Yin Zhu watched Meng Ji happily prepare some things for her cubs. She even searched the Internet at this time to find out how to give Yin Zhu a confinement. It was said that since Yin Zhu became pregnant, the family had entered the role of father one by one, and Yin Zhu was the most calm.

Yin Zhu touched his stomach and said, "little baby, many people are looking forward to your coming out."

Next, Yin Zhu entered the life of raising a baby. As for those who said they would go to qingyunzi to have a look, they didn't go any more. Because they were pregnant, everything was postponed. However, when qiongwu heard that Yin Zhu was pregnant, they planned to come to have a look.

Qiongwu mainly wants to see if Yin Zhu has any secret. When his cultivation strength reaches a certain level, it's very difficult for him to want future generations. Whether it's the demon clan or the Terran clan, many people get married early and have children when their strength is low, and then slowly cultivate immortals with a family, because they know that when their strength is strong, they don't want children It's too late.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry. There was no secret script. If there was a secret script, they would have had a baby long ago. How could they wait until now.

Hearing Yin Zhu say that there is no secret script, qiongwu is very disappointed. She can only say that Yin Zhu's luck is very good. But considering her previous identity, it's normal for her to have children. If she doesn't have children, it's abnormal. Who taught them not to have such luck.

At the beginning, qiongwu and qingyunzi said they would come to send gifts. Now they are a sect, and they are very powerful. It's normal to have contact with qingyunzi. However, Qiao Nuo didn't want those people to disturb Yin Zhu, so he refused directly. If they really want to send gifts, they should send them to the door I'll take it. They'll take it.

Qiongwu and qingyunzi are not reluctant either. Besides, it's a happy event for higher friars to have children, but it's also a dangerous thing. Many times, when higher friars get pregnant and have children, their strength will drop, not to mention if someone has bad ideas, it's very dangerous, so it's reasonable for Qiao Nuo not to let them see Yin Zhu.

At this time, Yin Zhu entered the time of raising the baby. If he had nothing to do, he would have fetal education or something else. Fortunately, the orc's body is very good, and it's impossible to get pregnant with some pregnancy, vomiting or anything else. However, it's also true that there are many ways to give birth to children. If there are all kinds of problems, can the orc still be born?

Yin Zhu can be said to be in great shape. If it wasn't for Jono's restraint, Yin Zhu said that he could go out to somersault. However, thinking about the baby in his stomach, Yin Zhu said that he was still good, otherwise, Jono would settle with her. After he had a baby, Yin Zhu felt that he was out of favor. Those people all care about the baby in her stomach now The baby's.

Leihe, in particular, is a fool. He looks at her stomach when he has nothing to do, and then talks to the children in her stomach. Yin Zhu is so stupid that he wants to kick a few feet, but he can't see it.

Leihe is really happy. He doesn't plan to have children, but now he suddenly says that he has his blood. How can he be unhappy? Of course, their blood has changed a lot with the original Orc world, but it's still his blood. It's his children. In Yin Zhu's words, it's the crystallization of their love. Leihe especially likes this word.

Jono once again saw Leihe was silly. He said helplessly, "Leihe, take it easy. I see how you can take good care of your baby in the future. I'll take care of it when the baby is born." Jono is also greedy for Zizai, but he doesn't have it himself. He can only rob Leihe. He says that he is Zhengfu's, and he can arrange all the things in his family. Robbing Zizai is also OK, and it's the kind of famous saying Zhengshun.

Reih's face turned black when he heard this, and then he looked at Jono angrily. "Jono, I respect you. You can do whatever you want, and you can do everything at home. But if you dare to rob my son, let's fight, life and death." Leihe said maliciously, no one can snatch his own cubs, nor can he snatch them.

"I'm afraid of you?" Jono is cold. He is the first one to get rid of him.

"Just like you, I'm afraid you'll be too happy to take care of the children." Jono said rudely.

"Fart, I didn't take good care of tengan at the beginning." Leihe is not happy to retort, to say that among these people, he is the most experienced with children, good, Jono few have no experience.

"Can you compare that with the present one? Now what's the situation? You can still think of it as the same as the orc world. " Jono is cold.

