Bai Kun arranges the affairs of the clan properly, which is not proper. He should say that the guy quickly selects the person in charge of the clan, and then becomes the boss. He leaves everything to the people below and plays with Yin Zhu.

And the people below are more willing to be like Bai Kun. They are not willing to take charge of the affairs, so it means that all the food in the clan will be handed over to them. In this way, they will gain more rights and benefits.

As for Jono, they are not worried about whether they will be robbed of power and overhead. Unless someone's strength can reach their height, it can be said that it is impossible for the time being. Now the highest strength of the people they receive is just the foundation period. How long will it take them to reach their level? As for resources Bai Kun said that they must hold on to the big head, and they will release some of them appropriately. If the people below have different intentions, with their strength, they can clean up those people, and then replace them. So there is no need to worry at all. Of course, the people selected by Xiang Xin Bai Kun are not fools, and they dare not recite them without certain strength Betray them.

Besides, Jono didn't care too much about the clan. To tell you the truth, the clan was just a few people they wanted to find. They also got some power by the way to avoid being bullied because they were weak.

All things have been arranged, Yin Zhu can be said to be a light with Jono several go out to play, but also go out crazy to play.

At the beginning, Yin Ping and his wife went together. After playing with Yin Zhu for two or three scenic spots, Yin Ping and his wife didn't want to go on. One was that the old people didn't have so much energy to play with Yin Zhu all the time. Another was that Yin Zhu was too good at running. He didn't want to run and wanted to go home.

It's really fun when traveling, but Yin Zhu always plays. Another one is that Yin Zhu wants to go abroad next, but Yin Ping doesn't want to go, so he goes home with Huang Xiaoling directly.

Yin Zhu is not reluctant. Of course, the main reason is that they are crazy. They have strong strength. They can play whatever kind of games they want. They even dare to challenge some places that are not scenic spots or dangerous places. But it is inconvenient to bring Yin Ping's words to the end. There are still many interesting places in the world.

Without them, Yin Zhu is totally crazy. They go everywhere and do whatever challenges they face. Sometimes they take a plane, sometimes they just go there by themselves. It can be said that there is no place they can't go. Baiji and Mengji have passed many places in front of them, and Yin Zhu has also clocked in. It can be said that they have a good time. Lin village also asked the people below to arrange and do it. Fortunately, they are not short of money now. It's nothing to ask people to do those things.

Yin Zhu wants to take Jono around the world and take them to have a good look at the scenery of the world. They have been playing for eight or nine months. If Yin Zhu is not pregnant, he may not want to come back.

Yes, Yin Zhu was pregnant again more than ten years ago. This is Leihe's. Leihe almost went crazy when he knew it. When he had nothing to do, he looked at the two leaf marks in his arms every day. They were two children. Jono was so jealous that they worked very hard. Why was Leihe the first one?

Yin Zhu didn't dare to go crazy at this time, and obediently followed Jono home to raise the baby. They had been looking forward to their children for so many years, but they couldn't be careful.

Yin Zhu thinks that he will be pregnant. It's very good. There's nothing wrong. Everything has been settled. He hasn't been pregnant before. It's estimated that there were a lot of things at that time, and he was under a lot of pressure. He wanted to be pregnant and couldn't get pregnant.

"Yin Zhu, slow down." Leihe carefully supports Yinzhu at this time. He is really worried about Yinzhu.

Yin Zhubai took a look at Leihe, and then looked at his stomach that didn't show his heart. "You're exaggerating. Is that necessary?"

Reich nodded positively, necessary, very necessary.

"I remember you said before that you didn't want cubs." Yin zhuleng hum.

Reich shook his head in a hurry. "Wasn't it different then? At that time, I didn't worry that the child would be rejected. I was afraid that the child would live the same life as me. Now it's not the same. Now our child is fine, and no one can bully him. I don't like cubs, but I love them too much. I'm afraid that they will be hurt, and I dare not want them. "

"You, do you think this cub will be born as a bear or a dragon?" Yin Zhu felt his stomach curiously.

In the past, Yin Zhu's blood was not as strong as Jono's, but now their blood seems to be almost the same. Yin Zhu is thinking that he won't give birth to a half blood.

