"You'll give me bad advice. If I really go out with you, I'll have to be disciplined to death by Jono. You can't say that. I think I'm very good to you." Yin Zhu said, biting Bai Kun's ear.

Bai Kun's face turned red when he was bitten by Yin Zhu. At this time, he said wrongly, "I don't think I'm cute? Yin Zhu, you don't see how proud Lei he is. He just didn't tell me that you're not as good as him. Hum, I'm not as good as him. Otherwise, Yin Zhu will accompany me when you get out of confinement. Instead, you can comment on whether he's good or I'm good. "

Bai Kun wants to say that he doesn't know what it means to admit defeat since he was born. Leihe is so proud that he can't give him eye drops. Besides, Leihe always wants cubs. Does he want to give way to people who don't have cubs.

At this time, Yin Zhu said, "in fact, this is your goal."

At this time, Bai Kun did a good job, "what is the purpose? It's not a pity for us. We have to wait for your pity." Bai Kun said, dejected.

Yin Zhu can't help but feel sad when she saw this. She said that she was really sorry for several partners, so she patted Bai Kun's hand and said, "OK, OK, don't do this. After the confinement, I'll be with you all day."

"It's a deal. No one else." Bai Kun said with jealousy.

Yin Zhu nodded, this long time is not enough, one day she can still pull out.

Bai Kun smiles when he hears this, and then sticks to Yin Zhu happily, "Yin Zhu, you are so good."

Bai Kun smiles in his heart. This Jono always holds his own identity. Even if Yin Zhu says that no matter how much love there is, it's true that he wants benefits and benefits.

Xiaozai, Bai Kun turns his head and looks at Leihe holding a girl doll and laughs. He really has to work hard. Tengxiao once had a baby, and now Leihe also has one. It's clear that he's still in the front row. He's behind. He has to work hard.

Qiao Nuo is not far away. When he looks at Bai Kun and Yin Zhu smiling, he knows that Bai Kun must have asked Yin Zhu for something. Bai Kun always has his own careful thinking, which Qiao Nuo knows. But Bai Kun has one good thing: he is jealous and wants things, but he always has a sense of propriety. He doesn't want too much, he just wants himself Jono won't be in charge of the exclusive part. It's a miracle if all of us don't even have the most basic mind. It's very good. Jono himself, dare you say he didn't think carefully?

It's just that he can't make Bai Kun behave like Yin Zhu. Bai Kun's temperament is much better than before. In the past, Bai Kun probably suppressed a lot. Now, most of Bai Kun's thoughts are used on Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu also gave birth to this baby. Next, they will probably live a good life in the secular world for a period of time. Does he want to find a job in the secular world?

They have discussed with Yin Zhu before. Yin Zhu wants his children to enjoy life and enjoy the fun of a child like a real child. Of course, they are not the same. So these guys have to work harder than ordinary children. They also have to learn about the basic skills of orcs. Yin Zhu thinks that from Monday to Friday, children can study normally, and on weekends Let Jono lead them to the wild, contact hunting, and a series of things, including cultivation.

As for children's academic performance, Yin Zhu does not require them to be good. It's good to learn, but it's not hard to learn, but at least basic education is needed. That is to say, they have to wait here for their children to be 18 years old at least. If Yin Zhu has another baby during this period, he may still stay here. Besides, Yin Ping and his wife are also their parents Although they are not short of money now, Jono doesn't want them to become lazy. Moreover, there must be a source of their money. Although the country has recognized their identity now, Yin Zhu still hopes that they can experience this era like a common person.

Jono promised that in addition to Leihe and Cheng'an will stay at home to help Yinzhu take care of the children, the others will go out to look for jobs.

In fact, Yin Zhu wants to find a job. She has been playing crazy for a while, which is enough for Yin Zhu. She also has a lot of people who are idle, so it's better to find something for herself.

Moreover, Yin Zhu doesn't want Jono to stay at home every day and turn around her. This is not what she wants to see. The world is so wonderful. Since Jono and his family have come to this world, they should have a good experience and enjoy these things. This is what Yin Zhu wants to see.

