Yin Zhu's confinement was very good. Anyway, there was nothing uncomfortable about Yin Zhu. She could get out of bed on the third day. If Huang Xiaoling hadn't restrained her from going out, Yin Zhu would feel no different from her normal life.

In fact, this is mainly due to the good health of the orcs, which Huang Xiaoling envies very much. But think about it, the environment in which the orcs used to live and produce orcs in such an environment is not good, let alone such a good modern environment. It's good to do anything in confinement, but it's hard for Yin Zhu to take a bath, even if he brush himself every day But there are still differences.

On the third day, the two cubs had already taken shape. They were two beautiful little girls. The little girl's eyebrows and eyes were very delicate, like Leihe's, but her face was somewhat like Yinzhu's, round and lovely.

"Ouch, grandma's good baby." Huang Xiaoling is holding her granddaughter, which is very rare in her heart. The two babies are much better than when they were just born. When they wake up, they will open a pair of big eyes and blink. They are very flexible and look very cute.

With two more girls, Yin Zhu felt that he was going to fall out of favor. No matter his parents or several men in the family, all his attention was attracted by the two girls. Yin Zhu also admitted that the two girls were very lovely and beautiful, but he couldn't help feeling aggrieved when he thought that the couple were all little girls.

"What's the matter? Sullen. " Qiao Nuo looks at Yin Zhu not happy appearance, can't help but sit to Yin Zhu's bedside, wonder of ask.

They were all very happy when the little girl was born. Could it be that Yin Zhu didn't like her baby just because of xiong nu?

"You don't have to worry, Yin Zhu. The little girl is very beautiful. She will never grow into a strong man as you worry. Don't worry." Thinking of Yin Zhu's wonderful thinking, Jono couldn't help laughing.

"Little girl, little girl, you all put them on your lips. Do you still have me in your heart?" Yin Zhu said unhappily.

Jono was stunned when he heard this, and then he responded, "Yin Zhu, are you jealous? Yin Zhu, of course I have you in my heart. The reason why I care about them is that they are born of you. If you don't like them, I won't look at them in the future? "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "How can you do this? You are his father. If you don't love them, they don't want to die of grief."

"Look at you, I said I didn't hurt them. You are more anxious than me." Jono touched Yinzhu's hair and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, what we love most is you. Now it's not a baby. It's just born. It's fresh. Just wait for a while." Jono said softly.

In fact, Yin Zhu said that. Now Qiao Nuoming's rickety joke about himself, Yin Zhu is a little embarrassed, "I just casually said that I didn't mean that." Jono, they are good to her. Yin Zhu knows better than anyone. It's because he knows better, so Yin Zhu thinks he's unreasonable.

"If you want to eat something, I'll make it for you. If it's boring, watch TV for a while, but you can't watch it too long. You'd better have a rest." Jono said very seriously.

"In fact, it's OK. My mother always wants me to lie down. I'm just alone." Yin Zhu said with disgust that it's boring for her to lie in bed when she's in confinement. She doesn't need to take care of her children. She's just too boring for many people.

"More rest. It's most important for a woman to have a baby. Don't take it seriously. I haven't taken good care of you in the orc world. Now I have to take good care of you. I think you'll give me a baby later, Yin Zhu." Jono leaned against Yin Zhu's ear and said.

Yin Zhu's ears turned red when he heard this, but when he thought of giving birth to a baby, he was a little disappointed and said, "you see, for so many years, I gave birth to Teng before. Now these two babies, what do you say if I can't give birth to a baby for you in the future?"

Yin Zhu has thought about it. It's better to give each partner a cub. That's fair. However, this kind of thing depends on luck. She really can't grasp it.

Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Yin Zhu, you don't have to have pressure. We are a family. Even if I don't have my own cubs, her cubs are also mine, so you can do it if you want. I believe several other people think the same way. Besides, we have a long time in the future. Let's take our time. I'm not in a hurry."

Yin Zhu rolled his eyes when he heard this, which made her very worried.

"Are you satisfied with life like this?" Yin Zhu asked.

Jono at this time very positive answer, "satisfied, this is my dream life, you know, my biggest wish before is to be able to eat, dress and warm, and these because you have already realized, let alone with you to see such a magical world, I am very happy, more happy to meet you in this life, with you together."