Leihe is also cold hum at this time, "that's better than you who have no experience." Leihe was very lucky at this time. He took care of his children.

Bai Kun looks at the two people who are quarreling again. He can't help but curl his mouth. What's the big deal, isn't it cub? When Yin Zhusheng was born, his mother must have gone to help. When the cub was born, he would be the first to hold him. You should know that the cub would recognize the first person to hold him all his life. He would be regarded as the closest person. He would fight for a fart here, that is to say, to have a quarrel. How could he be the first to hold two cubs.Of course, Bai Kun will never tell others if he has this idea. He will not even tell others if he has any stratagems at that time. If he says so, others will know how he will snatch the baby at that time.

Teng Xiao saw that each one of them wanted to fight for the cubs. At this time, he suddenly thought of Teng who stayed in the orc world. Teng Xiao's idea of Teng was very complicated. The child was bleeding, but the soul of that child was someone else's, and it was calculated in vain, which made him a little uncomfortable. He didn't feel well when he wanted to leave Talking to that child, in fact, that child is very good, and that child has been seeking his forgiveness. In fact, that child is not wrong. In fact, he has forgiven him for a long time, but he has never said anything. Tengxiao has some regrets at this time, which he should have said.

How's that kid doing in the orc world? He was alone, and he didn't want to stay in daze tribe. I don't know what's going on now. He suddenly missed that child. In fact, no matter what kind of soul, it's his child. Teng that child has always called him father. Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to go back and say this to Teng.

Yin Zhu noticed Tengxiao's loss and couldn't help asking, "Tengxiao, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong Although the orc's body is very strong, it doesn't mean that they will not get sick at all, but they are less sick.

"Nothing." Tengxiao light said, turned his head to see Yin Zhu worried look, so explained two, "really nothing, I just think of Teng."

When Yin Zhu heard Tengxiao talking about the child she had left in the orc world, he couldn't help recalling that child. At the beginning, he gave birth to three children, but the latter three became one. It was really a little surprised and difficult to accept. But anyway, the child was good, carrying the feelings of the former three children, and was also very good to them.

"I miss him a little too. He's our son." Yin Zhu said with certainty at this time.

Tengxiao nodded, "yes." Yin Zhu accepted Teng as their child earlier than himself, but he thought it was a little late.

"Come on, Teng likes you very much. I think Teng will miss us in the orc world." Yin Zhu looked at the sky, to tell the truth, the child does not know how now.

Things will probably be OK. After all, his strength is so strong, and there is their relationship in it. It is estimated that no one in the orc world will embarrass him. He is worried that he will be lonely. The child has suffered too many things, and then he will stay alone in that world.

In fact, Yin Zhu didn't want to take the child away, but Teng didn't want to go with them. If he wanted to stay in the orc world, Yin Zhu didn't force it.

"Definitely, I'm sure he'll have a good time, just like us." Yin Zhu turns his head and looks at Tengxiao. The child is simple, but he also has ideas. He will find his own life.

Tengxiao heard this and nodded, "yes, I believe, just like I met you." They can well meet Yin Zhu, so I believe Teng can also meet his own person, and then someone will love him, someone will pity him, lonely, will be good.

Cheng an looks at all of them talking about their children, and even Tengxiao finds an excuse to remember with Yin Zhu. He is the only one, and he has to find a way to get rid of the two cubs.

in fact, Yin Zhu didn't want to take the child away, but Tengxiao didn't want to go with them. If he wanted to stay in the orc world, Yin Zhu didn't force him.

"Definitely, I'm sure he'll have a good time, just like us." Yin Zhu turns his head and looks at Tengxiao. The child is simple, but he also has ideas. He will find his own life.

Tengxiao heard this and nodded, "yes, I believe, just like I met you." They can well meet Yin Zhu, so I believe Teng can also meet his own person, and then someone will love him, someone will pity him, lonely, will be good.

Cheng an looks at all of them talking about their children. Even Tengxiao finds an excuse to recall with Yin Zhu. He's the only one, and he has to find a way. It's better to save two cubs. Even Tengxiao finds an excuse to recall with Yin Zhu. He's the only one, and he has to find a way to save two cubs

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