. Many flowers have withered and some weeds have grown. Jono is tidying up there.

Jono is probably used to hoarding food in the orc world. It's really strange to see the garden saying that it's ready to grow vegetables. But Yin Zhu can't say it. Besides, it's fun to grow a la carte and eat pollution-free vegetables. Yin Zhu goes out and says, "I'll help you dig the soil?"

Jono see this very helpless said: "Yinzhu no, just so little, I use my claws to turn over a few times." Well, Jono doesn't even need a hoe to dig the soil. He just needs to turn his paws into beasts. He'll pick and pull one by one.

Yin Zhu looked at Jono pitifully and said, "I really want to help. You are all so hardworking. It seems that I am very lazy. Even my father dislikes me."

Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "no, Yin Zhu has been very hard before. He just wants to let Yin Zhu have a rest. How can he be lazy? Or you can talk with me."

Since the father-in-law dislikes Yin Zhu's laziness, it's OK not to hang out in front of him. Yin Zhu can still chat with him. Jono says that he is more energetic with Yin Zhu.

At this time, Yin Ping stood at the door of the villa, looking at his son-in-law struggling to dig the land over there, and then looking at his daughter squatting by the garden, standing there chatting. This is to help work, really not to influence people?

Yin Ping is thinking about whether his daughter is too lazy to raise. These sons-in-law spoil her one by one. They are spoiling her as a waste.

His son-in-law is so good that he has to worry about himself, sighs Yin Ping.

Seeing Yin Ping shaking her head and sighing, Huang Xiaoling couldn't help but come forward and say, "I said, old man, what's your dissatisfaction with? Now you have to sigh when you are living a good life. Before, you couldn't see Yin Zhu I sighing too."

When Yin Ping heard this, he said helplessly, "I didn't worry that Yin Zhu's friends would not know anything. At that time, Yin Zhu will have five sons and a couple of parents? Now that they are capable, I worry that the sons in law are too good. Your daughter is not worthy of it. What should we do if she is attracted by the colorful world outside? "

"You're just fooling around. How nice our girls are. Now they have such a good life, and they all lose money to our daughter. They can't be heartless to Yin Zhu. As for enjoying happiness now, it's not right. How much suffering Yin Zhu has suffered in the orc world? It can be said that ordinary people have never suffered in their whole life. Why do you care, no matter Jono Or Yin Zhu, they are not people who have no sense of propriety, they do so many big things, they are not stupid people, you are idle Huang Xiaoling said impolitely that she was very satisfied with her son-in-law. As for her daughter's happiness, Huang Xiaoling was even more satisfied. It was a fool not to enjoy happiness.Yin Ping said that he couldn't compete with Huang Xiaoling. Forget it, but it's the same. Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo are different. They are unique to each other and are unique in the world. How can they betray so easily.

After Yin Zhu came back, Yin Zhu didn't say anything, but Yin Ping felt that when his daughter just came back, she was hiding and didn't speak with much momentum. This time, everything was settled, and she even dared to take them around. Obviously, she didn't worry about the exposure of their relationship That is to say, Yin Zhu has absolute strength to protect them, including taking out so much money to buy a villa at one time. This is not simple. It can only show that his daughter and son-in-law are very strong. Even Jono's momentum is much stronger. Although Jono is much softer to them and can't feel it, he can feel it as long as he is a stranger .

I don't know what they've done this time and who can approve of it. But Yin Zhu didn't say it and he didn't ask. Anyway, it's a good thing. But he didn't tell Huang Xiaoling about it. Huang Xiaoling is timid and worried a lot.

"I'm relieved to see them so well. Do you think we are all here to call Yin Zhi over?" Huang Xiaoling couldn't help mentioning her son who had been forgotten by them.

Yin Ping thought for a while and said, "wait a minute. When all this is settled down, invite the Yin Zhi family to dinner."

Their son and daughter-in-law have a good relationship with them. After their son got married, the two old men directly let their son and daughter-in-law live outside. It's far and near smelly. Whether it's their daughter-in-law or Huang Xiaoling herself, they all have their own living habits. It's not appropriate to get together. It's better to separate now. But their daughter-in-law still doesn't know Yin Zhu's real identity I've always been regarded as a distant cousin. Do you want to talk about this?

Otherwise, the daughter-in-law will not know when the time comes, and the daughter-in-law will feel uncomfortable. "Do you think we should tell Yin Zhu's identity to his daughter-in-law?" Is Huang Xiaoling asking a question at this time?

Yin Ping thought for a moment and said, "it's better not to. This kind of thing is just a fantasy. Don't let people think that we are telling jokes or that we are crazy. It's very good. Yin Zhi just knows."

The daughter-in-law is not bad, but this matter is not suitable for too many people to know. Even if Yin Zhu knows their identity, it is not suitable for hype, so it's best.

Yin Zhu is very clear that this time he is so aboveboard in contact with Yin Ping. Qingyunzi only needs to investigate carefully to find out where she came from. After all, she is a human from this world. She came back from the orc world. At the beginning, tianjizi made it clear, hoping to wait for others to investigate. Isn't she very generous? At that time, if that kid dares to count on her parents, she will bear her anger. She won't accept any reason she doesn't know.

Anyway, she is the most powerful now, and her big fist is the truth.

"All right." Yin Ping has always been in charge of the family affairs, and Huang Xiaoling will not object.

"Old man, my daughter said we should move to this villa. Shall we move?" Huang Xiaoling couldn't help asking.

When Yin Ping heard this, he laughed, and then said, "are you willing to dance in the square? Is there an old lady here who will accompany you? What's more, if you look at Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo, they are sticky. If you can't see them, you'll be clean if you can't see them. "

Yin Ping was very disgusted and said that, of course, he didn't really dislike it. He just didn't want to live with either his daughter or his son. Since his children have grown up, he should let them go. He used to worry about Yin Zhu. Now that Yin Zhu has settled down, he can ignore it. It's better for him to think that his daughter would come here once in a while.

Another is that although the villa is good, it's surrounded by space. He just wants to find someone to drink tea and play chess, but he can't find anyone. It's still good in their previous community, where there are so many like-minded people.

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