"Me too." Yin Zhu said with a gentle response.

Bai Kun didn't know when he ran to the two people. At this time, Bai Kun said unhappily: "ouch, you'll hide here and say love words secretly. Yin Zhu, you didn't say you like me and love me. Yin Zhu should be fair."Yin Zhu is a little annoyed by Bai Kun. She stares at Bai Kun fiercely. When she is with him, this damned guy asks her to say love words, which means No. besides, Bai Kun is a vinegar jar, but this guy usually says it when she is with him. It's almost that she says what she loves him most. People outside think that This is a wise man. In fact, he is a stingy vinegar jar.

"Bai Kun, don't make a fuss. Yin Zhu doesn't know how to treat you. What's more, I'm here. Why do you join in the fun? Aren't you robbing Lei he for his cubs?" Jono is cold.

Isn't there two cubs? Leihe takes one and returns one. Bai Kun is not less than the others.

"There are still a few silly big ones to take care of. Besides, my big babies are going to be robbed. Who cares about the little ones?" Bai Kun said impolitely. Yin Zhu heard that the big baby choked for several times. Next time, Bai Kun's face is getting thicker and thicker.

"More and more shameless, and yesterday with Leihe grab baby who patted the chest said, he is the best father, those two are your darling, who also more than their." Jono did not hesitate.

Bai Kun is too clever. He has to knock occasionally. He is too arrogant.

"Jono, you know what I mean. Why not say it? Even Yin Zhu knows it. Come on, I've learned more knowledge in this month than you all. I'd better take care of Yin Zhu." At this time, Bai Kun didn't hesitate to push out the signing. Does Jono think he's too good? It's not a good person to hit him in the face.

Yin Zhu looks at the laughter between Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun. He can't help but smile. Even the previous jealousy is gone.

"Yin Zhu, don't listen to Jono's nonsense. In my heart, you are the most important. I just want to see those two kids fresh." Of course, there is also eye heat. If it's your own cub, it's better. If it's your own cub, it must be more beautiful than those two.

Bai Kun always thinks that he is the best-looking among Yin Zhu's friends. If he and Yin Zhu have a baby, their baby must be beautiful.

"I know." No one can understand Bai Kun's heart. Just look at what he has done.

"Hey, Yin Zhu, you look at each one. Now that they have cubs, their hearts have all gone to the cubs. Especially Leihe, when you finish your confinement, let's go out for a tour. Just the two of us, as for some of them, it's good to have cubs." At this time, Bai Kun has decided to take Yin Zhu out to play. At that time, he and Yin Zhu will have a good time.

"I played so much before, but I haven't played enough yet?" Yin Zhu said with a smile. Before I went out for more than half a year, they had clocked in this world famous scenic spot.

"As long as I'm with Yin Zhu, I don't have enough to play. I just want to go with Yin Zhu, not anyone else." Bai Kun grabs Yin Zhu's hand and acts coquettishly.

"Yin Zhu, think about it. In fact, I have the least time with you among my friends. In the orc world before, I was waiting alone in daze tribe. They were all with you. Yin Zhu, you have to compensate me." At this time, Bai Kun pointed out that he had suffered a great loss. Of course, there must be no Cheng'an between these partners. Cheng'an came later, so it can't be compared.

Yin Zhu could not help sneering at this time, "don't you have no previous memory? What do you count

When Bai Kun heard this, he put down his hand, sat down beside Yin Zhu and said, "although I can't remember what happened before, I've heard you say that as long as I think about it, I'll know how miserable and miserable I was. On one hand, I want to get close to Yin Zhu, but I can't follow you because of my body. On the other hand, because of a father's reason, I'm in a few friends I'm the most pitiful, hurt and sad. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he sniffed and pointed at Bai Kun. "You're the one with the most thoughts. Others don't have as many thoughts as you."

"Even if I think about it, it's also for Yin Zhu, and I'm not in a bad mood." Bai Kun said with a smile, holding Yin Zhu's hand.

"I don't believe you." Yin Zhu rolled his eyes. Bai Kun is the best one.

"Think about it, Yin Zhu. You see, the child is still young. You must educate him. When the time comes, Leihe will take care of the child. With so many people, Yin Zhu, it's not your turn to take care of the child. Why don't you go out with me and say you don't want to compensate me?" Bai Kun said pitifully.

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