Jono nodded. It's true that they should go out one by one. In this way, they won't surround Yinzhu one by one. There's no room for Yinzhu to be independent. Another is, if they are used to surrounding Yinzhu, will they fight for Yinzhu in the future? After all, Yinzhu is all they have. Go out and find a hobby or what they want to do It's also very good.

Farming and other things were forced to be helpless before. If they could, they would enjoy the modern life more.Yin Zhu said that he does not need so many people to do confinement, these guys or go to work.

As for what these guys want to do, Yin Zhu didn't interfere. Anyway, let them go. They have no financial pressure. They want to do something. One is to integrate into the present world faster, and the other is to hope that they can find their own fun in their work. Life is not only about family, but also a lot of other fun.

Qiao nuotangxiao and Bai Kun have all gone out to look for jobs. To tell you the truth, there is a lot of information about recruitment outside. However, these guys have no education background, so it is impossible for them to find a good job. Of course, if they are willing to use their own contacts, qingyunzi can find a good job, but at that time, I'm afraid they are going to paddle So Jono didn't say hello to those people, instead he went to find them himself.

Tengxiao soon found a job as a porter, which was very hard for others, but it was very easy for Tengxiao. Bai Kun went to work as a salesman. This guy is very eloquent, and it's really good to be a salesman. Qiao Nuo nodded, and it's true that they should go out one by one. In this way, they won't surround Yin Zhu one by one and let him go There is no room for independence. Another is that if they are used to surrounding Yin Zhu, will they fight for Yin Zhu in the future? After all, Yin Zhu is all they have. It's good to go out and find something they like or want to do.

Farming and other things were forced to be helpless before. If they could, they would enjoy the modern life more.

Yin Zhu said that he does not need so many people to do confinement, these guys or go to work.

As for what these guys want to do, Yin Zhu didn't interfere. Anyway, let them go. They have no financial pressure. They want to do something. One is to integrate into the present world faster, and the other is to hope that they can find their own fun in their work. Life is not only about family, but also a lot of other fun.

Qiao nuotangxiao and Bai Kun have all gone out to look for jobs. To tell you the truth, there is a lot of information about recruitment outside. However, these guys have no education background, so it is impossible for them to find a good job. Of course, if they are willing to use their own contacts, qingyunzi can find a good job, but at that time, I'm afraid they are going to paddle So Jono didn't say hello to those people, instead he went to find them himself.

Tengxiao soon found a job as a porter, which was very hard for others, but it was very easy for Tengxiao. Bai Kun went to work as a salesman. This guy is very eloquent, and it's really good to be a salesman. Qiao Nuo nodded, and it's true that they should go out one by one. In this way, they won't surround Yin Zhu one by one and let him go There is no room for independence. Another is that if they are used to surrounding Yin Zhu, will they fight for Yin Zhu in the future? After all, Yin Zhu is all they have. It's good to go out and find something they like or want to do.

Farming and other things were forced to be helpless before. If they could, they would enjoy the modern life more.

Yin Zhu said that he does not need so many people to do confinement, these guys or go to work.

As for what these guys want to do, Yin Zhu didn't interfere. Anyway, let them go. They have no financial pressure. They want to do something. One is to integrate into the present world faster, and the other is to hope that they can find their own fun in their work. Life is not only about family, but also a lot of other fun.

Qiao nuotangxiao and Bai Kun have all gone out to look for jobs. To tell you the truth, there is a lot of information about recruitment outside. However, these guys have no education background, so it is impossible for them to find a good job. Of course, if they are willing to use their own contacts, qingyunzi can find a good job, but at that time, I'm afraid they are going to paddle So Jono didn't say hello to those people, instead he went to find them himself.

Tengxiao soon found a job as a porter, which was very hard for others, but very easy for Tengxiao. Bai Kun went to work as a salesman. This guy is very eloquent, and it's really good to be a salesman, while Qiao Nuo

was a salesman

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