When Liu Xi heard this, he looked at Wang canming and said, "you stay away from me. Don't you think I dislike you too? Don't you want it? Look at yourself, you look so ugly, and then look at the group of beautiful men behind me. Do you think there are any better than me? "

Wang canming's face turned black when he heard this. It's true that he's not ugly. This monk has a worldly and refined temperament that ordinary people don't have. Not to mention that his skin and facial features are all good. It's true that his facial features are born. But people will be perfect the day after tomorrow. It can be said that as long as he doesn't grow angry, he won't be too ugly Handsome.

Of course, there's nothing to compare with Jono.

"Yin Zhu, I came uninvited. You don't welcome me." At this time, Liu Xi had already got close to Yin Zhu. She knew that Yin Zhu was in charge of the family.

For Miss Liu Xi, Yin Zhu doesn't hate her. Although she doesn't agree with her attitude towards life, she tells the truth that she is very pure in her conduct, which is much better than those who plot against you behind her back.

"Welcome." Yin Zhu wants to say that today is a good day, not to mention that Miss Liu Xi has spent a lot of money on it. The gifts given by others are valuable. Does she mean that she is not welcome? Of course, now Yin Zhu himself is not short of money, but what others give is his heart.

"Well, Yin Zhu, to tell you the truth, I still envy you. Yu Fu has skills. I also want to be like you, but these people like my money." Liu Xi looked at it with disappointment.

To tell you the truth, the more you know about Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo, the more envious she is. After leaving Yin Zhu, she also wants to find a pure person to love. Let's not say how long she can love, but Liu Xi finds that she can't do it.

"What can I admire? You don't know how tired I am. Sometimes I envy you. " Yin Zhu said helplessly.

In fact, Liu Xi's life is envied by many people. How many people have thought about the day when they don't have any trouble buying a beautiful man? Some people take the initiative to send him to the door. How cool it is.

"I think you're showing off. What's good about me? Living like me has no soul. Those people are very kind to me, but I don't feel any feelings. They are more like servants who take care of me. Tell me, how can I fall in love? " Liu Xi said with emotion.

"You're the show off, or the high show off." Yin Zhu said helplessly.

"I don't know how to persuade you, but I want to say that if you want to have a real feeling, you have to pay first. If you don't want to pay and just want to use money to measure, then the other party will naturally use money to measure you, or the way you start is not right, sometimes how to meet is very important." Yin Zhu said with a smile, for example, if she had not gone to the orc world, she would not have been with jonoreh at all.

If, in other words, Jono came across the earth, then Yin Zhu believed that even if he met several of them at that time, he would not be with them at the same time. He would only choose one of them. Sometimes, in certain specific environments, the consequences would be different. Now, they are hard to give up, so it's the reason It's going to be like this.

"Well, I think what you said is very reasonable, but I can't pretend to be an ordinary person to fall in love, and I don't think I can be an ordinary girl. I'm too coquettish. If I were an ordinary woman, I think those men would hate me to death. I'm coquettish and incompetent, and I would spend money." Liu Xi couldn't help laughing when he finished.

"No, who says you are incompetent? You may not find it yourself. You see that you like to dress up, and you appreciate fashion and dress. Many people don't have it. Besides, you can easily identify the authenticity of some famous things. If you give it to me, I haven't used it, and I won't watch it." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Liu Xi couldn't help nodding happily when he heard this, "it's true that she hasn't learned anything in her life, but she is very proficient in eating, drinking and playing."

"Do you think it's fun to have children?" Liu Xi couldn't help asking at this time.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "how can children say it's fun? Children can't play with it. Children are the embodiment of our physical and psychological maturity and our ability to bear a responsibility. If you don't have that plan, please don't give birth to children casually. Children are not only given food and drink, but also need education and love. So it's not fun to give birth to children, but there are some problems If I'm a child, I'll have a complete home, with my men. "

When Liu Xi heard this, he couldn't help being silent.