Leihe was stunned when he heard this, "I think boys are like me and girls are like Yinzhu."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he quickly shook his head, "no, never." It's enough to have a bear girl. She doesn't want her future daughter to be a chubby little bear. What's more, the Dragon girl feels beautiful just by thinking about it. The bear girl with five big, three thick and strong body should forget it. If there is such a girl left, she thinks she will kill her mother.Jono knows what Yin Zhu is thinking. Yin Zhu doesn't know how many times he dislikes his body. The more powerful people are in the eyes of orcs, the more people like him. Whether male or female, Yin Zhu's body is not very strong. It's just a little bigger than the slim waist of this era. In fact, he looks very good, just like the women of this era Come so thin, he is afraid that it will be broken, "Yin Zhu is so lovely, we all like it." Jono gently touched Yinzhu's hair.

"Anyway, my girl can't be a bear girl, not a bear girl. In the future, you'll have to change your words for me. If you have a bear girl, I'll be rude to you." Yin Zhu at this time unreasonable request, anyway, she does not accept, she thought that if she had a daughter, she must be a soft and clever little girl.

"Well, well, let's have dragon girl, dragon girl." Leihe coaxes Yinzhu in a hurry at this time. They all say that pregnant people's temper will change. They'd better coax Yinzhu.

Besides, if there is a daughter as soft and clever as Yin Zhu said, they will also like it very much.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded with satisfaction. It's almost the same. Children will be obedient. As long as they often say it, they will do what she wants.

After Yin Zhu and his party went home, they called Yin Ping. When Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling knew that Yin Zhu was pregnant, they came to see him for the first time.

Looking at her radiant face, Huang Xiaoling couldn't help asking, "what's wrong with you, or what do you want to eat? Tell your mother, and she'll make it for you."

"Anyway, my girl can't be a bear girl, not a bear girl. In the future, you'll have to change your words for me. If you have a bear girl, I'll be rude to you." Yin Zhu at this time unreasonable request, anyway, she does not accept, she thought that if she had a daughter, she must be a soft and clever little girl.

"Well, well, let's have dragon girl, dragon girl." Leihe coaxes Yinzhu in a hurry at this time. They all say that pregnant people's temper will change. They'd better coax Yinzhu.

Besides, if there is a daughter as soft and clever as Yin Zhu said, they will also like it very much.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded with satisfaction. It's almost the same. Children will be obedient. As long as they often say it, they will do what she wants.

After Yin Zhu and his party went home, they called Yin Ping. When Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling knew that Yin Zhu was pregnant, they came to see him for the first time.

Looking at her radiant face, Huang Xiaoling couldn't help asking, "what's wrong with you, or what do you want to eat? Tell your mother, and she'll make it for you." "Anyway, my girl can't be a bear girl, not a bear girl. In the future, you'll have to change your words for me. If you have a bear girl, I'll be rude to you." Yin Zhu at this time unreasonable request, anyway, she does not accept, she thought that if she had a daughter, she must be a soft and clever little girl.

"Well, well, let's have dragon girl, dragon girl." Leihe coaxes Yinzhu in a hurry at this time. They all say that pregnant people's temper will change. They'd better coax Yinzhu.

Besides, if there is a daughter as soft and clever as Yin Zhu said, they will also like it very much.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded with satisfaction. It's almost the same. Children will be obedient. As long as they often say it, they will do what she wants.

After Yin Zhu and his party went home, they called Yin Ping. When Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling knew that Yin Zhu was pregnant, they came to see him for the first time.

Looking at her radiant face, Huang Xiaoling couldn't help asking, "what's wrong with you, or what do you want to eat? Tell your mother, and she'll make it for you." "Anyway, my girl can't be a bear girl, not a bear girl. In the future, you'll have to change your words for me. If you have a bear girl, I'll be rude to you." Yin Zhu at this time unreasonable request, anyway, she does not accept, she thought that if she had a daughter, she must be a soft and clever little girl.

"Well, well, let's have dragon girl, dragon girl." Leihe coaxes Yinzhu in a hurry at this time. They all say that pregnant people's temper will change. They'd better coax Yinzhu. Leihe coaxes Yinzhu in a hurry at this time. They all say that pregnant people's temper will change. They'd better coax Yinzhu.

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