At this time, Yin Zhu could not help looking at Liu Xi curiously, "you seem to have some troubles. Why do you have children?" No wonder Yin Zhu thinks like this. Otherwise, how could Liu Xi suddenly ask himself this question and not know who is so powerful?

When Liu Xi heard this, he shook his head. "You're kidding. How can it be?" She had a good time, but she did a good job with children.

After a while, Liu Xi said dejectedly, "I'm 27 now. My father has only one daughter, and I can't take over my father's position. No, my father urged me to have a child, so that I can inherit his position, or someone will support me in the future, so that I can play happily."When Yin Zhu heard this, she couldn't help saying, your father is very kind. If someone helps her arrange all her future well, she will be very happy. "Do you want to have a baby or not?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

Liu Xi sighed at this time and said, "what do you want to have or not? The problem is that I can't find anyone who can have a baby with me. You say there are so many men in this world. How can I not find someone who can have a baby with me?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said, "what kind of men do you want to find? Don't worry about my men. They can't do it."

Liu Xi made a white eye when he heard this, "dare I miss you? Besides, those men are the stones in the toilet. They are smelly and hard. How stupid I am to provoke those people. "

When Yin Zhu heard her words, he couldn't help laughing, "for the sake of your first sentence, I don't care about the matter of belittling my man behind you."

"If you want to find the successor of Liu family, there are a lot of men standing in front of you to choose for you, mainly to see what kind of person you want to look for." Yin Zhu asked with a smile.

After Liu Xi heard this, he was silent for a moment. "In fact, I don't know. I just don't like the kind of man who flatters me all the time. Maybe that kind of man doesn't have any manliness and can't appreciate it."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry. "You just say you're shaking m."

"No, I just don't like people with strong purpose. I always feel that they have no feelings. Even if they are too kind to me, they always feel that I bought them with my money. It's annoying." At this time, Liu Xi reached out and teased Yin Zhu's two little girls.

"It's beautiful. Like their father, he must be a beautiful woman when he grows up." Liu Xi pointed out his finger and gently poked the little girl's face. The little girl's face was soft and looked very painful. The child looked very good.

"Well." Yin Zhu nodded at this time. There's no need to say about the faces of her two girls. Now she's worried about their figure. She doesn't want the devil's face to match the bear's figure. In that case, she will faint in the toilet.

"Don't you think you are very good at cultivation? You know astronomy, geography and the future. Can you help me figure out where my future father is? " Liu Xi couldn't help asking.

Yin Zhu then turned to look at Liu Xi, "no, that's your main purpose today."

At this time, Liu Xi nodded with embarrassment, "it's mainly because I'm bored by my father. I've been asked to give a reply, but no one. I want to ask Wang canming to give me a fart, but this guy is useless and can't figure it out. It's not that he says you're much more powerful than him, so I'll beg you, Yin Zhu. Anyway, I'll live my life I can't find another half in the future, so you can help me guide me and let me go straight to the right place. "

At this time, Yin Zhu was stunned. This Miss Liu Xi was just a fool. She married and had children so casually. And she believed that she was a stranger and gave up her happiness all her life?

"Well, I'm sorry. I can't help it. Our family are not good at divination. If tianjizi is still there, maybe we can help you to do it. Unfortunately, tianjizi is dead." Yin Zhu said helplessly at this time.

In fact, Yin Zhu wants to say that it's really unreliable to put his future on other people's divination. Besides, if Liu Xi's life is not good, what should he do?

There are many conflicts caused by interests in this rich family, and she should not be involved in this kind of time.

"Yin Zhu, please help me. I really can't help it. You know that I play in the world. If I follow my own way, I don't think I can find my partner in my life." Liu Xi has a headache and says that if she can, she won't ask Yin Zhu for help.

As for why I believe in Yin Zhu, the main reason is that Yin Zhu has such a good relationship with his partner that he should not deliberately introduce a person with a bad heart to her. Once the person designated by Yin Zhu, nothing else, at least his character should pass the test.

Liu Xi doesn't dare to think about feelings, and she doesn't dare to say that she can give people true feelings, so she just wants to find a person who can bear the responsibility after passing the test.

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